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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Sabres really piss me off. At least Ottawa is losing, for now.
  2. Dude, They aren't going to do anything to you for not filling it out. Trust me, I know these things, , , , , ,
  3. Seems fishy. I wouldn't give them any of this information.
  4. Glad to see someone is paying attention.
  5. Sabres win and Ottawa loss(in regulation) = Sabres clinch NE Division Title! LETS GO SABRES!
  6. It's not Friday. . . . . . . anywhere. . . . . . right now. . . . . .
  7. LMAO I think I scared the guy in the office next to me. Now he's yelling what so funny! Really crappy walls in this Govt. building.
  8. Or this stupid! Stupid for drinking and driving, double stupid for calling the cops on yourself!
  9. Where in Germany do they need to fly into? Need that info in order to look and see. (Have a friend with Delta who usually steers me in the right direction, but it is all about departure and arrival city). Also specific dates.
  10. No, way to early to cut the lawn up here in CT land. Windows are in, and have just the trim to finish. Should be done soon. Did you really win? I THINK NOT!
  11. Happy Sunday all! Today is officially install and frame replacement windows day! Have they closed this thing and named me the winner?
  12. So very sorry. Will say quite a few prayers for you and your family.
  13. You can listen to all kinds of radio traffic online. ATC radio Another interesting one, not as fun and police and fire, but sometimes can be interesting.
  14. Love that western ny accent. He's dead on about the tax issue too. With the economy the way it is, I'm amazed at all the new taxes that are coming our way (health scare).
  15. Morning all! First post on Saturday morning should count for something......
  16. I got to stop watching this, getting me really pissed off. This is what I mean about the Sens always seeming to have our number (they get too lucky)................
  17. Sometimes you don't! Did win I yet?
  18. I'd love to see it happen, but the sens scare me. Every year they seem to have our number. We play better hockey then they do all year but we can't seem to beat them (at our house, at thier house, playoffs, etc) when we need to. I HATE them, but I respect them too. GO SABRES!
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