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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Congrats! And welcome to HELL! At least I'm happy knowing that you will soon be suffering like the rest of us.
  2. This is a sure fire way to get yourself in trouble. Kramer has a friend that can help you with this little problem.........
  3. Cool. I think I can see my house.........
  4. Spend what you want to spend. My only piece of advice is: DON'T BUY AN ENGAGEMENT RING AT A DEPARTMENT STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to a diamond dealer/ professional jewler. Go in and just look. Get an idea of what you want (cut, size, color, clarity) and then go back and tell them what you are looking for. You should buy the diamond and ring, but they should not be together until you buy them. If you bought your ring at a department store, you got ripped off. I spent $5700 on my wifes ring. The diamond is; princess cut, .99 of a carot, Clarity - VVS1, and Color grade E. Her ring is platinum with two baquettes (.27 carot each). It is a beautiful ring, my wife loves it and thats what counts.
  5. When I used to be a uniformed police, I would always pull over the cars with the kids not wearing belts or in childseats and would always give tickets. I would be amazed and creeped out by the responses by people about the ticket. Some would be angry that they didn't have the right to not secure their children in car seats. Unbelievable.
  6. Driving barefoot is no longer illegal! At least it wasn't in the 90's when I was there. Don't know about the arm in a sling though. If I had to bet I would say your fine as long as you don't have an accident. If you have an accident they may say your arm in a sling contributed to the cause of the accident regardless of fault.
  7. Just little mexican guys........
  8. I'm not at all defending this idiot for what she did. But, fans up here are all a$$holes. I went to a Billy Joel concert. Spent good money for decent seats for me and my wife. Billy Joel starts singing a classic song (NY State of Mind) and the idiot red sox fans decide to start chanting Yankees Suck. God I need to get out of this place......... Pray for me.....
  9. Unless the rules have changed in NYS. Failure to obey a traffic control device is a 2 point conviction. I would guess it counts as more now. I have never gotten out of a speeding ticket, but I have given out plenty that cost a pretty penny!!!
  10. Most of the people you saw in the video were climbers. Climbing is all about exposure and learning to deal with it. A smart person would clip in, but I know people who solo climb all the time, and they probably would not clip onto the fixed lines. There is an old saying about climbing though... There are old climbers, and there are bold climbers, but there are no old, bold climbers.
  11. Have a great opportunity to take my current position, and transfer down to eastern pennsylvania. Took the wife down there over the weekend to show her the area. Looked at a bunch of houses in Milford PA (really nice small town) and it is amazing how much house we get for 250k. Can't even touch a nice house in a good town here for less than 350k. My job will pay for our move, and pay closing costs on a new house down there. The best part is that I would be free from red sox, bruins, celtics, patsies (cheaties) fans and territory. I actually bought my 6 month old son a METS sweatshirt while we were there. I really really really want to pull this off and move the family down there. The only problem is it is my wifes decision. She has always lived here, and her family is here. She would not have to work down there, and she could stay at home and raise our son, and hopefully another one soon. Say a prayer for me that my wife will make the decision to move!!!!!
  12. Uh Oh.... someone picked us to be an okay team this year (notice I didn't say good team) WE'RE DOOMED
  13. I think you missed my point. I have no problem about people reviewing an incident or situation. My problem is with people who insist the police are always wrong even after a court of law has determined that they were not. I was also trying to say don't point the finger until you have walked in their (our) shoes for a bit.
  14. Would have been a serious mistake. Must have been 300 of us in there. So crowded you couldn't even move.
  15. 102. McSorley’s Ale House, New York, NY Great place. Light or Dark????? Best time I ever had there was after a cops funeral. Crying, drinking, pissing, eventually puking. I don't think any of us in the place paid for a drink the entire day/night.
  16. Yeah, I wasn't either, but I kept getting more and more pissed as I read the posts. I had to do something to support the thin blue line.
  17. Me and my wife had a similar experience. We waited in line and then were told we wouldn't see our passports for 6 - 10 weeks. 2 weeks later, we had them!!!!
  18. Currently being a fed (who some would say are not cops????) but having also been a uniformed police officer, trained to shoot until the threat stops. I think NYPD is still carrying 9mm (which is a crap round) so 50 rounds is not that many when your trying to hit a person concealed behind a metal door, windows, headrests, etc, etc. I can easily see how 50 rounds could get fired off in this situation. I am glad the cops were exhonerated. I hope the federal government doesn't try to step in to make the grooms family feel better. Just curious, how many of you have seen the full criminal histories for all the people in the vehicle? Heard from a friend that between them there were over 50 arrests for drug related crimes including possession of a handgun, and assaulting PO's. Until you have put on the badge, body armor, belt, and gun, kissed your wife and children goodbye and went out on the streets as a cop where at times you didn't think you were going home at the end of your shift (YOU ALMOST GOT KILLED!!!) then please don't try to explain how the police officers in this case overstepped their authority, did the wrong thing, or used poor judgement. If your experience with firearms is limited to time on the range where you shoot cans, you have no experience. The bad guy knows what he is going to do, I have a fraction of a second to react to his actions, and sometimes I have to and will kill them to ensure I go home at the end of the tour. Some of you guys make me sick. The irony is that the ones complaining about the police are the same ones calling 911 at all hours of the day and night and then complaining about everything.
  19. OK, OK, I was so wrong, illegals are great for our country.... But, when one of them runs over your child, spouse, or you, and flees the scene with, no license, and no insurance, please don't complain.
  20. HAve seen some .35's in my days...... These people were what I call professional drunks so they seem to have a tolerance.
  21. I'm going nuts waiting for the game tonight. GO SABRES!!! If we play 60 minutes of Sabres hockey, then we win this one. GO SABRES!!!!!!!!
  22. Illegal aliens cannot buy property. When you purchase property you must have a SSN or an alien registration number. There are probably some illegals buying property, but there are few. I also would not have a problem with renters with children who use the schools having to contribute. Legal aliens pay taxes, and I have no problem with them being here. Illegal aliens on the other hand do not pay taxes, I don't care what the NY (liberal slanted rag) times says about it. So, ripping off hospitals for free treatment just increases the costs to people with insurance (who pay for it). Great argument.......... Actually, what is the difference if I pay more in taxes or in health insurance because some illegal is getting free care and not paying for it? I don't want to pay more so someone can get a free ride. How silly of me........ Welfare needs to be fixed.......... Sure they pay sales tax when they buy something, but they do not pay state or federal income taxes. I don't have a problem if we change our immigration laws, but, if you say that illegals are paying their fair share then you're starting to sound like crayonz.
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