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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Big game for the boys tonight. They reallly need to come out early and play smart hockey. The sens have had their number for far to long. I really do not want to have to play the sens in the playoffs (to many bad memories). GO SABRES!
  2. I think the reminders are automatic even if you send the forms back. Without my knowledge, my wife (that hussey) sent the forms back the day after they came in the mail. We got the reminder a few days later, and another one yesterday. I can't believe my wife violated my constitutional rights by sending it in with all the information I was so opposed to sending. DAMN DAMN DAMN Oh well.......
  3. Tons of disabled vets in civil service jobs. Disabled vet does not always mean missing a limb, can be something small, like hearing loss. Lots of disabled vets in federal government, I work with some, they carry guns, and are normal hard working guys. Actually these guys are great to be around in a firefight (they've been there before and don't freak out when bullets start to fly). I'd run into a crackhouse on a search warrant behind a disabled vet anytime!
  4. Anyone work for a phone company (Verizon would be best). If you work in repair or tech services would be great. I'll pm you with a question if someone can help me. Thanks
  5. I got my reminder postcard from the Census yesterday. I guess they really want that information. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't fill it out.
  6. Dunkin' Donuts regular with cream and sugar. Starbucks coffee sucks. I'll only drink it when it's either Starbucks or a cup of Mobil on the go
  7. I figured if I could turn this into a political rant, then maybe it would get closed with me the victor!
  8. I showered this morning, and I didn't even know I had an "operation." Does this have something to do with ObamaCare?
  9. #4501 is better! And first post on page 226!
  10. Whether or not they can fine you for failing to answer, is another issue altogether, but I do wonder the constitutionality of some (I SAID SOME) of the questions on the Census form. I know they need to know how many people are living in my house, and how old they are, but why do they need to know if I have a mortgage? What race the people are? I'm going to answer the Census, but I don't think they need anything beyond how many and what age.
  11. Otter: Point of parliamentary procedure! Hoover: Don't screw around, they're serious this time! Otter: Take it easy, I'm pre-law. Boon: I thought you were pre-med. Otter: What's the difference? [Addressing the room] Otter: Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests - we did. [winks at Dean Wormer] Otter: But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen! [Leads the Deltas out of the hearing, all humming the Star-Spangled Banner] One of the greatest movies of all time! Did win I yet?
  12. #2, but maybe both. Don't know if you've heard, but they take things like lighting matches/lighters on board planes really serious these days. Even before you got arrested for it I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of passengers tackled you and beat the spit out of you. I'm not saying you did it, or are gonna do it, I'm just explaining....
  13. The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  14. I'm not really sure how to respond to that.....
  15. Without a recording of the guy saying it, it's a classic "he said, she said" and it will go nowhere. If anything calling the police will result in having the "boys" arrested.
  16. I knew I felt a little different this morning, this explains everything.
  17. Damn, I made it from 10:33pm last night all the way to 9:56am this morning. I thought I might actually have won this thing.....
  18. I used to use one of the multi-blade razors, but about 3 years ago my wife bought me a really nice Remington electric shaver (it was like $279 when she got it). This thing is the best. I will never go back to regular razors. I get the best shave and never have any nicks or cuts on my face. When I got it I was skeptical thinking it would never give me a good shave!
  19. If she doesn't have evidence (tape recording) of the manager saying it then I would just let it go. I can't see what they would arrest her for, the boys maybe, but not her. I would tell her to avoid going to Walmart anymore, but beyond that, I wouldn't worry about it. Call a lawyer is the best advice you could give them.
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