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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Not trying to be a smart ass, but do you know the difference between "there," and "their?"
  2. When I used to live in NYC occasionally you would get a steak home and begin cooking it and all you would smell is vinegar. Then I found out that they pour vinegar on brown meat to make it look red and fresh, and change the sell by sticker. OC in NY was always doing this and selling the meat to grocery stores at reduced prices. Of course the stores didn't really have a choice as to whether or not to buy the reduced price meat......
  3. Government Motors does not need congressional hearings, I would never buy a GM product, Ford or foreign is the way to go. I figure GM will be gone in the next few years.
  4. Fight club. If you liked Fight Club, read his other book, "Choke" it also has a great ending. Might be better than Fight Club.
  5. Warmer weather. That is all. Did I win this thing yet?
  6. Back from SW Florida, it took 2 days to get home, but we're here. I expected to hear that I had won when I got home. Did I win? Did I? ? ? ? ?
  7. The first one was so so good , the second one burned my eyes so so bad . . . . . . . . .
  8. Dude, I live in Connecticut. Every day down here is beautiful. And my 2 year old loves the beach no matter what the weather. Something about digging in the sand. . . . . . . . Did I win?
  9. Good Morning everyone. Off to the beach! Gotta love South Florida in February. Did I win?
  10. Playing with my 2 year old son, working on our house, and fly fishing. Prior to the arrival of the son factor, I used to: Ice climb, mountain climb, rock climb, bike, ski, etc etc. Crazy how priorities and hobbies change!
  11. Depends on the department/agency. Some larger departments have full time crime scene tech people who do all the crime scene work, but usually it is a uniformed cop who has extra training in crime scene investigation and responds to crime scenes and does the documentation and evidence collection. In the federal world we usually use the locals (the uniformed cop with extra training). FBI has ERT's (Evidence Recovery Team) which is a group of agents with special training. I have never in my 16 years of LE employment seen a department contract out the actual crime scene work. The lab work, sure, but never the crime scene photography or evidence collection.
  12. No snow here in Florida, although we got quite the scare last night at 10:13pm. We were sitting on the couch watching the piss poor Olympics coverage on NBC, and "BOOM" shook the house, rattled the windows, set off car alarms. Thought for sure a plane had crashed or an underground natural gas line had exploded. Went outside, couldn't figure it out. This morning, we see in the paper that the Space Shuttle returned in a rare night landing. Sonic boom heard all over southwest Florida at...... 10:13pm. Anyways, did I win yet?
  13. Okay, sorry that the Florida material is making people a little irate. Spent the day in the pool!!!! My 2 year old is a mad man when it comes to jumping in to his DADA. Did I win this thing?
  14. Made it to Florida without any major complications. Nice down here. Going to go to the beach and/or in the pool. Supposed to be in the high 70's for the next few days. God I love time off of work. By the way, Did I win this thing yet?
  15. Okay, you need more memory (RAM) not storage space, although it sounds as though your hard drive is kind of full. How much RAM does your computer have? How old is your computer? Google your computer model number and see what it can be upgraded to.
  16. Good to hear it. So now I MUST WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone please stop posting so I can WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I was just looking for my keys in here..... Did I win? Did I? Oh yeah, what exactly do I win? Or have I just been wasting my time?
  18. I am not a computer genius, but, Memory and drive space are not the same thing. Memory is exactly that memory, and drive space is storage. I would probably try to clean up the drive and get rid of unwanted junk, or better yet go to www.newegg.com and buy a new harddrive with a lot more space (terabyte, 800gb, 500gb, etc). If you still have the disk of your current operating system, you can just instal that on the new drive (unless we're talking windows 95). Pretty easy to do even for someone with no computer skills. Google "how to instal new hard drive" and you should be in business. That's what I would do.
  19. Yeah I get it, it George Bush's fault. You lefties (aka Moonbats) crack me up!
  20. No, thats ok. If you told me, I'd have to tell you how big of a check I had to write last year (had to borrow money from my Mother in Law!!) Lets just be happy that we're both happy with the way we see it!
  21. Doesn't matter, you got me out of the funk I was in, and knowing that someone else is writing a 10k check when I'm writing a $3600 check just seems better. Don't try to burst my happy bubble with all your math mumbo jumbo! Plus, I'm headed to Florida with the wife and son tomorrow for a week in the warmth!
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