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Everything posted by BB27

  1. When committing an illegal act always place a plastic bag over your shooting hand with the weapon inside, when fired the bag will catch the cartridge. AAlso, they can only trace the catridges if they have the weapon to tie it to. Destroy the weapon, no trace.
  2. personally I would opt for a large capacity .40 cal semi auto.
  3. This guy wakes up one day and hears this voice in his head saying, "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." Of course he ignores the voice, he has a great job, a beautiful house, and a great life. But, the voice is relentless, "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas," "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas," "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." He keeps ignoring the voice, but he is slowly going crazy, every moment, even when he sleeps, he hears the voice, "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." "Quit your job, sell the house, go to Vegas." One day he wakes up, and he can't take it anymore, he quits his job, sells the house and buys a ticket to Vegas. He gets to the airport, and onto the plane, and for the first time in months, the voice is quiet. He sits there with a bag full of money from the sale of his house and sleeps soundly, waking up when the plane touches down in Las Vegas. He is so relieved, the voice is still silent. Then, when the door of the plane opens the voice is back, lounder that he has ever heard it, only this time it is saying, no yelling, "GO TO CAESARS PALACE!" "GO TO CAESARS PALACE!" "GO TO CAESARS PALACE!" "GO TO CAESARS PALACE!" "GO TO CAESARS PALACE!" He tries to ignore the voice, but it gets louder and louder, driving him crazy. Finally, he gets in a cab and tells the cabbie to take him to caesars palace. Once again, the voice is quiet. He dozes in the cab on the way to the casino. The cab pulls up out front of the casino, and the casino greeter opens the door to the cab. Immediately the voice starts screaming at him, "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" "GO TO THE ROULETTE TABLES!" He really can't take it anymore, so he goes over to the roulette tables, the voice is now thundering in his head, "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" "PUT EVERYTHING ON BLACK 22!" He can't even think the voice is so loud, so he quickly puts all his money on Black 22. The roulette guy takes his bet, and spins the wheel, putting the ball into play. Around and around the ball goes jumping from number to number, finally coming to rest. The roulette guy looks at the wheel and calls out, "RED 17" . . . . . . . The voice says "!@#$!"
  4. Quit your job, sell the house and put everything on Black 22!!!!!!
  5. Kennedy grills Alito about once belonging to a club that wouldn't allow women or minorities, and SHOCK, Kennedy belongs to one himself. This was run my the NBC affiliate here in Boston, but it didn't make the national news, gee, I wonder why....... Maybe Teddie is drinking again......... Kennedy's craptastic lie
  6. I can't believe no one has said this yet,,, the colts still had three time outs left.....
  7. No more talk of 3-peat. They have fallen off from where they were, and other teams are only getting better. They are on the end years of what was a great run. Can't say I will miss them, I won't.
  8. I haven't felt this good in ohhh so long. Its nice to know that the pats run is officially over!
  9. Well, not comprehensive as far as just talking about the Battle of the Bulge, but Citizen Soilders, and Band of Brothers (the book) by Stephen E Ambrose are good books about WWII and have chapter that talk about the Battle of the Bulge. Any book about the history of the 101st Airborne would be good as well.
  10. Take the job in Seattle!!!! I used to live in NYC the place sucks!!!!! Great place to visit, but you DON'T want to live there. Seattle is a great town!
  12. God I want the Jags to win. I'm actually listening to the Swords on the computer, and watching the patsies. Swords are losing 3 - 1 in the 3rd
  13. We may have sucked this year, but I wouldn't give up my season tickets for anything. You need the team to be turned around to support them, shame on you. I drive all the way from Boston irregardless of the BILLS record. No offense, but maybe you should start pulling for another team....
  14. The ultimate irony here is that had Willis had the 1000+ yard season, and a decent number of touchdowns to match, Rosenslut would have, and could have renegotiated a contract which Willis would have got. Now, maybe this will motivate him to play and work hard. I like Willis, I think he is going to be amazing. The problem all year with the Bills was lack of leadership. I'm hoping Marv can bring that back. Well, there is always next year.
  15. WGRZ Or go to WGRZ.com and link from the front page.
  16. wgrz.com is carrying it as well WGRZ
  17. Very nice, I agree, I agree, I agree... I make my wife send out Christmas cards, I refuse to sign or even entertain Holiday Cards.
  18. I thought we got rid of the patsie trolls.....
  19. So how is that "spyware and junk"? Oh intrepid computer genius.........
  20. I have downloaded it and have no problems with "spyware and junk", maybe its those "other" sites you visit and download from.
  21. Did you hear in the beginning when he dropped Marv's name by mistake.
  22. Call me crazy, but I think season ticket sales have been quite good for the Bills.
  23. I hate to say it, but, she should just come to Massachusetts. She could get everything for free here.....
  24. Why is everyone $hiting on Marv? I personally like the idea of him playing a role in this teams future. It can't get much worse than 5 years of nothing.
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