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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I actually think he sounds quite lucid and is giving some good answers. Some people on this board seem to be quite anti Ralph.
  2. But I, my friend am willing to sit on that sinking ship as long as I possibly can. GO BILLS!!!!
  3. Where were this girls parents when she was growing up?
  4. There are videos of military/private and commercial flights. God forbid you look around for a minute.
  5. Check out the link below, plenty of video of planes flying, and if you search for dangerous / extreme conditions vids you get some awesome videos of planes landing / flying in extreme conditions. Flying videos
  6. Would that actually be your defense to a criminal charge?
  7. If it is not yours, and you are using it without the owners consent, then you are stealing it. To say if you didn't secure it, then I can take it is unbelievable. You rode your bike to the store, you go inside to grab a couple of things, you didn't lock your bike up. I walk up, see your bike is not locked, and take it. You didn't secure it, so I guess I didn't steal it. Absurd!! At a minimum, when you use my wireless internet you are slowing down the connection, which is depriving me, the owner of something. This is stealing, plain and simple.
  8. BING BING BING, we have a winner. Also, he probably didn't have a history of this with other Law Enforcement agencies, so how could anyone know? Lets just be glad they caught him before he could act on his sick fantasies. Every type of government agency (Local, State, and Federal) has people like this in their ranks, sooner or later they get caught. Here in Massatwo$hits they recently grabbed a Mass State Trooper for the same thing, except he was picking up boys. When he went to meet the kid it was a bunch of FBI agents. For people who are bithcing that the government is not dealing with this, it is one of the top priorities at USDOJ.
  9. So was anyone up for this momentus occasion? I woke up this morning and realized I'd missed it, and the world didn't end. Damn
  10. People who post their pet peeves on Wednesday when the thread title is "Pet Peeve Tuesday" DUH!
  11. How could this be happening in the great country of france??? France Riots!!!!!!
  12. Ahh, its allright. Actually, this is more interesting than most of the stuff here anyways. I thought for sure the link was going to have something to do with the latest Bills moving to LA rumor, or Moulds signing with NO. Or maybe even that damn screaming exorcist thing.
  13. Okay, I gotta admit, that was pretty funny. The look on the two guys faces was great.
  14. The end is near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This Chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill so what the !@#$ are you talking about? WALTER What the !@#$ are you talking about?! This Chinaman is not the issue! I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line you do not, uh--and also, Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred, uh. . . Asian- American. Please. DUDE Walter, this is not a guy who built the rail- roads, here, this is a guy who peed on my-- WALTER What the !@#$ are you-- DUDE Walter, he peed on my rug-- DONNY He peed on the Dude's rug-- WALTER YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT! This Chinaman is not the issue, Dude.
  16. I commute in traffic everyday..... People who insist on getting in the high speed lane, and then drive slow, which lets every other person get in front of them. I hate these people. Also, people who get in the Fast Lane / EZPass lane who don't have a transponder and decide to get out of the lane by stopping and putting the car in reverse. I hate these people too. Oh yeah, here is another one... Patriots fans!
  17. Yes, I think we are. At least Sadam isn't torturing and killing people anymore. Granted someone else has probably stepped into this role (I AM NOT INSINUATING THAT IT IS THE US OF A) but the majority of people in Iraq are benefitting from our being there. The god awful liberal media loves to portray the war as one we are losing. They will do anything to make people think this is Vietnam all over again. The other day I was watching a PBS program about the war, and it had a PBS reporter travelling with the Marines in Iraq. Whenever the Marines were oout patrolling, they would be surrounded by iraqi children. The Marines would be yelling back and forth about suicide bombers and snipers, in one scene they were actually in a firefight, then, as soon as it was over, the kids came running to see them. Nothing but smiles on their faces. Overall, I thought the program was typical liberal bullsh--. In one part, the Marines were taking fire from 5 insurgent fighters. They quickly killed two of them, but the other three ran into a marsh canal (tall reeds and grass) so the marines opened up on the ditch, mowing down the grass, and killing the insurgents, and the reporter had to get his two cents in about the Marines killing people who could have surrendered. The fact that they died holding guns and RPG's didn't seem to matter. I say we are doing good, and we are making some progress in some areas of Iraq. Also, isn't it interesting that we don't hear about how things are going in other areas of Iraq, except for where there is fighting? Also why don't we hear about what is going on in Basra where the Brits are in control? I would say it is the liberal slanted media that just reports on the bad.
  18. Because, the SABRES are a BUFFALO team, we love them, the yankees are from NYC and we don't love them. Pretty simple really.
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