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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Exactly!!! We both want to work towards going cruising upon retirement. Caribbean is only the first stop, then through the Panama Canal and off the Marquesas....... Sorry, no chef, I like to cook.
  2. At $140 per foot on average, I would say the marina we would stay in would not have many unemployed social misfits. Oh yeah, my wife doesn't smoke, we don't have a dog. We may have a drinking problem, depends on what you see as a problem. The marina we are thinking is quite nice, right in Boston (Charlestown actually), swimming pool, laundry room, etc.
  3. That was an awesome game. I billieve we made the Miami QB Lucas cry. There is nothing like a snowy game in Buffalo.
  4. We are going to do the Grandparents thing. The boat would be a vacation home of sorts. April through end of October is real nice here in Boston weatherwise, so call it 7 months.
  5. My wife and I are challenged by the real estate market here in Boston, in that even though we make good money, we cannot afford to buy a house we would want to live in here in the Boston area. I have owned sailboats my entire life, the last 4 years have been the first time I haven't had a boat. Recently we went to a boat show, and my wife (GASP) actually said to me, lets buy a decent sized sailboat and live on it 8 months of the year. I have always wanted to live on a sailboat, but never really gave it a lot of consideration. We have an offer to move in with my wifes grandparents (late 80's) who we help out a lot. We would have to fix up their house a bit, and then finish the upstairs. The great side of this is that we could conceivably borrow the money to do the work on the house (great location), and also have enough to buy the boat (used). Am I insane? My wife made me join a sailing club over the weekend so she could learn to sail officially. My mind is spinning with this idea... Am I crazy to be even thinking this?
  6. I went to the game last night, and did the Sabres ever look terrible in the first period. They really turned it on though, and proved they are by far the better team. I really like the way they are playing. I was concerned at first when Miller wasn't in goal, but Biron did settle down and play well. He was amazing in the 3rd period. Shots on Goal for the game was something like Buffalo 22, Boston 44, not sure exactly, but it did seem like Boston was rapid fire shooting in the third period in an attempt to win. It was really awesome that the Sabres fans (myself yelling along) go the LETS GO BUFFALO going in the third period. I was sufficiently scoring points with my neighbors (NOT) when I would yell out "HERE WE GO SABRES HERE WE GO!" Great game last night. I was worried that the Sabres were going to fall on thier swords after going down by two, but I was very happily surprised.
  7. At least for Buffalo, I think the guys that got cut are good for Buffalo.
  8. Good point, I hadn't thought of that. I really wonder when anyone is going to go back to explore that facility some more. I don't like the fact that days go by after really important things. An example is why isn't anyone at least talking about what happened to Walt, let alone go look for him or Michael. I think Michael is going to become the next Rousseau. She is wandering the island looking for her daughter. I'm surprised that she hasn't seen Michael.
  9. Friendly was Zeke. Listen to the voice, and look at his facial features. Same guy. Also, I agree with an above post that the disguises are so people don't recognize them from before, or maybe later. They wouldn't be able to infiltrate the survivors if they were identifiable. There may be something in the medical cave facility that ties the new guy to the others. Will Clair, and Kate tell everyone about the find?????
  10. Lets be totally realistic here. Do you really think the NSA or CIA are using technology that we even know about? Yeah, I want to use de-classified surveillance equipment to intercept eyes-only material........ I don't think so.
  11. Pretty neat video, but, I hope the killing is not just for sport. I hope they actually do something with the animal after. Also, one of these days, the hunter will become the hunted. He is letting wild animals get a little to close and eventually one is going to get him. I wouldn't say he doesn't deserve it. Hippo's are pretty nasty animals, wouldn't want one coming after me.
  12. I bought a Jim Kelly jersey. You can always wear it, and there aren't a lot of people who will take shots at Kelly. I think cutting the fat (Adams) is probably alright. Let's see what we do in free agency, and also are they making room for Moulds?
  13. Quail Hunting Hope this hasn't been posted already.
  14. Conservative. The president has no ba11s to close our borders and really conduct a true fight/war on terrorism. Illegal immigrants should be deported.
  15. I don't think anyone is going to go hunting with Cheney anytime soon.
  16. I agree. It doesn't matter what rank/branch/first or fifth tour. Put anyone in combat, and they are going to say they want to go home. It doesn't even matter whether or not you support what is going on, you just want to be home. I would be interested in knowing how many have families at home. Anyone with kids/wife at home wouldn't have to be told twice to go home. I wonder if this question (Would you rather be here or home) is even worth polling. You kind of allready know the answer.
  17. I will be there. I'm debating on wearing my LaFontaine Jersey or just a ballcap. Last few times I wore the jersey, we lost. Ballcap has brought good luck.
  18. Isn't it depressing when you have to fill out more paperwork to adopt a dog than to have a child.
  19. I would be willing to bet that there is a plan (us special forces) to destroy/capture all of thier nukes in the event that Musharaff falls. They do have nukes, but not many, it is believed they have less than 20 usable nukes or material to make more.
  20. I would say that if there is going to be a World War 3, it will involve China. And lets just say I doubt we would be their ally.
  21. I would not call pakistan friendly to the US. I would say their leader, who is basically a military dictator (took control in a military coup), does not want to piss us off. I would say that we are on borrowed time with pakistan, one of these days, he is going to get killed or ousted, and come to live in the US of A (remember the Sha of Iran?)
  22. Then on to the next group of idiots. Last I checked we have something like 10,000 nukes, and the ability to make more. (insert sarcasm here) I'm not advocating nuking iran, or any other country for that matter (well, maybe france), but I am advocating for taking the fight to them, before it gets here in this country.
  23. Well, if you were to look at the number of attacks by americans (like mcveigh) and the ragheads, I think the statistics would probably say its more likely to come from them (ragheads) next.
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