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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Sabres win! Sabres win! Sabres win! Biron rocked.
  2. At least Biron blocked Tucker!
  3. Swords shooters: AFenegenov Brier Connoly Sorry about spelling
  4. What the hell is this supposed to mean? COPS are people too, and the idiot congresswoman who thought that rank gives her privledge was mistaken. Rank requires responsibility. She is an idiot.
  5. This should help: Previosly posted video clip.
  6. Not trying to hijack the thread, but, I recently had the honor of listening to Colonel Daniel McKnight speak at a conference I was at. McKnight was the Colonel in charge of the Rangers that were in Mogadishu during the multiple day battle depicted in the movie "Black Hawk Down." McKnight blames Clinton for the outcome of those days, and also states that the people in the streets of Mogadishu that were directing the battle against the US Forces were predominately ARAB, not somali. Here is someone with direct and personal knowledge of the situation, and he says it was Clinton that screwed it up.
  7. The Rev. Darrell D. Elligan, president of Concerned Black Clergy, called McKinney competent, courageous and committed. "She has our support unconditionally," Elligan said. "She is not a threat to the security of our country." I Love the fact that no one is even remotely saying that she is a threat to the security of our country, what they are saying is that she hit a police officer. I would love to see her charged with 18 USC 111 Assault on a Federal Officer. Serves her right, especially since she played the race card. The COP was doing his/her job. For her to say that she is considering civil action against the officer is unbelievable, and if anything is probably making the US Capitol Police want criminal charges even more. This woman is an idiot.
  8. MR. ARM:Well, we've made our decision. We want "The Kramer." [CUT TO: Jerry's apartment, night. Jerry and George are watching a baseball game and talking.] GEORGE: Five-thousand? Why would anybody buy Kramer for $5000? (laughs)
  9. Tping a house will generally not involve a bomb squad, leaving behind a suspicious package is really a different issue.
  10. I was exagerating on putting them in jail, make them clean up trash with the rest of the community service sentanced patrol. Young girls would just love that, and I'm sure they would think twice before pulling the next prank.
  11. God dammit, now I have to pour acid in my eyes again......... I have to start looking where the links are going to take me before I click......
  12. When I lived in New Jersey, I would see them all the time out by the Delaware Water Gap near US Route 80. Saw a bunch last year on a trip to the Grand Tetons.
  13. Actually, I don't see how anyone can accuse the COPS of having done the wrong thing. We don't have all the facts, and I doubt that anyone thought that Osama himself put the boxes out there. Put yourself in the COPS who responded to the calls shoes, You are on hour 4 of your 8 hour tour, and you get the call for a suspicious package. What do you do? Walk up to the box and shake it and open it? What if it is a bomb? When your testicles, legs, intestines, and body is sent hurtling through the air by the 5 pounds of explosives you might think you may a bad decision. The fact is that anyone could have left the boxes, and they might want to harm anyone. Anyone remember the guy who left the bombs in the shape of a smiley face across the heartland of America? How about the Uni-bomber? McVeigh? ALF? ELF? Militia's? Eric Rudolph? etc, etc. These people all commited crazy acts of terrorism, and none of them were related to A-Queda in any way. COPS 1 Stupid Kids 0 Oh yeah, they should throw the book at them. Jail time is a great behavior modificator!
  14. Found one! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=44408
  15. Get with the program people! This is old news..... Old News Linky
  16. Supreme court has decided that you cannot look inside of a house with an infrared camera to see if someone is growing Marijuana. I can't remember the exact case, but it said that Law Enforcement's use of infrared cameras on a helicopter to look inside a house (through the roof) for the heat associated with growing lamps was a search according to the 4th ammendment and therefore conducted without a warrant (illegally). The evidence in this case(marijuana) was subsequently suppressed and the defendants charges dismissed. Even though Law Enforcement was right, they did not have probable cause to conduct the search (probably had reasonable suspicion). Again, the unmanned surveillance drones could be up there, but I would bet they are not flying over all our houses just looking for anything. These are going to be used to watch specific people, bad people! The new rules regarding spying do not say that the government can look at anyone, they say they do not need a warrant immediately, as long as there is probable cause to conduct the search (they could get a warrant based on probable cause). They do have to get the warrant within a specific time period. They cannot just search anyone. Big brother may be watching, but, unless you are a criminal, he's not watching you.
  17. All the episodes are available from Itunes. I just downloaded and watched last weeks before last nights since I missed it and wanted to be current before the show. Works great, and for 2 bucks an episode, how can you go wrong.
  18. Don't go to BK, or any other fast food joint. It's really simple.....
  19. Oh, we're not scrapping for it, we own it right now. I like it when no one is even thinking we have a chance though.
  20. One of the choices should be: BUFFALO I'm not convinced he's going anywhere.
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