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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Miller is awesome. What a save on the last shot......
  2. We get called, but they can trip like that....
  3. BB27


    Press 1 for english Press 2 for immigration Somehow I'm glad this gangbanger got deported.
  4. BB27


    Have you ever heard of the Van Buren Boys? Tough group in NYC. Hang around monks coffee shop.....
  5. 5 - 3 SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kalinin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I hope not, but he did skate off on his own, holding the cut on his forehead closed. I'm hoping they just aren't taking any chances.
  7. Saturday night in Ottawa is going to be reeeaaaaly interesting......
  8. Drury out with head injury. Won't return tonight.
  9. Wasn't it beautiful???? Brings a tear to my eye......
  10. Lindy knew exactly what was going to happen when he sent in that line.
  11. I didn't think of that when he did it, yes, that was cool.
  12. MccA MacArther just puts the Sabres back up!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yes, I like them, especially the one that just happened in Buffalo......
  14. Actually, I have a great job. But, I will not think twice about leaving to spend more time with my family and work part time doing some mindless job at REI, EMS or other outdoor type store. Glad you got it.
  15. Ottawa just tied it up, but amazing 5 on 3 play by the SABRES. Amazing fight, you just don't see that anymore. That will definately make fight reels for years to come.
  16. No pissing me off! I have 15 years in on my 25 year US Government pension. I plan on leaving federal service at 47, thats right, 47. I got in when I was 22 and once I have 25 years, I'm leaving and getting a part time job doing something I love. The best part is I keep my health benefits until I die!
  17. I wouldn't buy a former rental car. I also would not buy a car that was previously owned by the General Services Administration (GSA). These are all govt. cars that are out there that get auctioned off at around 3 years old. Lets just say I have personal experience with GSA doing absolutely nothing above an oil change every 10000 miles.
  18. Thank god I looked where that link was going before I clicked. At least I don't have to pour acid in my eyes now. Other than that, I have absolutely nothing of substance to add to this post.
  19. God was that a great game last night. I did a little dance in my living room and couldn't fall asleep for hours after. I can't wait to get to work and enjoy the misery of patsies fans. The best part was that it was brady who threw the pick to end it..... There is a God, and he isn't a pats fan.
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