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Everything posted by BB27

  1. My guess is that if you got to know someone on this board that is a season ticket holder, they might take care of you.
  2. Got 4 tix to the packers immediately without a problem, 10 tix to the patriots game again no problems. Finally got 2 to the Jets game after trying about 50 times. I guess I can't really complain, I got all good seats.
  3. Yeah, me too. F-in pissed if this doesn't work at 9am. I stayed home this morning to be able to do it from a good computer.
  4. aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! God I really really really have to start looking at where those links are going before I click. Time for the acid in the eyes again.
  5. ieatcrayonz!!!! The gerbil vermin is your enemy, he's plotting to kill you.............read the quote.....
  6. My quack doctor told me to eat it to replace the Splenda in my diet. Guaranteed to not cause fluttering of the heart.
  7. LinkyComcast live on the computer....
  8. You clearly failed to read the entire post. I am still drinking coffee, no more problems, it was the splenda. Some people..........
  9. Sucks because the Sabres are on and I'm watching that.
  10. Wow, I never thought of picking my friends based on that. It probably would have changed my life profoundly. What about women looking for friends?
  11. It is amazing that out of one million sperm you managed to beat them all out..............
  12. My doctor (not a quack) said that some people (their bodies) can handle the chemical substitute sweeteners others can not. Bottom line is I stopped using it, I don't have the attacks anymore. I guess what I'm really saying is that Splenda, Sweet & low, etc are not good for you even if you don't have a reaction. They are chemicals. Anyone can come on here and tell me that my doctor (Columbia University Grad) is a quack, that there must be another reason, not splenda (oh my god). But I know that Splenda caused my problem, end of story. Any questions? Oh yeah, Splenda DID not go through full FDA testing. They were not required to do so before approval. The websites that I was referring to in my earlier post were by people who had similar or other problems associated with their use of splenda.
  13. I second the video or sound card issue. I would check your video card drivers to see if they need to be updated. A new computer isn't always so new.
  14. I will be there in Spirit. I will be watching on Comcast. I would love to get some tix to one of the games, but I think my wife is sufficiently sick of hockey and would kill me. She'd probably go to the game after killing my to rub it in too!
  15. I figured I would tell anyone who wants to know about my experience with Splenda brand sugar substitute. I am a fairly active guy (mid 30's) a little overweight, but I work out eery week, in fact I lift weights 3 times per week and try to do cardio workout at least 5 times per week. I started having issues with my heart fluttering when I was at rest, like sitting at my desk at work, laying in bed, watching TV, etc. I never had a fluttering when I was working out, and never had any of the obvious signs of having a heart problem (pain, out of breath, etc.). But, I was having these attacks of my heart fluttering (I describe the attacks as the feeling you get when you are scared, the feeling of adrenaline and your heart suddenly racing). So, after having about a dozen of these attacks (each lasting at most 20 seconds) I called my doctor and he immediately had me come in to see him. Lets just say my health insurance paid for a lot of tests. I had every test you can imagine to try and figure out what was wrong. All the tests confirmed what I allready knew, there was nothing wrong with my heart. I was healthy and there was nothing to indicate why I was having the attacks. Me and my wife had switched to Splenda as a sugar substitute, I never even thought about it until I realized that I was having the attacks more often right after drinking coffee, and I have been drinking coffee for a very long time. The one thing that had changed, was the Splenda in it. So, after about 1 month now of not having eaten anything with Splenda in it, I have finally stopped having the attacks. My doctor was scheduling another round of tests, when I told him that I thought I had it figured out. He was not so surprised about my reaction to Splenda, and I was shocked to see all the material on the Web about how bad Splenda can be. Thought I would warn my friends here at TBD!!!! Thank god they don't put Splenda in Beer!!
  16. Yes, Yes, and Yes, but....... if we had never done the dumba$$ cowbell thing, who knows how it could have turned out..............
  17. Yeah, the cowbell thing worked wonders for the Bills last season......NOT F the cowbell.
  18. How do you shoot women and children? It's easy, you just don't lead them as much...... (Full Metal Jacket GREAT MOVIE)
  19. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! LETS GO BUFFALO B U F F A L O ! ! !
  20. Who drives 55 on the thruway?
  21. And that game is not real close anymore. Devils up 4 - 1 I want SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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