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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Call me one of the hotheads, I'm okay with this as long as my kids can grow up and not worry about some nut job flying an airplane into an office building.
  2. Idon't have a problem with any american getting help to go to college. As long as they are an american, it's fine with me. Here in Massachusetts we are still debating whether or not illegals should get in state tuition (which means they would go for free). I don't really see the lottery as the poor supporting the rich though, thats kind of a stretch. I play the lottery when I want to. Haven't won yet, but you never know. If I do, I'll put some poor kid through school so you'll feel better.
  3. I always thought PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Animals.
  4. In my best Homer Simpson: "aaaauuughhhhhhhhhhh RETATTA aaaaauuuugggghhhhhhhhh"
  5. SU-25's saw a lot of action in the afgan war if I remember correctly. I saw a special on History I think where they talked about it. I was impressed with the aircrafts capabilities, but, the afgan war was many years ago, and lets be honest here, the russians haven't done a lot to upgrade their military technologies. So really Iran is buying warplanes built for the 80's.
  6. I say lets fight them there, before we have to fight them here in the US of A!!! Anytime we are taking the fight outside of this great nation is fine with me.
  7. OK Osama. Screw the Iranians. They are a bunch of wacko's that will be next after Iraq. I figure there is a plan on the table that we are going to see sooner than later to take out their nuclear ambitions. I wonder how many french and german products we will find in these nuclear sites when we go? No doubt the russians are helping them too.
  8. I used to ski Jackson Hole every year, and usually in the Spring. April seems later than I remember, but definately in late March. I found that if the hill is high enough, it is still quite cold at the top 1/3 of the mountain. Also skiing in the morning helps. Get off the slush by 2pm. The first year I went to Jackson, I made the mistake of going to the top of Rendezvous Mt (highest point) first thing in the morning. The snow and ice up there was bullet proof, and it was way to cold. Was great later in the morning. Never been to Vail, so don't know much about the spring conditions there. But hope this helps.
  9. Just about any military aircraft capable of dropping a bomb can carry a tactical nuke. They get armed before the plane leaves, and detonate either in the air or upon contact with the ground. Like I said any military plane that drops bombs can do this. The Israeli's use F-16's and F-15's for this.
  10. What a wuss bag kid. That kid is going to get beaten up quite a few times during recess.
  11. Natick Ma, just outside of Boston. I would guess around 16" right now, with more on the way.
  12. The plane A-380 can fly on two engines. Amazingly, some of the large two engine aircraft B - 777 can fly on one. Not intended to, but can do it in an emergency.
  13. I agree, the new Boeing "Dreamliner" will probably beat out the A-380 due to what will probably be the most modern airliner ever. The B - 777 is allready giving Airbus a run for its money.
  14. Airbus A-380 This thing is huge. I heard they have to rebuild airport terminals to accomodate the double decker feature. Also it will take approximately 1 hour to load all the passengers. US airlines haven't been jumping at buying them. Airbus took a huge leap of faith in this project, and if it doesn't pay off, they may be in a bit of trouble.
  15. Well, this does confirm it. You can't post an idea here that may have been posted before.
  16. I take it someone has already said this? Oh well, lately I have been really thinking this might be true. Although all the Walt / Michael back story seems a little to intense for a dream. Maybe Walt is just insane, and this is what is happening in his head?
  17. Totally random comment and concept here... What if all of this is Walts dream? I mean it was Walt who saw the Polar Bear in the comic, and then the Polar Bear appeared on the island. There are other examples too. Walt sees things and then they happen. Just my thought.......
  18. He was ejected from the car...... The seatbelt would have prevented that. How can you figure he wouldn't have survived?
  19. Some good checks being thrown out there.
  20. They didn't look to bad in the first period. They are playing like crap now. Almost like they don't really want to win. The passes have been terrible.
  21. They looked great first period, really taking the game to montreal. Now they look terrible.
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