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Everything posted by BB27

  1. God, I took a week off and this thing is still going? Did win I yet? THIS IS THE WINNING POST! I can feel it.....
  2. I agree, but the censors removing the "n" word is almost playing into "racism" because the movie makes total fun and exposes racists for what they are. Blazing Saddles is particularly funny when censored, because they don't put anything else in to cover the words, there is just silence.
  3. Earthquakes happen everyday all over the world. Haiti was a big quake in a poor country with little to no building code standards, so that made it even worse. Then Chile happens (obviously better building standards have kept the death toll down). Now the media is just salivating everytime a quake happens. There was a quake about an hour ago in Vanuatu (6.4). USGS Earthquake Data
  4. Awesome movie. Saw it again recently on A&E or some other cable channel. Who says older movies can't be good?
  5. I would guess that he is not getting out of jail anytime soon based on the fact that he has No Bail and high bail for various charges. I doubt that he will go to trial that quickly either, so I wouldn't worry to much right now. FL (you are in FL right?) seems to be decent on giving real sentences to scumbags, so if he gets convicted I wouldn't expect him to be out on the street anytime soon. Remember, you can never have too much ammo!
  6. Are you saying this thing is rigged? I don't believe it.
  7. Go to Old Town and eat mexican and drink a margarita! Awesome food, drink, and atmosphere.
  8. My next question was whether or not you had a pistol! Good for you, and talk with kids/wife about the situation so they know what to do if something happens.
  9. Couple of questions. Is he in jail awaiting trial on the charges? Was bail set? If he is in jail awaiting trial, and bail was set, then that still applies. If he was not given bail pending a psych e v a l, then after the psych e v a l he will have a bail hearing (maybe). In the federal system, a person deamed incompetent to stand trial would be sent to a federal facility where they will work to get the person to a mental level that they would be competent, then they would be returned to the US District Court for trial. They may, or may not be free on bail / release conditions after being found competent. Worst case scenario is that the individual ends up with an insanity ruling and goes to a mental hospital (never gets convicted). I wouldn't move right away unless that is actually a real option (selling house? Don't let the prospective buyer know that your neighbor is who he is) let the justice system work. Hope this helps.
  10. Damn, I missed that one. Was typing to fast. I corrected it. Damn kids today!
  11. Probably, but I'm not a betting man.....
  12. The Dude would drink a caucasian, not beer!
  13. The Smithsonian has decided that they do not want his suit. Sorry no linky! Just heard it on the news, so it must be true.
  14. Where does it say that they are Pats fans?
  15. It's okay, I was being a bit of a smart ass......
  16. Is this thing finished yet? Who was the winner? ME?
  17. Just amazed that people today (younger people) don't know how to spell or use correct grammar, and words like threw, through, their and there get through (not threw) the spell checker that the computer provides. Just an innocent question......
  18. I spend my money on a product I believe will last longer and be worth my investment. FORD is an American product. As far as buying foreign, , , they make good cars. If you want to spend your money on a inferior GM product, feel free. You missed my point on GM being Government Motors.
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