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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Yes, it does suck. "Hi", back at you. The fact that you describe Boston as "Hell" as your location makes you okay irregardless of your being gay and married.
  2. You SIR, are an idiot. 100 times more corrupt than who? The only reason the french didn't support the war is because they knew we would find all the crap you sent to Saddam against the UN sanctions. The french just can't accept that france sucks because of the french, not because of the AMERICANS. Oh yeah, if it weren't for AMERICANS you would be german you idiot.
  3. French don't know how to fight back! What a shame, NOT. Couldn't happen to a better group of people. The french think they are so superior to everyone, how could this happen? Q: How many frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? A: No one knows, it has never been tried.
  4. Who among us has not mounted a large specimen and fallen off...
  5. I'm not so sure this guy is that tough. I mean, come on, a deer? If it was a polar bear, then sure he's plenty tough, but a deer is like fighting the computer geek of the animal kingdom.
  6. All of this sounds like quite the "sticky" situation!
  7. Why isn't there a picture of said cleavage? How can I make an honest judgement as to whether or not it is true? What a terrible article.
  8. I agree, asians are a problem when it comes to driving. We call it DWA, Driving While Asian. Second worse is,,,,, people wearing hats. Next time there is some idiot driving in front of you, nine times out of ten, if they're not asian, they are wearing a hat. It's true, I swear it.....
  10. Flying rules!! I love to fly but didn't used to. I used to have this problem with the total loss of control over ones destiny when in an airplane. You know, the plumitting to earth and not being able to do anything. Then some strange noise which I'm sure is the wing/tail/nose falling off, etc, etc would happen and really freak me out. Well, I took a drastic step to end my fears. I decided to learn about planes, and flying. I actually learned how to fly!!!! You can take a first lesson for less than $100 and if you are confident and seem to get it, the instructor will let you do all the flying. Now I have a much better understanding of how planes work, and when the young hottie next to me on a flight is freaking out because there is one of those strange noises, I can calmly say, nothing to worry about, it just the flaps, landing gear, (wing falling off)), etc. Take a flying lesson, and lose some fear of flying.
  11. No idea where you can download it for free. But, I find that 5 gallons of gasoline will burn just about anything.
  12. I think meth makes your teeth fall out faster......
  13. Has anyone received a real response? I got an automated email, but nothing else.
  14. How about the theme song to Magnum PI.
  15. If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.
  16. I actually quite enjoyed it this year. I worked a detail in Salem MA, and had two beauties dressed in maid outfits pose for a picture with me. I almost fell down when they rubbed there legs on me.............. They are forever burned into my brain. Please, no one tell my wife. Oh yeah, little bo peep was quite fetching as well.
  17. I didn't think that any of those were that good, previous years definately were more meritous.
  18. I know, but what makes it worse is living in patsie land.
  19. First, he says, "this is not a booth challenge, it happened before the 2 minute warning." Then, in the next breathe after we lost the challenge, "that was really stupid to challenge, because now they lost a challenge." So what, it was within the 2 minute warning. He is the ultimate idiot.
  20. In my experience, there aren't many Bills Backers at the Harp on a night game. I'd go in to watch it there if there were, but I just can't convince myself that it is worth it. Going anywhere usually results in being surrounded by Patsies fans. The safe thing is to just stay home....
  21. Along the same lines of you can't wish anyone Merry Christmas anymore because its not PC.
  22. BREAKING NEWS..... European officials are reporting a mass exodus of Goldfish from surrounding countries into Italy.......
  23. Having been to LA and experienced this first hand, my hat is off to the LAPD, job well done. These people are like the guys who would forcibly wash your car windows in NYC.
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