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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I feel slightly better now. Thank You. Sucks paying the man in April though.
  2. Well, with the news that a complete whack job has decided to make the IRS pay for what they've done, I figured it was a good time to start the annual "how is tax day going to treat you thread." Now time for my sad story..... I switched jobs last year, wife quit her job (60k job), and we moved the family to CT. It has been tough living on one salary, but we have been making it work. We even bought a house before moving here, so we though all would be well in tax land. IT'S NOT!!! We owe $3600 in taxes. I feel like Clark Griswald when he got the membership in the jelly of the month club instead of his Christmas bonus (sorry must be more PC, Holiday Bonus). Obviously I won't be sending in my taxes until the last possible minute. We had to ammend last years taxes to get our $8000 home purchase check since we were hurting with the loss of my wifes income. You really can't get ahead in this world. And, with the Bush tax cuts expiring at the end of this year I envision a better screwing next year as well. So how are you guys making out on your taxes this year?
  3. Well, it is tax time..... Not that I am in anyway saying its allright to set your house on fire and then fly an airplane into a building where there is an IRS office....
  4. Dude, I don't know you, and am sorry to hear about your health problems. I'll say a prayer for you. Your taking this board a little to seriously........ You need to get out more.....
  5. I thought you were going to say you discovered internet porn.....
  6. GPS is great if you have the ability to think ahead a little and know in advance a bit about the route. I tell my wife to not use the GPS without checking the route first. Here in the Hartford CT area, like most metro US cities, GPS sends you on the shortest route to your destination. This creates a problem in that it picks the straightest route, and will frequently send you through the worst sections of town. You might be leaving from a nice area, and going to a nice area, but the GPS will take you to your destination by way of an area that you never really knew existed. When people around you are buying drugs on the corner while you wait for the light to change you know you have discovered a new route highlight! Sucks when your sitting there with a 2 year old in the back seat and the local wild life is pointing at your car! Another tip. Always leave at least 2 car lengths of room between you and the car in front when you're in this situation. It allows you to quickly depart an area when danger requires it. I'll run a red light to get away from a bad situation if necessary. Also is always a good idea to have a gun, which I usually do, but getting in a gun fight with a 2 year old in the back seat is not a great idea either.
  7. Yes, yes, yes. There are many ways to trace computer related items, IP address is just one of them. The fact that you posted something here is just more evidence.
  8. Trust me, it is nothing like what the TV represents it to be.
  9. Nope, I think I just clinched it........
  10. If I was single, had no kids, then this would be an easy decision. But, I am married, have a 2 year old running around my house, and have 17 years towards a 25 year retirement.....
  11. I didn't handle this part of the expedition, but I'm pretty sure we flew with K2Aviation.
  12. Yeah, I know. And the fact that you revealed that you are a pilot in Alaska has me very very jealous. Best flight in my life was from Talkeetna to the Kahiltna Glacier on a Denali expedition. What a ride.
  13. YUP, the sound is the most amazing part. Night launch must have been amazing, I saw one during the day and it totally blew me away. Glad you got to see it go, unfortunately this is going to be a thing of history soon.
  14. I actually love my current job, but if I could do anything: - be a pilot (always have been fascinated by airplanes) - be a fly fishing guide ( I absolutely love to fish, love to teach novices how to do it, and have been told I'm quite good at it.) They are both equally ranked, one is no better than the other.
  15. Since the question is which are better, Duffs or Anchor Bar's, I have to go with Duffs! They are not the best in Buffalo, but they are definately better than the Anchor Bar's wings which I don't think are very good.
  16. Definately illegal..... In case you were wondering.... For the record, so is punching him in the face. But, probably leave a lot less evidence than harrasing him over his phone.
  17. If your paint is flashing, I would suggest that you stop using a blow torch....... Never heard of paint flashing... Flashy paint, yes, but never flashing.... Oh, is this dirty paint? Kind of like that guy in the park when you were little?
  18. Rosie O'Donnell Madonna (she can't act though) Susan Sarandon (can't be bothered figure out how to spell her name) Oprah All four are useless postules....
  19. The aircraft hit the ground about 50 - 100 yards from the building and then slid into the structure. The wings were probably torn off when it hit and then dragged with the fuselage into the pentagon. Also, there is a CCTV video of the plane actually hitting the ground and then sliding into the pentagon.
  20. How about now.... Does anyone know who won the superbowl?
  21. I'd be careful. It might be illegal, and easily traced back to you. The fact you posted it here is just evidence later.....
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