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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Depends on whats on the stick.
  2. Looks like we have a regular Cliff Clavin here......
  3. Well, in that case, I got a lot of problems with you people!
  4. I am not going to be able to post tomorrow, so I wanted to be the first to wish all of you people a Happy Festivus! Remeber, Festivus is your heritage. I really am going to miss the airing of the grievances.
  5. Similar to the Air Traffic Controllers in the 1980's, they should fire all of them. There are plenty of people that would like those jobs.
  6. I had to read it a few times to make sure I was really wasting my time.
  7. I want the last 20 seconds of my life back......
  8. (Elaine is growing weary of Kramer's childish antics. Kramer's practicing putting golf balls on her office floor) ELAINE: Would you please just get on with the stupid Bob Saccamano story?! KRAMER: Well, I'm on the phone with Bob, and I realize right then and there that I need to return this pair of pants. So, I'm off to the store. ELAINE: What happened to Bob Saccamano? KRAMER: Well, nothing. His part of the story is done. (Elaine covers her face with her hands - showing her difficulty coping with Kramer) So I'm waiting for the subway, It's not coming, so I decided to hoof it through the tunnel. ELAINE: Alright, well, now that's something.. KRAMER: Well, I don't know if I lost track of time - or what, but the next think I knew.. ELAINE: (Adding) A train is bearing down on you?! KRAMER: No, I slipped - and fell in the mud. Ruining the very pants I was about to return. ELAINE: (Reflects on the story) I don't understand.. you were wearing the pants you were returning? KRAMER: Well, I guess I was.. ELAINE: (Still confused) What were you gonna wear on the way back? KRAMER: Elaine, are you listening?! I didn't even get there! (Pauses) All right, next story.. ELAINE: Alright, I think I got enough for one day.
  9. If Buffalo can reap the benefits of tons of jobs for construction, then I'm all for it. I still have a dream of moving back to Buffalo!
  10. Don't even know if this is funny or dumb, but, My mother took me to get new shoes, I was probably 8 or 9 years old, I didn't like the shoes that she was making me try on. I was really upset, and I was forced to get them. When we got home, I put on my new shoes, and then went outside. I proceeded to walk to the neighbors fence and threw the shoes over. The neighbors dog "Kolo", had quite a good time with them. I seriously got in trouble for that. Never had to wear those shoes again though.
  11. Well, if they haven't bothered you until they are now coming out, you may not have pain in your back.
  12. What if Mr. Johnson and his two round friends never work again? Another thought is, Kidney Stones?
  13. Well, If I had sufficient pain to cause me to double over, and thought something was just not right down there, I WOULD GO TO THE HOSPITAL instead of waiting till tomorrow. But thats just me.
  14. It was a good episode. Sucks we have to wait until Jan. 11th for another. Why has there been absolutely no discussion amongst the survivors about Walt, the men on the boat who took him, and what happened to Desmond? Seems to me that they would try to figure out some of this as opposed to watching the movie again.
  15. I'm running a trip to Buffalo for the patsies game. We have about 13 people going, and I'm wondering where would be a good place to make a reservation for Sat. night for the entire group. It's been so long since I have gone out to dinner there with such a big group. Any suggestions? I have no interest in going to the Anchor Bar (been there done that). Also, I have two tickets still available for the game if anyone is interested $52 each, sec. 220. If you want to party with us its an extra $30 for food. BYOB. Thanks in advance for the help. Glen
  16. I believe she got busted for pot a couple of times. A pound of coke, no matter who you are will land you in federal prison for quite a while.
  17. My wife, mom, and myself will all be there. I doubt we will get there much before kickoff. How much snow is there at the Ralph?
  18. Well, I guess last nights episode where he confessed to torturing people (other than sawyer) would kind of kill the, not down with hurting innocent people idea. I'm not saying I don't like Sayid, his character is great, but he is NOT a good person. Notice how all the people have something bad in their past?
  19. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! T-minus 30 minutes until the bird goes in the oven!
  20. There were tones that he was related to a terrorist cell, and infiltrated the cell to be able to get back to his woman. One of them was his friend. He betrayed the trust to get something for himself. Lets just say he didn't infiltrate the cell out of his belief that what they were doing was wrong.
  21. This guy should be running for political office in Massachusetts. He would feel right at home.
  22. The Others? She saves him, he forgives her. Remember, Sayid was a terrorist, or something along those lines. He betrayed his friends to better himself, why would you think he could not forgive her? Also, he still has the other woman he was trying to get back to. Do we really think he loved Shannon that much?
  23. Although I agree the acting was terrible, (I hate Tom Cruise as much as I hate the french), the special effects and sound effects are incredilbe. I plan on buying the DVD and cranking it at home on my home theatre system. Maybe this explains why my neighbors don't ever say hello. I fear War of the Worlds right after my Blackhawk Down marathon might send them over the edge.
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