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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I want the last 5 minutes of my life back........
  2. FRANK: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reach for the last one they had - but so did another man. As I rained blows opon him, I realized there had to be another way! KRAMER: What happened to the doll? FRANK: It was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born. "A Festivus for the rest of us!" KRAMER: That musta been some kind of doll. FRANK: She was.
  3. Again, I think its time to use the Omega Force.........
  4. Sounds like we should send in the Omega Force.......
  5. We recently got ours (me and my wife). They told us it would take 6 weeks minimum (without rush service). We got our passports in less than 3 weeks!
  6. Cooking all the fixins for my wife, her mom, and her grandparents. This is our 3rd year of hosting Thanksgiving, and it only gets better every year!
  7. And do you believe that the timeline provided by the student newspaper is actually factual? Do you also have the CBS News memo's? Wake up and smell the coffee, or take your lips off the bong................
  8. I love Tasers!! You could not see what was happening each time he got tazed. Also, some people can be quite violent and fight extremely well on the ground in handcuffs. This guy was an idiot. Why don't we convict these Police Officers without all the facts. Until you have been in thier shoes, you have no idea how hard a job it can be, and how uncooperative and combative an idiot in handcuffs can be. Somehow I bet there is more to this story than the video (actually it is more of an audio tape) is showing.
  9. That was friggin hilarious!!! I vote with Homer Simpson for "Guy getting hit with ball in groin."
  10. Sabres 3 - Islanders 0 Miller gets the shutout, and the Sabres go to 10 - 0
  11. It's on now. I called and complained. They said they were working on it, technical difficulties.
  12. None of the two available games on Comcast will connect. Definately a comcast problem.
  13. Where are you? I'm in craptackular Boston..... I am going to the Sabres / bruins game next thursday.
  14. Sabres game not on that site. Damn. You can listen to the games from the Sabres site to any who are looking for it.
  15. Doesn't sound boring on WGR. Sabres up 2 - 0
  16. Can't seem to connect. And yes, I am a comcast customer. It's pissing me off, I watched the Bills suck the ultimate one on Sunday, at least I should be able to watch the Sabres.
  17. California DOC did this already. They would put gang rivals into the same area and let them fight it out. Also put child molesters in with gang members. They also bet on who would win. Oh yeah, There are a bunch of California DOC Officers serving time for it in the same prisons. What goes around comes around I guess.
  18. This is a great post. I was at the game Sunday, and although depressing, I though JP looked really good. I was standing in line to buy a beer at one point, and the kid in front of me was litterally crying how bad we needed a different QB. I kept saying who are we going to get, and he could only name QB's with current starting jobs with other teams. I asked him how exactly we were going to get Manning to come here from Indy (I had to clarify wether he meant Eli or Peyton) when that is never going to happen. I kept trying to explain how Jim Kelly (my personal football hero) was not always as good as he might remember and that he grew up a bit when he played in the USFL. This kid would not hear it, and it was depressing that a lot of fans want wins right now, and aren't willing to have a some ups and downs. The problem for us (BILLS) is we have been in the rebuilding phase for way to long. I saw a lot of promise from JP on Sunday, what a change from last year, I'm just hoping the stability of the organization stays for the long run. Great post!!!!! GO BILLS
  19. Counldn't you have combined these two posts/ topics? Other Willis post you just made.......
  20. I should have listened. I only made it 20 seconds in and then bailed.
  21. I thought his name was "dierdork"......
  22. I say Dick Jauron earns the ball today. The offensive plan was well thought out in that JP was not given much to screw up, and he played well in this scheme. Also, the defensive plan was excellent. Lots of rookies, but no mistakes, in fact they played like experienced veterans. Also they seemed to play 60 full minutes, something they didn't do last week. GO BILLS!!!!! Can't wait until next week.... I'll be there!!!!!
  23. One hour of clean, mistake free football and we are on our way. GO BILLS!!!!
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