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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Do you have insurance thats paying? If so, go with the implants.
  2. Whomever was supposed to intercept those deliveries is probably not with us anymore.......
  3. (On the other side of a curtain divider, the silhouette of a shapely nurse can be seen entering) NURSE: Hi, Denise. Six-thirty, time for your sponge bath. (The shadow of a patient awakening can be seen) DENISE: Mmm.. is it six-thirty already? I fell asleep. (The two women go about preparing the sponge bath. George is visibly affected - breathing heavily, and staring at them through the curtain) SHELLY: (Seems not to notice what's going on beyond the divider) So, George, what are you doing now? I hear you got some kinda television, writing - thing? GEORGE: (Slowly backing away, he's not at all committed to the conversation) Yeah.. television. (The patient, Denise, is trying to get her gown off) NURSE: Let me help you out with that. Here, just slip it over your head.. DENISE: Oh.. thank you. SHELLY: (Nodding) Well, it's about time. We thought you were gonna wind up on the street. (As the bath is going on, George is now completely mesmerized) What is it you're doing, exactly? (A moment passes. George seems not to have heard his cousin) ESTELLE: George, you're cousin, Shelly, is talking to you! (Scene ends)
  4. He can only get married here in this liberal $hithole if his marriage would be legal in his state of residence.
  5. I got no love for the germans, they rate a little better than the french, but not much better. Nonetheless, I would be pissed if I had to drink Bud too. Bud sucks, drink some real beer please. Anything is better than miller, bud, coors, and the rest of the mass produced crap american beer.
  6. Clearly an example of someone not reading the entire thread. I allready admitted to being clearly wrong.
  7. "There were six people in house at the time of the attack, three women and three men, Caldwell said at a Pentagon briefing later on Friday. There were no survivors, he said." Thats a shame. Be careful who your friends are...... serves em right!
  8. We just inherited the house, so the yard hadn't been worked on in years. We had a serious moss problem, which interestingly enough is the same problem the neighbors have. I was going to treat the yard with lyme, but decieded against it. I basically took the moss/grass/weeds off with a shovel (top 1 - 2" of soil), and then worked the soil to loosen it up. We have a decent sized garden as well, so I stole some soil from there (not very much though 1 wheelbarrow at most). I threw down seed, and then put more down when it was really growing. I won't cut the new front yard for at least 1 more month. It really looks awesome.
  9. I ripped up my front lawn, and re-seeded it in April. I love this rain. I have the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood. My next door neighbor came over yesterday and asked if I would help him do the same thing at his house. I laughed, but I'll probably give him a hand.
  10. Allright, I admit, after looking at the pictures and stats, the guy is in pretty damn good shape. I don't know about worst post of the year though. ieatcrayonz must have me beat. Mercy, mercy.
  11. You think she's creepy now, just imagine what she'd be like if elected President.
  12. Who says he has 6% body fat? Trust me, 290 lbs is not healthy for anyone. Do you know how many pro linemen collect social security? Very few, thats because they don't live long enough.
  13. Maybe he can't take care of his toenails because he weighs 292 pounds, and can't even see them? I don't care what sport you play, if you weigh 292 pounds, you're obese.
  14. May he rot in hell. M249 machine gun, not an M60. Awesome weapon! M249
  15. Transplant with a baboon heart is what I heard.
  16. How sad. Reading all these posts about Paul and how much he loved his wife makes my eyes tear. RIP
  17. Damn, this is so tempting, except the airfare is out of control. I would totally do this if I could get a flight for under 300. !@#$.
  18. Unfortunately, I had to go to a wake last night, then a dinner afterwards. Sucks when you lose a loved one, my Aunt passed away after a really long hard fight with cancer. The upside to the day was that I was in Rochester, and I could hear RJ on 550 loud and clear. I was pissed when Carolina scored first, but yelling at the radio when we tied it up. Then up 2 -1. We finished dinner, and then started driving to my Moms house which is down on Keuka Lake. Friggin radio reception started to die. I could only hear bits and pieces. Wasn't until I got home that I knew the Swords had won.
  19. Anyone remember when PETA.com was People eating tasty animals The guy who ran it finally sold the site to the real PETA for some serious cash. It was hillarious, pictures of people eating all kinds of meat products.
  20. Here is some good info for you: Hamster food Hamster Toys Cute friends of a hamster
  21. Remember Walt said "they are faking, they're not what they look like" or something along those lines.
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