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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I just read this thread from start to finish, and I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Some of my coworkers are coming out of their offices and yelling down the hall asking what's so funny.
  2. I watched. It was good, not the best they've done, but it was interesting. Talk about a motorcycle gang .
  3. You realize that the intel that got them the courier that led them to Bin Laden came from KSM (and others) being waterboarded. It took a number of years to figure out who the courier was, and then follow him to the compound. The revelation that OBL used a number of couriers, and that one in particular was highly trusted and probably living with him came directly from interrogations. Just saying....
  4. 1st grade? Sites not sights....... WOW.
  5. Ahhh, you beat me to it. Yup, the guy who put him down knows it. I expect a book in the future. Would be crazy not to write a book about it. I would read it, probably several times.
  6. Awesome job by our guys!! Best is that apparently we didn't tell Pakistan and did it on their soil. What a message it sends to other dirtbag terrorists. Hide all you want, even in a country that is protecting you( pakistan!), we will come and get you - - - - and kill you! I would guess that pictures of the raid and aftermath will begin leaking out soon. Awesome job! God Bless the USA and our brave men and women in the armed forces (and inteligence services) who worked so hard to make this happen. BRAVO!
  7. Come again another day?
  8. Great idea, I use a have a heart trap, with a small twist. After the little squirrels get caught in the trap, I put them in a nice big trash can while they're still in the trap........... Did I forget to mention that the garbage can is full of water. The little suckers keep getting in my attic, so I take a rather drastic approach, I relocate them to the afterlife. Down to just a few squirrels.
  9. Easter Bunny Hunt! Seems like they have quite a bit of fun with this.
  10. What, were you still serving part of that 5 - 10 year sentence?
  11. Did you look at the link? The Onion Sports Net?????
  12. Would depend if I was the victim or not.......
  13. Doubt it. More likely a trap to find an idiot federal agent. I can't even begin to understand how you could go in, use the bathroom, and leave your weapon laying there by mistake. It is always the first thing that I check (and I check all the time) when I'm flying. I did have a holster break once in the airport. Luckily I had another in my bag.
  14. Federal Agent (what the article said) does not necessarily = FBI agent. Just saying.
  15. At my wedding. We had an open bar and we paid the bar tab ourselves don't remember the exact amount, but it was around $4,700. I might still be paying for that, I'm not sure.
  16. Watching the Braves get creamed really cheers me up.
  17. Oopps. Well, I have been busy of late. Guess I should have noticed that. We refer to the date at the top of the page as a clue in the LE community.......
  18. And exactly what does that have to do with the cost of an airline ticket?
  19. Do you really think we believe for an instant that you actually need a good reason?
  20. If you can afford it, or have sufficient airline miles, then I would suggest an upgrade to first class (or even business class if available). What airline? What size aircraft?
  21. I would argue they both should end up in cuffs. He would probably have a decent case for self defense though as she did throw the first punch (if you could even call those punches).
  22. I am not in any way supporting what he did. AGAIN, I AM NOT IN ANY WAY ATTEMPTING TO DEFEND HIS ACTIONS. I would argue he did the exact opposite. He completely de-escalated the situation. It was over when he hit her. BTW, she looked kind of hot.
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