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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I believe he cautioned about making a "bomb" and not to put the cap on the bottle because it woud explode. Thats one hell of a road flare.
  2. Gee, MSNBC, pbs, CNN and the NYtimes...... They don't have a slight bias do they. Get real, if you think even 1/4 of the potentially 20 million illegals are paying federal and state income taxes I have a bridge for sale in NYC.
  3. Well, my two cats are fully grown, so, as long as they aren't my kittens, I'm going to continue to pleasure myself when I feel its appropriate........
  4. Making people criminally responsible is not going to make lettuce 5 bucks. Sorry. We don't need to kick everyone out, we need to figure out how to make them pay thier fair share. TAXES!!!!!
  5. I would caution anyone on putting something like this on the web. Flame away now. I mean, you are talking about making a bomb...... Also, I have a friend at the ATF who would love to talk to you........
  6. They are just running over US Citizens that US Citizens can't be bothered to run over..........
  7. I can't seem to get anything done at work today.......... I keep thinking about the game tonight, and then surf ESPN and NHL.com to see if there is anything new (there isn't). I'm stopping on the way home to buy some beer.........
  8. The problem isn't that they don't work, the problem is that they don't pay for any of the social services they get. Their kids go to school, they don't pay for it. They use the hospital, they don't pay for it. They use the welfare system (in some states), and again they don't pay for it. THEY DON'T PAY TAXES!!!!!! You and me pay for all the services, they don't! I propose we take all the citizens on welfare and make them line up at Home Depot for the jobs, reduce their welfare by the amount that they make taking the jobs....... I don't have a problem with immigration, but we need to get these people to pay for the services they use. Have you ever gone into an emergency room? More than half of the people waiting to see a doctor in the waiting room are illegal, they go to the ER for normal medical care...... I could go on and on........
  9. So sorry to hear this. Pets are a true member of our families, and it hurts when one is sick. You'll make the right decision when you need to. My thoughts are with you.
  10. Linky This link should work for all.
  11. Did these folks also find a finger in their chili at Wendy's? Seems kind of a stretch to me.
  12. Check it out.... Win today gives us the best record in the NHL and home ice throughout the playoffs. Also, Connolly is back. GO SABRES SABRES ON COMCAST.NET
  13. Cruise missles make a great easter present.........
  14. Yeah, but the PP kill was actually quite good, and we had a ton of penalties.
  15. At first, I thought he was crazy, then it turned to finding him funny, now I just feel sad.......
  16. I still refuse to pay for HD. It seems like a rip off to have to pay extra.
  17. Good show, but, Sabres on Versus tonight....... GO SABRES!
  18. I meant some of the critics that frequent this site...........
  19. Big game tonight for the swords. They need to come out and show everyone what this team is about. A good game and victory over the pens would silence some critics out there. LETS GO SABRES!
  20. I think I work with that cat......
  21. I think you have it right. But, I'm not an NHL manager, I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  22. 1.1 seconds left and the devils score. They still lose though.
  23. Watch the game, and listen to RJ call it here.
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