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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Yeah, me too. Just couldn't watch that.
  2. Finally, a real study about stoping the damn radio waves....... http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/
  3. There was a guy crawling making the pattern with his knees. I do agree it looked hexoginal.
  4. There is an old law on the books in Boston: Illegal to have a goatee without a permit issued by the city clerk. Not a goat, a goatee((wasn't exactly sure how to spell it).
  5. Here are my thoughts after watching last night.... Is the "security system" on the other side of the island protecting the main group of survivors from the others? Have the tail section people in essence led the "others" through the security system by luck to the main group? There must be reason that the others are taking people? What I mean is that the "others" we saw a few weeks ago were carrying the teddy bear and from thier feet, they sure looked like kids, the same kids that were taken maybe? What do the "others" do to people to make them almost zombie like? I say zombie because what kid wouldn't try to get away, or rejoin the group when they are walking through the jungle? Does puting in the code in the hatch keep the security system working, and protect the main group from the others? I would have liked to see the reference to the black smoke and whether or not the "others" attacked the tail group at that point. Lots of thoughts, but not many answers.
  6. I think this is oddly appropriate. KRAMER: It's just a write off for them. JERRY: How is it a write off? KRAMER: They just write it off. JERRY: Write it off what? KRAMER: Jerry all these big companies they write off everything JERRY: You don't even know what a write off is. KRAMER: Do you? JERRY: No. I don't. KRAMER: But they do and they are the ones writing it off.
  7. I give this guy credit for doing his job. He could have been watching the game instead of the fans, but he didn't turn, even when the crowd was yelling and screaming. He knew the Bills were driving in his direction, yet he kept watching the stands.
  8. God bless you, stay safe, and Happy Birthday!
  9. Seeing as I will not be working tomorrow, and I usually don't come on here unless I'm at work, I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces who are serving or have served. I really want to thank those members that have volunteered to be in harms way defending our and others freedom.
  10. Any of the episodes that contained Sideshow Bob were priceless, and the old Treehouse of horror episodes were quite good. The baby sitter bandit episode was hillarious.
  12. I disagree. The germans were years and years away from successfully developing the Abomb. We were working like crazy to develop it thinking that the germans were close. They never were. Their development of rocket engines was amazing, but they were quite a ways from having the Abomb. The atomic pile that was discovered after the war was found to be improperly constructed and would not have produced weapons grade uranium. German scientists that were included in the US weapons program later were amazed at how wrong and far behind they were. There are some great books that talk about the history of atomic weapons and discuss this very topic.
  13. Exactly why were you looking for this information?
  14. Don't even get me started on illegal immigration........
  15. Yes, I assume that you are not to bright. Your statement that italy would not be part of germany not because of the Americans, but because the germans lost to many troops on the eastern front is just plain wrong. Based on that, you would be russian instead of german. It's just not worth arguing anymore, I'm not going to sit around and let you walk all over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (humming patriotic songs alla Animal House).
  16. In closing, I would just like to add the following: france sucks Enjoy!!! Dammit, the link gets edited. www.ffrance.com the f is a 4 letter word that begins with f and ends with k, you have to spell it out all the way. Check it out. Here is another one: france sucks Not that good though, but funny....
  17. 9 out of 10 football players choose the Teddy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (we're not worthy!) brand!
  18. HIS NAME IS ROBERT PAULSON. Operation Mayhem?
  19. Well, the germans were in bed with Saddam too, and they didn't support us one bit. We rebuilt the frigin country after WWII. I have some like (notice I didn't say love) for the germans because german people seem to get it, they don't have to agree with us, but they don't hate us. An American can go to germany, and they have an appreciation for what America did for germany. You go to france and get nothing but ****. Also, in response to the italian who doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that he would be german if not for Americans, due to germany sending their troops to russia to fight, the AMERICANS provided the russians with the money, and in some cases the actual weapons they were fighting the germans with. My italian friend, you may have no respect for Americans or for what they did for your country, but, I would be willing to bet that your father and his father see it different.
  20. I have to say, I'm terribly proud that my thread created such a stir....... Also, if it wasn't for AMERICANS, Italy would also be part of germany!!!!
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