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Everything posted by BB27

  1. You cannot claim head of household. It is to complicated and lengthly to explain here, but look in the instructions for your tax forms, it will clearly explain what a head of household is, based on what you describe, you are not. Check the forms to be sure.
  2. I remember a story about a guy who regained his eyesight after many years of being blind. Turned out he had a brain tumor that was pushing on his optical nerves, which allowed him to see again. He unfortunately died from the tumor 3 months later. Docs didn't know how he regained sight until they found the tumor. How the hell do you tell someone that they regained their eyesight, but they also have a brain tumor that is going to kill them pretty quickly.
  3. I know it has been awhile, But france SUCKS. Everything from france sucks, the people, suck, the government, oh god, don't get me started. Just remember, if it wasn't for AMERICANS, france would be part of Germany. Figures the president of a$$ wipe france would actually believe that the call was for real. He (french idiot leader) probably has to use a calling card when he makes a call, or has to call collect (no one ever accepts), he was probably happy someone wanted to actually talk to him. Did I mention I hate france?
  4. Hiding assets is not good advice.
  5. If you get audited, and you have done your taxes honestly and correctly, then what do you care? Sounds like number 1 is more geared towards someone who has something to hide.
  6. If you downloaded thousands of shows, I would expect that they might pay you a visit. Doing it once I don't think they would care. Also, they would be going after the people/ person who put it out there. They are the ones distributing it, not the person downloading. The law might say both people are doing something illegal, but realistically they are probably interested in bigger fish than some guy who missed lost one week. THIS MESSAGE IN NO WAY SAYS IT ALLRIGHT TO DO IT THOUGH!!!
  7. I get the feeling that Charlie isn't going to be as evil as people think. Even though he was acting weird, and doing some pretty dumb stuff, Clair still thought enough of his "the baby is in Danger, we have to baptise him," to actually do it. I think there is going to be a reconciliation. I think Locke is the one to watch. He is definately taking a turn towards the evil side. How do we know that Zeke is actually one of the others? Couldn't he also be one of a group of survivors from another accident? Although that would make them the "other" survivors. More and more this is looking like a Lord of the Flies type of thing. This still does not explain the "Monsters"/ security system and its relation to the others. Sucks that next week is a repeat.
  8. Overall I didn't really care for the episode..... I wonder if baptisms of clair and the baby will result in the others wanting them? Baptism removes all previous sins, so now they are essentially good people. I'm not so sure that Sun is being taken by the others.
  9. Yeah, mental man in Miami was just acting strange........ You must be a liberal.
  10. Tonight just pisses me off,,, I am in NYC on business, I'm staying in freakin Times Square, and I am an idiot for not knowing the Swords were in town. I could have gone to this game... I am an idiot. I did get to watch it on TV though..........
  11. ba$tard! Now I have to go pour acid in my eyes.
  12. Alas, Perhaps another Marvism is in order: "If people who have to run football teams start listening to the fans, they should watch out, because next time they'll be sitting in the stands with them." Somehow I trust their judgement better than mine. I wanted Sherman, but obviously it wasn't meant to be. How about we give Marv a chance to make things right?
  13. I saw an interview with Tom Selleck and he talked about doing a movie. He said that the movie would be about Magnum today, not where the show left off. It did sound interesting. Did you know he turned down the role of Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark in order to stay on Magnum PI?
  14. I think the problem is that too many people take this seriously.
  15. Recently saw this on a sewage removal truck.... "We are number one in the number two business." I thought it was quite funny.
  16. Stage 5 says your invisible. Why wouldn't they be able to hear you?
  17. This is the right idea. But, if you really must have better clubs, spend the extrat money and get a set of pings. Or look for a used set on ebay Ping Eye 2's are awesome clubs.
  18. I went to the Billy Joel concert in Boston last night, and he sang a tribute to Picket that was incredible.
  19. Trained dogs can smell the tiniest amount of explosives, it makes sense they could smell someones breath and detect sickness.
  20. Very good! Yes, they probably would be.
  21. Haven't you ever watched Baretta or Kojak?
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