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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Drinking now, Sabres lost........DRUnk Now...
  2. Happy Saturday everyone! Today is officially haul away yard waste day (for me)!!!!
  3. I am going to game 3 in Boston Monday night. I hope there are a lot of Sabres fans there. It is always great when the "Let's go Buffalo" chant can be heard in the bruins home. Anyone else going to the game?
  4. Girls father is a cop, he knew the idiot was going to get locked up. Way better than taking a shot at him and ending up sharing a cell with him.
  5. I made a big donation to the Human Fund a few years ago, , , , ,
  6. Last time I was looking for an apartment I used craigslist, and it was awesome. This was about 5 years ago, so it might be different now.
  7. I thought it was the right to arm bears?
  8. Happy Tax Day everyone!
  9. I think we need to send in the Omega Force!
  10. Only in your own mind and universe, here in reality land the game goes on!
  11. Happy freakin Birthday Chef!
  12. So sorry for your loss. Pets become real family members and losing them is no easier than any other member of the family. So sorry!
  13. I knew 8 doors, and he was a good man. Last of the Mohicans I hear. Make sure you do it right so it's over quickly..... Tough line of work you're in. Must be hard on you. Will the insanity ever end?
  14. BB27


    Yes, they are tough to back up in, but as an off road vehicle, they rule. Way better than a jeep.
  15. Only missed you a little, and no, you didn't win.
  16. BB27


    Buy an FJ instead. Way better in my opinion (okay, release the buy american onslaught).
  17. Cali is expensive, have family out there (LA), and a bunch of friends in San Fran. The state is essentially broke, so don't expect to get your unemployment beni's paid by CA. I don't know what the rules are for NY, but I think once you leave the state your unemployment Benefits stop. I might be wrong on this though. My 2 cents!
  18. No, it doesn't. Thanks for noticing. Again, no need to reply. Ever.
  19. Yeah, I'm a blast, I'm the guy with the battering ram yelling "POLICE, SEARCH WARRANT"!
  20. Sounds like you have it all figured out and justified in your mind. Have fun.
  21. It isn't that hard to figure out who DrDankenstein is you know. Just FYI.
  22. All of this testimony about how great they are, you all forgot about how illegal they are and posted that you use them on a public bulletin board. Just wanted to make sure you all know what your doing in your altered mental states.
  23. You guys all realize that you are admitting to using ILLEGAL narcotics right? I hope you never apply for a job that requires a clearance / background investigation.
  24. South Dakota? Never knew anyone in South Dakota that was screwing everything up.....
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