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Everything posted by BB27

  1. What federal agency do you work for? (you don't have to answer this) I have 745 hours of sick accumulated (a little more than 93 days) I am 4 months away from the 8 hour AL club.
  2. If its a conspiracy to win a super bowl, then I am all for it. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!
  3. I'd say he took that jump at break neck speed......
  4. Swords look awesome. I was at the game Sat. night, and what a game it was. My step father had never been to hockey game, ever. We (mom, wife, and me) took him to the game. We had awesome seats (5th row), and he got the worlds greatest hockey introduction. An awesome fight with in the first 2 minutes, and then to end it in a shootout. Awesome game. GO SABRRES!!!!
  5. God they are old. That down right blew vomit chunks. At least there wasn't a wardrobe malfunction.
  6. Can there at least be a naked fight? Or wet spandex? Please?
  7. I'm going to need a good picture of this girl in various poses before I can really render a decision about this issue. Pictures please.....
  8. If you like fight club, get the book "Choke" also by Palahniuk. It is just as good, actually a better book.
  9. I really don't know who will win this one, but, I would not be surprised to see Seattle pick off a few if Ben comes out throwing. I hope Seattle wins, I like their team, their heart, and their coach. Pittsburgh seems to be more about individuals.
  10. While watching the ones up top, just click on home, and it gives you the choice of all the bunny shorts. linky
  11. I have surpassed reading out loud, I just mouth the words silently. Sometimes I whisper....
  12. The fact that you even mentioned Flutie makes me sick. Why not bring back Ferguson? Kemp?
  13. During one of the recent playoff games either last week, or the week before, there was a hit where a reciever just couldn't hold on to the ball. The announcer said, something like, "no one could have held onto that ball..." Of course the announcer is an idiot. I immediately said outloud that Don Beebe could have! I remember a game where Beebe took such a hit that he was knocked out, but he still made the catch. He was out cold before he hit the ground, but he DID NOT drop the ball. Beebe was amazing!!!
  14. This one is good too! Alien in 30 seconds........bunnies too......
  15. Telescopes.com Great site, and have all brands. Not sure what you are looking for, but, spend more now if you really think you will use it. It is really amazing what you will be able to see with a good scope. I would recommend a scope with at the minimum a autoguiding system. It will help you find things that you want to see without to much work on your part. PM me if you want more information. I have 3 scopes of various sizes (largest with 10" aperature) and I can see and photograph some amazing planets and star clusters. I would recommend a Meade ETX for your first scope ETX-125 is the nicest of the ETX's, but don't know what you want to spend. $100 - $5000 are the ranges of scopes. $800 gets you something really nice.
  16. Haven't been to a Sabres game in Buffalo in years. Really, at least 20 years. Where should I park? How long does it take to get into the stadium? I actually have really good seats, I hope the Swords destroy Ottawa. Any good places nearby to have a beer before the game? Thanks in advance for the help.
  17. This is the best you can come up with? Your honor, the prosecution rests......
  18. meazza21 = france = myspace = pedophile = rj
  19. I no longer blindly open links posted on tbd. One has to be very careful or risk having to pour acid in ones eyes to clean them. Be afraid, be very afraid.....
  20. JERRY: Hey, T-bone! GEORGE: No. No T-bone. JERRY: No T-bone? KRAMER (from bathroom): Hey, is that T-bone?! JERRY: No! There's no T-bone! KRAMER: Well, why no T-bone?! JERRY: Why no T-bone? GEORGE: 'Cause Neil Watkins from accounting is T-bone!
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