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Everything posted by BB27

  1. So, you agree with his post? Do you really think that Bin Laden attacked us because George Bush is the president? Why don't you go read his fatwah and then come back and post something intelligent......
  2. Dude, No comparison. You're an idiot if you think so. The people in the buildings and at the airport in Baghdad knew it was coming. The Abraham Lincoln quote in my signature line is for you......
  3. Edwards played terrible in the rain and wind early in the game last week, right? It's going to be beautiful in jax on Sunday...... Anyone see where I'm going with this....... Anybody???? Anybody?????
  4. I lucked out last week by taking the patsies and they held on to win. I took Seattle this week. They are at home after getting trounced by the BILLS and playing the 49er's. I figure thats a pretty safe pick. I'll probably regret saying this........
  5. This is the best idea I've seen. Get someone at M&T to threaten to pull their advertising with this station and maybe it will get done. Hit them where it hurts, in the wallet.
  6. Guys, if we really want to help our rivals (the stinkin patsies) then the best way to help them is to box up the footage of our practices and send them the video tapes. I mean they don't need that great of a player, Cassel could win them all if we just send the videos............
  7. Wilfork is an asshole deuchebag. Another example of why I hate the patsies. God I can't wait to move!
  8. You're either joking or you have been watching a different JP play for a different team. JP never seemed to be able to sense the pressure and step up and still make a throw, or, he couldn't sense the pressure and just get rid of the ball. Inevitably he would just get sacked. Edwards seems to have this ability. I also agree that it is a talent some QB's have and other don't.
  9. NFL Distribution Maps This website is a great guide to what game is on where. The guy who runs it is a patsies fan, but the site is usually dead on with what game is being shown where.
  10. Dude, Moving to Milford PA in February, I will also be looking for a place to watch the game. I'm putting a SlingBox at my Mom's place up near Buffalo in a few weeks. That way I'll always be able to watch the game.
  11. CBS Sportsline Power Rankings I think this guy just stuck a fork in them with his power rankings. #17 NE Patriots - "Yes, they're 1-0. But they're down here because Brady is done. Don't give me that 2001 song and dance again. This team won't make the playoffs."
  12. What a joke. I don't think they actually watched any of the games before making up this list.
  13. Looks like they finally shut it down....... Damn, I missed a touchdown......
  14. Used it last year a few times. Sometimes the video quality is good, sometimes, not so good.......
  15. Best movie ever.... The Dude: Walter, ya know, it's Smokey, so his toe slipped over the line a little, big deal. It's just a game, man. Walter Sobchak: Dude, this is a league game, this determines who enters the next round robin. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Smokey: Yeah, but I wasn't over. Gimme the marker Dude, I'm marking it 8. Walter Sobchak: [pulls out a gun] Smokey, my friend, you are entering a world of pain. The Dude: Walter... Walter Sobchak: You mark that frame an 8, and you're entering a world of pain. Smokey: I'm not... Walter Sobchak: A world of pain. Smokey: Dude, he's your partner... Walter Sobchak: [shouting] Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a $hit about the rules? Mark it zero! The Dude: They're calling the cops, put the piece away. Walter Sobchak: Mark it zero! [points gun in Smokey's face] The Dude: Walter... Walter Sobchak: [shouting] You think I'm fucking around here? Mark it zero! Smokey: All right, it's fucking zero. Are you happy, you crazy fuck? Walter Sobchak: ...It's a league game, Smokey.
  16. How about a really gigantic sling shot?
  17. LIBRARIAN: Yes? JERRY: Yeah I called before. I got his notice in the mail. LIBRARIAN: Oh, Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller, Uh, this case has been turned over to our library investigation officer Mr. Bookman. KRAMER: Bookman? The library investigator's name is actually, Bookman? LIBRARIAN: It's true. KRAMER: That's amazing. That's like an ice cream man named, Cone. LIBRARIAN: Lt. Bookman has been working here for 25 years so I think he's heard all the jokes. JERRY: Can I speak with this Bookman? LIBRARIAN: Just a second.
  18. You can't actually be surprised? NBC wouldn't want to lose millions for getting kicked out of China........ China is a communist dictatorship would you expect any less of their treatment of people and free speech?
  19. Bayliners are junk.... buy a Cobalt instead. Cobalt Boats
  20. Okay, we looked a little flat (at least our first string did). But, it is our first preseason game. And Theisman is an !@#$.
  21. Dude, If you seriously are into climbing (read mountaineering) then check out Rainier! Awesome mountain. Hike up to Camp Muir just stay on the Muir snowfield so you don't need to rope up. Make sure you have the necessary equipment though, many have died getting lost and wandering onto the glaciers. But, if the weather is good, the hike is awesome and the views from Camp Muir are incredible. It's what I would do in a second if I was going to Seattle. Or better yet, carve 3 days out of your trip and climb the damn thing. The gravy route is the Dissapointment Cleaver but it isn't necessarily dissapointing. If your in decent shape it isn't that difficult. You MUST rope up and should have a decent amount of glacier travel experience. Have fun!
  22. Worthless. Just searched a guy I know is a 10x convicted felon and it shows,,,, no record. I have a better system at my office that works everytime.....
  23. Somehow I bet the judge was appointed by a liberal moonbat politician........
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