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Everything posted by BB27

  1. You clearly have no idea how an investigation is run, or how you catch someone. And you clearly have no idea what agencies are under the Department of Homeland Security. I should have listened when they told me to never feed the trolls.....
  2. Unabomber Aldrich Ames Robert Hannsen (one of thier own (FBI)) 1993 WTC Bombing USS Cole Bombing John Gotti (LCN Cases) Joseph Pistone LCN Cases Civil Rights Cases of the 1960's (Mississippi Burning) CIA was first in in Afganistan after 9/11 and with assistance from SF was able to bring down the Taliban. CIA dissabled the Iraqi Air Defence network prior to Gulf War 1. CIA had a number of plans to capture/kill Bin Laden however the then President (guess who) would not approve the missions. DHS is a huge department in the Government so you will have to narrow it down a bit. But, the successes of some of the agencies with DHS are way to long to even begin to list them here. Sure there have been some failures, but there have also been some great successes. You never hear about the case that results in a capture/disruption of a crime, you only hear about the ones that actually happen.
  3. Didn't mean in that way. Just making a point. Clearly I should have read the article all the way through......... I though the jibberish was left by the evil person........or maybe it was..... who knows......
  4. Maybe, but I doubt it. More likely it is jibberish written by some kind of psychopath. I'm sure that they (FBI) are farely certain this isn't a drug murder. The FBI doesn't think that someone might break the code, and decipher the message, they are hoping that someone might recognize the jibberish (ala "hey my brother writes like that") and report it to the FBI. This is exactly how they managed to catch the Unibomber. They agreed to publish his Manifesto, and his brother recognized it and reported it.
  5. Agree on all points. Airlines are trying to fit in as many seats into an aircraft that they possibly can. For them it is all about money money money. And I would wager that putting in all non-reclining seats would cost more.
  6. Yeah, they always are too expensive. It's all about miles though. I would wager that less than 5% of FC passengers actually pay FC fare. Most get upgrades because of miles. I had tons of miles on Delta and United, and I would say I sat in F more than 60% of the time I was travelling. I don't travel much anymore, so, now I must ride in coach when I do. I still have some miles on Delta, but not like I used to. (I have a friend who works for Delta who hooks me up from time to time, but I only ask for his help on long flights.)
  7. Thats the airline, they put in so many seats and the seats were never designed to be that close together. That would definately suck. If the flight attendants asked me to not recline until dinner was over, then I would, not recline until dinner was over. Its times like those (described by you) that an upgrade to FC or BC is absolutely necessary.
  8. I used to fly a lot, and got to the point that I was pretty much always getting an upgrade to FC, but if I am in coach, and I want to recline, I do so. I paid for a seat that reclines, why wouldn't I use it? If someone behind me can't work because they don't have enough space, then they should have picked a different seat or flight, or better yet pay for FC. I couldn't imagine being in coach on a long haul flight in a large aircraft with a center row configuration (747, 767, 777), then, I might feel differently. Armrests are always a battle, I agree the middle seat gets both of theirs since the aisle gets the aisle, and the window gets the window. I am quick to defend my space on the ground/under the seat in front of me. I once had a guy in the seat in front of me try to explain how the space under his seat was meant to be used by him. I laughed and said, "I don't think so." I couldn't believe he was serious.
  9. I agree, if you can prove that an item in a pawn shop is yours, and that it was stolen (police report), then the pawn shop has to give it up. It's stolen property, and possession of such is a crime. Where do you live that the cops told you to buy it back if you found it in a pawn shop. If you find it in a pawn shop, tell the pawn shop, and at the same time, call the local police. Don't buy it from the pawn shop, it is your property already.
  10. For the record, Federal employees represented by unions have almost no collective bargaining rights. Essentially federal employees have what WI is doing to their unions.
  11. Please provide verifiable evidence of this qoute and how it relates to the loss of collective bargaining rights in WI. Can you?
  12. Apparently! Are you drinking again? Smoking weed? Gotta be on something for you to think this.......
  13. You mean like the Dems did with ObamaCare?
  14. Victory! Coming to a union near you soon (I hope).
  15. I believe this is the proof that legalization is the only answer........... Yup, probably meth. Huge meth problem up in that area of the country.
  16. You shouldn't hate.....
  17. Emergency vehicles (police, fire, and ambulances) are required by law to stop at a red light and then proceed slowly through intersections. If the ambulance ran it as you say, then they are completely at fault for the accident.
  18. Ditto for me this year. Which, is better than the last few years since I owed.
  19. Actually, they were pretty restrictive in who they let go to those concerts (obviously). Blacks, hispanics, and whites don't sit/eat/play together in prison. There was a mexican mafia member who threw and hit Johnny Cash with a coffee cup (some kind of cup, can't remember if it was a coffee cup 100%) during one of the concerts at San Quentin. They didn't let the hispanics near him after that.
  20. Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!
  21. Did you?
  22. RIP Uncle Leo! And the other guy too. "Jerry, your cousin Jeffrey works for the Parks department......" "Hello!" "It was a crime of passion."
  23. little?
  24. I learned a long time ago that a smart husband never ever discusses his wifes weight anywhere, with anyone. Ooops, I may have done something wrong here.....
  25. Can we bring something other than coors light?
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