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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I have no problem with either of these. I would much rather risk arrest than have some idiot blow themselves up, and also I am not committing any crimes, so they can have my DNA in advance.
  2. Leaving the ropes out in the sun, rain and wind for a few weeks, then going back and jumping on them wasn't very smart either. Anyone who climbs has seen what a little sun does to fixed lines. This guy was extremely talented, but also an idiot who had a death wish. His demise was inevitable. The experts also spent time to figure out what happened, as opposed to his "friends" who rushed to judgement. Osman had jumped on the same lines at multiple different angles weeks before.
  3. I don't think any one person is to blame for this loss, our defense couldn't stop a damn thing, so the offense was hard pressed to stay in the game. BUT, Holcombs inability to throw down field is pretty apparent. A QB with an arm would be nice. That is all.
  4. Not really Buffalo, but close by: Go to the finger lakes to taste wine. Always fun, and women love wine.
  5. Whats between the deck rail and her? Thats right, the bathing suit.
  6. I'd rather be the bathing suit,,,,,,,
  7. So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is just like losing a member of your family. Grieve for a while, then maybe smokeyII is in the picture? A friend at work recently had to put his cat of at least 18 years to sleep. The cats name was smokey. Kind of wierd.
  8. What is this football related post doing in the Off the Wall section?
  9. Actually Rambo is going to fight Rocky. See, Rambo is using Rocky's viagra, and they come to blows ala UFC. Should be very interesting.
  10. Although the pick was deplorable, and a veteran shouldn't have thrown it, I really liked the fact that Holcomb played relatively well. He threw two picks, and didn't self destruct. I think that speaks for the true veteran. Crappy QB's throw picks and then keep throwing picks, go three and out, just plain fall apart. A veteran goes back out there and scores more points, leads long time consuming drives, and gets back on the bike. Holcomb did this, so I am quite happy to accept the pick and the win.
  11. I am praying that Indy beats the crap out of New England this year. It would be good justice and the true end to Patsy Trolling.
  12. OMFG very nice. very very nice.
  13. Well, we actually had a camera in your car for this event........... This is your LIFE!
  14. I think we're just some crazy experiment on a petri dish in some lab. Every day I wake up and hope that some drug induced student doesn't decide to dump us in the trash.......
  15. Somehow I suspect that guy isn't a Bush supporter.....
  16. Sure, this is the fault of the Police. Give me a break. These idiots who rioted were just looking for an excuse to be violent and loot.
  17. Jesus, I'm even worse off. I almost checked out during the GW years.
  18. I heard he's in Buffalo selling cable at a STEAL. He figured he would take a SLASH at the Buffalo market.
  19. Good point! I think they narrow midedly zeroed in on Jewell before a profile was even available. Ironically, these profiles are usually pretty close. Look at the profile for the Unibomber. They were right on.
  20. The problem is that the idiot thugs (were described in most media outlets as Gang Bangers) did not do anything to the nazis, they just rioted and threw things at the police. How much you want to bet there was looting?
  21. Or, he'll come back against the Bills, give the fans an emotional lift for the 1st Qtr, then, when he falls down in the middle of the field, with blood coming out of his nose and dies, we can all feel sorry for him. This guy is an idiot for coming back. He has a freakin family. I don't care what the media says, there is no way in hell his wife supports this.
  22. I don't know about worst, but this would have to qualify as painful, even funny.... Video
  23. When I was in the 4th grade, I lived overseas. The school had a big barbecue for all the families with kids in the school (American Overseas School). They had beer (free) for all the adults. Me and my friends went up and started getting beer from the line, when people would ask what we were doing, we would just say I'm getting it for my dad. We actually didn't drink any of the 6 or 7 beers we grabbed, we ended up taking them up to the playground where the K,1,2 graders would play and dug a big hole in one of the sandboxes and buried them. About a week later, we deceided to dig them up and drink some. Unfortunately we did it during the school day, and we got caught. When the teacher that caught us was coming up we threw all the beer over the fence (which he climbed over to collect the evidence). We all got 3 days suspension. Funny thing was that we didn't get an official record of the suspension, because the school didn't want to admit they served alcohol. Best part was when I got home from school my parents were waiting for me, I thought I was dead. My dad just looked at me and then put a beer on the table and said, "3 days suspension when is all you wanted to do is try a beer?" We both kind of laughed at that. That was my first and last suspension/detention.
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