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Everything posted by BB27

  1. In my world this is mumbo jumbo for the case is over, but the paperwork hasn't made it to the clerk yet. I would guess that he took a plea to one, two, three of the charges with the others dismissed (plea deal). Usually paperwork to the clerk only becomes an issue when there is a plea and both attorneys need to sign the paperwork, etc. Believe it or not, there is a lot more paperwork associated with a plea than with a jury trial. Thats my guess at least.
  2. Seems like a pretty sticky situation!
  3. Jackson Hole Wyoming! Airport right in the Tetons, and the scenery and small town atmosphere is awesome. Kind of pricey though.
  4. Happy June 1st everyone!
  5. I say we legalize it, actually we should require anyone who is driving to smoke a doobee.
  6. Only in certain states where 2 party consent is not required.
  7. I think it only applies to audio. So video is fine, but audio is illegal.
  8. Maryland is a two party consent state, so, it is illegal to record someone without thier consent. Sorry, that is the law in Maryland, Massachusetts is the same. As far as pulling his gun, I watched the video, and coming from the law enforcement side of things, I see absolutely nothing wrong with what he did.
  9. Yeah, they are called parents. Put the computer in a public place in your home and closely monitor what and when it is used. Don't expect software programs to be able to keep your kids safe. Not trying to be confrontational, just pointing out reality.
  10. Yeah, this team plays great in bad weather
  11. Got it, but it is always good for a few laughs!
  12. Wow, for an insane crazy guy you almost sound normal ..... NOT.
  13. If you decide that you are going to buy a gun,, , , , take a good handgun course that includes extensive hands on training. A good tactical pistol course is a must if you are really going to try to use the weapon for personal protection. It is a lot harder than just pointing the gun at the target and pulling the trigger. With no training, or minimal training, you are setting yourself up for failure, or a serious accident.
  14. That was pretty cool. Sucks that the shuttle program is coming to an end and there doesn't seem to be any real interest in finding a new viable alternative.
  15. This cop will never live this down. I can hear the jokes and jabs from the rest of the PD right now. Worst thing you can do as a cop, lock your keys in your car, and then have to call for someone to help you get it opened! But this might beat it. At least in this instance you can blame the drunk.
  16. How about actual castration? Seems more appropriate in my mind.
  17. I take it you are not Canadian?
  18. Of course it is the phone companies fault that her life is ruined! God forbid that she actually take responsibility for her actions. Tramp!
  19. I don't have a problem with this. The rule is pretty clear, the competitor failed to abide by it, so she should be disqualified. Remember, rules are rules, and they are important. You guys will probably want to legalize drugs too.
  20. I would say that you should decide what it is you want to do in the military, and then make your decision based on which branch of the service will give you that. Figure out what specialty you want first, then make the big decision. Don't make this decision to quickly, because you might regret it, and you can't just quit.
  21. I did it for real the first time, and it says I'll make it to 92. I picked everything bad the second time, and I'll only make it to 27! Guess I'm already dead!
  22. I haven't posted on here in quite a few days.... Did I win? Is this actually the winning post? YES!!!!
  23. I recently bought a PETA shirt. Although, mine is People Eating Tasty Animals Love it! I had some idiot spray my expensive leather jacket with bleach in NYC once about 10 years ago. Ever since then, they don't get a dime of my time or money. I actually enjoy making fun of them (go to a rally and eat a burger!!!!)
  24. They're just smuggling the marijuana that americans don't want to smuggle.....
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