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Everything posted by BB27

  1. And wikipedia is a really accurate site.....(sarcasm inserted here...)......
  2. Newman: Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming, there's never a let-up. It's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more! And you gotta get it out but the more you get it out the more it keeps coming in. And then the bar code reader breaks and it's *Publisher's Clearing House* day!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elaine: George I was just reading this thing in the papers, it's amazing! George: I know I was just telling them the story. Kramer: Come on George, finish the story. George: The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli! George: I got about fifty-feet out and then suddenly the great beast appeared before me. I tell ya he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence he gave out a big bellow. I said, "Easy big fella!" And then as I watched him struggling I realized something was obstructing his breathing. From where I was standing I could see directly into the eye of the great fish! Jerry: Mammal. George: Whatever. Kramer: Well, what did you do next? George: Then from out of nowhere a huge title wave lifted, tossed like a cork and I found myself on top of him face to face with the blow-hole. I could barely see from all of the waves crashing down on top of me but I knew something was there so I reached my hand and pulled out the obstruction! Kramer:_________________________________________________________
  3. Whatever you do, don't go with Home Depot. Buy the supplies there, but don't hire them to do the work. They just sub it out and from what I've heard, they do a terrible job at it.
  4. Kramer: "No, I want to trade you screen legend Anthony Quinn's undershirt. He took this off to do sit-ups in the park and I nabbed it." Jerry: "That's disgusting." Kramer: "Well, it's my final offer." ----------------------------------- Kramer: Hey buddy. Jerry: Hey. Kramer: Hey, you should come over. Tonight's pipe night. Jerry: What? What happened to your face? It looks like an old catcher's mitt. Kramer: What? Kramer checks it out. Kramer: My face is all craggly, it's crinkly. Jerry: It's from all that smoke. You've experienced a lifetime of smoking in 72 hours. What did you expect? Kramer: Emphysema, birth defects, cancer. But not this. Jerry, my face is my livelihood. Everything I have I owe to this face. Jerry: And your teeth, your teeth are all brown. Kramer:_________________________________
  5. It is not as hard as some people make it out to be, but if you are not handy, then do the demo yourself and hire someone to put up the new tile. Doing the demo will save you some money, and the fact that you hate the tile that is there makes it kind of fun. I am not a contractor/ builder, I work for the govment, and I tiled my master and it came out great. You cannot tell that I did it myself. I am handy though and do most of my home improvement projects myself. Also, I don't find doing projects around the house stressful, actually I find them to be the exact opposite. Have fun!
  6. God, I haven't posted in ages! Go see a launch, it is incredible/awesome all at the same time. Get as close as you can, the sound of it is what is really cool. You expect an airplane/jet sound, but it is nothing like that, more like a really loud ripping sound (that doesn't do it justice). If you can see a night launch I would totally do it, but they are extremely rare, and if I remember correctly, the last 5 are supposed to be day launches. If you are just going down for the launch, be prepared to go back and forth from where you are going to watch it because these things have a tendency to get cancelled/postponed many times before the big show. The prime viewing areas that are accessible to the public fill up a few days before the launch time. (at least they did when I was there,might be different now) I was lucky when I went, I had a connection with someone and actually got to go on the space center for the launch, we were real close.
  7. 1. Who cares..... 2. I want the last 10 seconds of my life back......
  8. Our economic problems come from way before the previous administration. Blaming GWB for everything is a cop out. The greed of politicians who take money from these failing companies and then use my tax money to prop them up is just plain criminal. Why is everyone so pissed at Madoff for stealing 50 billion when our government is stealing trillions from us.
  9. I want the last 30 seconds of my life back......
  10. Audrey: It's amazing how many beautiful women live in New York. I actually find it kind of intimidating. Kramer: Well, you're as pretty as any of them, you just need a nose job. Elaine: Kramer! Kramer: What? What? Elaine: How could you say something like that?! Kramer: What? What do you mean? I just said she needs a nose job. Elaine: No no, there's nothing wrong with her nose! I'm so sorry, Audrey. Audrey: No, it's ok. Elaine: What did you have to say that for? Kramer: Well, I was just trying to help out. Elaine: Yeah? Well, you can kiss that jacket goodbye, Mr. Von Nozzin. Kramer: You see what happens when you try to be nice?
  11. Didn't happen in the store, and the employee had no responsibility to pursue the perp out into the parking lot. Great deed, but should have stopped when the perp left the store. Sorry!
  12. Report them to your local ASPCA. This is a classic case of animal abuse.
  13. How about these two wishes..... 1. A NEW OWNER 2. A NEW COACH
  14. If the glove does not fit, you must acquit........
  15. Well, I was against Obama because he is going to raise my taxes. For the record I do not make more than 250k, actually I make about 100k less than that, and it me and my wifes income not just mine. I am smart enough to know that Obama is going to raise my taxes even though he says he won't. I know this because he is a politician, and all politicians are liars..... And, now that they passed the pork bail bail out plan it doesn't matter who gets in, taxes are going up to pay for it. Additionally, only about 50% of Americans pay taxes (rich people are getting loopholes, poor people don't have any money). So, the people like me, and my wife end up paying for it all................... I'm venting now...... They both suck as candidates....... I voted for BILLS WIN, BILLS WIN, BILLS WIN!!!
  16. No Lossman. Thats the only difference that counts.
  17. Yeah, great idea Then maybe we can try the west coast offense again...... I actually like his lack of emotion.
  18. Bills on regular TV in a lot of places this weekend. NFL Distribution Maps LETS GO BUFFALO
  19. You clearly have never had a concussion. He could be out for 4 - 6 weeks, I hope not, but concussions are an unusual injury that sometimes require a long recovery period. Playing (and getting hit in the head) while not fully recovered could cause serious long term problems.
  20. One word describes how I feel about OJ, MURDERER
  21. Thank you, I keep saying that. It doesn't matter who we beat, as long as we win. We keep on winning, it will build more confidence, and you never know where we might end up...
  22. Terrible story, and I hate to say it, but I would be willing to bet that Collier has gang ties........
  23. 15. Jacksonville. We have played one team in the top 15.
  24. Probably get flamed for it, but Billy Joel, "12 Gardens Live" is one I listen to a lot. Also Billy Joel "Songs in the Attic." Amazing how you can turn up Billy Joel loud enough to piss off your neighbors.
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