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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Sex.com no longer up for auction Let me get this right, the guy bought the domain for $12 to $14 million and the high bid was $1 million in a forclosure sale. Who was the idiot who approved the loan to buy it in the first place. No wonder our economy is in the tank.
  2. Depends on how the jeans were greened....
  3. I laughed so hard I think I scared the guy in the next office.
  4. Yeah, nothing like going from locked in a plane, to wearing shiny metal bracelets behind your back followed by being locked in a room lined with bars.... Yeah this is a great idea.
  5. I find this statement to be hateful and disturbing. Of course he would still be popular, he would change his name to Sponge Bob roundpants and everything would be fine.....
  6. Glad to hear it. I always wondered if other people put their pants on different.........
  7. The people I deal with would be out robbing people, stealing stuff, etc. These people would never be out getting jobs unless it was making license plates .
  8. I do this all the time, easier than trying to reach for a switch. Although my kitchen does actually have switches and I'm usually looking for something in the fridge anyways.
  9. Dumpster diving (as its called in the business) is a tried and true investigation method. Ask any investigator/detective with a few years experience and they will tell you that they have collected a suspects garbage. People throw out everything, and idiot criminals do to!
  10. Yeah, but not giving them welfare/Social Security benefits isn't going to stop them from breeding.
  11. This isn't really that unusual! Dumb Criminals!
  12. Didn't take it that you were offended, just wanted to set the record straight with regard to "several shots" over just one. Worked a case once where an agent shot a guy three times during and armed altercation. First shot was in the guys jewels, he litterally said to the agent, "you shot me in the balls, now your dead," and continued advancing toward the agent he shot him 2 more times and the guy finally went down (he survived). The bad guy was pointing a .44 magnum at the agent, and the agent fired 4 times (hit him 3 times) with a .40 cal sig. You would think that one shot (in the jewels) would put any man down, but, not so!
  13. You obviously have watched a lot of TV without any real life experience in combat pistol shooting. One shot does not usually incapacitate a man. I'll shoot an intruder in my home (my wife and children live here) as many times as I can until they hit the floor. And if they are moving around on the floor, I'll probably pull the trigger a few more times as well. Sorry if it offends you, but I'll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.
  14. I know, I know, I know. I guess I'm just making a point. Believe me I want less government involvement in just about everything, but I routinely have to go out and end up seeing kids that have nothing (I mean absolutely nothing) and are sitting around in dirty diapers because crack head mom or drunk dad can't/won't change them or even love them. It really breaks my heart (I finish every day by going home and playing with my son and watching him laugh!). I couldn't tell you how many times I went back to a crackhead house to ask if I could give the kids some toys and drop off a package of diapers. Again, I was just making a point about how some of the kids are f--ked for life. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.
  15. Come on, he's a heavy sleeper. I can see it happening if your bedroom is upstairs or downstairs from the doors. Lucky it wasn't my house, I would have shot him...... several times.
  16. He's half man, half bear, half pig. Great show...
  17. It has always amazed me that you need to fill out tons of paperwork and pass a decent reference check to get a pet, but any idiot can have kids whenever they want. Just seems odd.
  18. Now we're talking about force mergers, whats next slushfunds? payoffs? When will the insanity end? Oh yeah, did I win?
  19. Only problem with this is I moaned and complained about not having Versus, and they gave me NHL center ice when I threatened to cancel my DirectTV. Now are they going to take away my Center Ice? I hope not, I've been enjoying watching a lot of hockey....
  20. You're still not listening......
  21. Thats it, I'm bringing in the big guns..... Jackie Chiles There is nothing that can't get done with the good old fashioned American Way! Threaten litigation.....
  22. OK, this has gone on just about enough. I DEMAND THAT YOU CLOSE THIS THREAD NOW. I ALSO DEMAND THAT YOU POST A NEW THREAT PROCLAIMING ME THE WINNER. Failure to comply will result in legal action by my attorney. Sagman, Bennet, Robbins, Oppenheim and Taft are prepared to litigate this issue if necessary.
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