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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Thanks, I really appreciate it. No need to reply, just leave my post up here as the last post......
  2. When does it come by again? I'll try not to miss it this time.
  3. Is it Friday yet?
  4. Tax time sucks! Just did mine today, owe 3500 to federal, getting pocket change out of MA and CT. Hate this time of year.
  5. I got mine at BJ's. Same as the ones at Best Buy but considerable cheaper. Have had it for 3 years now, moved twice, and it is hasn't fallen down yet. Definately mount it into the studs!
  6. Happy Friday! Nothing makes a Friday great like an M4 with 3 round burst! God I love going to the range, just wish we did it more.
  7. Morning everyone! Off to the range today for gleefull firearms training!
  8. manzere revealing two of the largest man boobs ever seen. Just then, the door opened, and in walked
  9. Personally, I would wait for her to actually be in the shower...
  10. Rfeynman walked up behind him and said, "want some candy little boy?" 5 wide's eyes lit up. . . . .
  11. Well it's a story about love, deception, greed, lust and...unbridled enthusiasm. Billy Mumphrey was a simple country boy. You might say a cockeyed optimist, who got himself mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.
  12. It doesn't say what he wouldn't testify about, just that he did not answer questions after claiming protection under the 5th. He could have previously testified and lied, and now is looking to avoid a perjury charge (most likely). Also, he could have committed criminal acts during the incident and is looking for immunity (common). 5th protects you from self incrimination. Does not give you the right not to testify. Hope this helps.
  13. Another 12 + hours and I managed to get two posts in a row! Shouldn't this mean something? (I know I'm setting myself up for some serious abuse) Morning everyone!
  14. Have you ever seen the inside of a turkish prison?
  15. Damn Damn Damn, this happens every week.
  16. Good morning everyone! 12+ hours without a post, and the last post before this was mine. I think that deserves some sort of prize..... Later!
  17. Check his pockets for spare change?
  18. Impairment is only in the eyes of the beholder. Or something like that....
  19. You should have just made him a batch and sent it to him for his enjoyment.
  20. Is it Friday yet?
  21. Can't believe this hasn't been said yet. . . . . . Rettata! I like everything else.
  22. Agreed. I don't want to play Ottawa at all. I hope they lose before we have to face them.
  23. Sorry, I was wrong, you can be fined $100 for not answering the first form, $500 for lying on it. They still cannot require you to answer it though, but it could (COULD) cost you $100.
  24. Did a little research, GOOGLE is a powerful tool. They can fine you for lying on the census forms, not for refusing to answer. The second questionaire is voluntary and you can throw it out, you do not have to answer. Also, on the first form, you are only required (BY LAW) to answer the questions about how many people are living in your house. The rest is VOLUNTARY!
  25. Hows everyones weather today. Absolutely beautiful here in CT. Unfortunately I am at work, and had to wear a suit today
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