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Everything posted by BB27

  1. 95% - Have no clue which one I got wrong.
  2. Someone beat me to it, but it is illegal.
  3. This is exactly my fear! How many times does the best team lose in the first round in hockey.
  4. I've got one word for you..... Massachusetts! Senator that killed a girl (glug glug glug Kennedy) Former State Speaker of the House that just plead guilty to Obstruction of Justice. Former Senate President with a serial killer brother who was tipped off and is on the 10 most wanted list (this guy did everything immaginable that was corrupt. Commonly refered to as the corrupt midget aka Billy Bulger) Don't even get me started on the Mass Pike Authority. (16 Billion for the Big Dig)
  5. These people should sell now!! How this place has not been decimated by a tornado is a miracle.
  6. Oh great, now I need some acid for my eyes.
  7. Sorry I even mentioned this. Down 4 - 0 in the 2nd.
  8. Swords are on Comcast Hockey Live tonight for all those outside of Buffalo who can't watch on TV.
  9. Go see a doctor! Another FESTIVUS miracle!
  10. I hope you know that most bodyarmor will not stop rifle rounds. Level IV plates will stop rifles, but they are quite heavy, and you can't cover your entire body with them. Remember, the best defense is a good offense.
  11. I meant to get up this morning and post a FESTIVUS greeting to all you idiots.... I GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE Festivus is not over till you pin me.
  12. Is this guy even a BILLS fan? I Live in Boston, and I will be at the game on Christmas eve with my brother from LA. Oh yeah, I have season tickets. Oh yeah, I was at the game yesterday. What a moron
  13. DING DING DING, we have a winner! Couldn't stand this movie.
  14. Somehow I suspect the russian prison system isn't very lenient. I would guess that 6 years in a russian prison would be quite a long time. Might even be a death sentence.
  15. Coy Wire is a stud!!! Only the Patsies of lately have been able to take a player out of their position and play them in a spot they shouldn't be in and be actually good at it. Coy Wire was amazing when he filled in at LB. We actually stopped the run when he was in!!!!! Cudos to him!!! I though it was amazing! J E T S SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!!! We had an annoying guy behind us (jets fan) at the Harp tonite! If you were there you know what I mean! LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!! I love the BILLS!!!!
  16. He would be the savior of the Bills! I like Ralph Wilson, but I think the drive that made him want to win the Super Bowl in the 90's is gone. He's going through the motions, but not really getting anywhere. Golisano would bring that drive back, just look what he did with the Sabres. Not a day goes by that I don't think to myself, and even say it to a few friends, "Golisano has got to buy the Bills."
  17. Today is JP's real test. Play well, win the game, no one will give a *&^$%*^ about the QB rating! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. It absolutely has to SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was at the Miami game a few years ago when the snow moved in...... We made their QB cry, can't put my finger on his name........(HELP!!) Ricky MaryJane Williams ran for over 200 yards but we still won!!!! If it snows, and snows hard, we definately can win. I'm going to the Miami game on the 17th, and it better snow!!!!
  19. My god, you guys are actually defending child pornographers now! Liberals Unite!!!!!!
  20. Laurence Taylor retired years ago, and, he only played defense. He may run through a few yards after buying crack while being chased by the police, but he isn't playing anymore. Jeeese..........
  21. I have to say, It's great to see JP do something to silence some of the critics. I was never one to say he is the next coming of Jim Kelly, I still will never say that, but I am quite happy to see him play good football and be able to actually play. The conservative play calling of the first 6 weeks was rediculous. I sat at the Harp today in Boston and pleaded with the guy sitting next to me to "just give him a chance man", and even after the win, the guy is saying, "I'm still not convinced we shouldn't start Holcomb." HOLCOMB??????? You have got to be f-ing kidding me. I need Holcomb as much as I need a kick in the nuts right now! How could any Bills fan not jump on the JP wagon now that it is actually a wagon. I mean, before today, it was more like roller skates, but not today, or tomorrow. I like JP, I want to see more of the type of play we saw today goddamit. What kind of a wagon is it anyways? A red one? Maybe one painted in the Bills colors? Could it be painted like a helmet?? God I love the BILLS! And right now, (I say this with an unblemished record of heterosexuality) I love JP Losman!!!!!
  22. I have 2 tickets, upper deck row 19, 35 yard line. If I don't use them, you are free to have them. PM me with an email address, and I'll let you know on Monday
  23. Why not send in the OMEGA FORCE??????????
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