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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I think it's morally wrong the way the govt spends my taxes!
  2. I can't stand Friendly's. Their food generally SUCKS. Friendly's is the last place on earth I would go for a burger. That is all.
  3. I'm sorry, I just don't have the time, or the energy to explain how things really work in the real world. I would instead like to spend the little time I have on here to just use small one-liners to make fun of you. I apologize now if I accuse you of using drugs(you have admitted to extensive drug use), not paying your taxes, or of being a guest at the local, state or federal penal institute (you deny having ever been arrested, I would argue it is only a matter of time if it hasn't already happened). Thank You
  4. Oh yeah, they are going to waste time prosecuting you for serving a hamburger. You are way caught up in the conspiracy theory! I don't want to offend you by accusing you of using drugs, or not paying your taxes . . . . . .
  5. I'll take that as a "NO" about paying taxes.
  6. I know all about the Grand Jury (have you ever testified in one?). You never answered my earlier question about whether you pay your taxes (income tax)?
  7. Then, after a few minutes of you trying to convince the judge that the court has no jurisdiction, he rules against you, and the trial goes on as if your argument never happened. You get convicted, and appeal, the judge again rules against your misplaced and wrong "no jurisdiction" idea. You keep appealing and the courts finally get fed up and refuse to here any more of your "no jurisdiction" pleas. This is how it will really happen!
  8. I think it's an M4.
  9. Based on his reasoning, every law you mention is invalid because of the cop needing to get paid or something. What if the cop was a volunteer?
  10. I'm still laughing....
  11. Dude, go hit the bong, pipe, needle, bottle, or whatever it is again.....
  12. Tell that to the cop who comes to your house in the middle of the night when you have a problem. Ironically he/she will probably still help you. My guess is you've seen the wrong side of law enforcement (specifically the inside of a jail cell)a few times and can't accept that they were right and you were wrong. How many times have you been arrested? Substance abuse problems? Beat the old lady a few times? It's okay, you're the victim here. Blame the cop, it's all thier fault...... Did I mention that you should go hit the bong again?
  13. Perk of the job (just kidding)! Actually, more and more cops are losing their jobs over this very thing with all the new technology out there. GPS transmitter that sends signal back to station showing where you are, how fast your driving, etc. But also, a cop might not be chasing someone, but might still be responding to a call. Lights and sirens are not always a good thing.
  14. More likely they would be on the ceiling!
  15. We're talking about speeding! I agree there are some laws that should not be enforced (they shouldn't be laws), but WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SPEEDING! Speeding is dangerous, it kills people every year. You logic and argument is flawed, actually, I don't get your argument at all.
  16. Those car vs. pedestrian ones are gut wrenching. People fail to realize that something as simple as running a red light, or speeding can really result in a life ending accident.
  17. Just get a good old slug! I actually worked a crime scene once where a guy blew his brains out with a shotgun. His brains were litterally all over the kitchen ceiling. Worst part was his family had to clean it up when we were done with the scene. Couldn't imagine doing that.
  18. Come on, tried to kill himself with a .22? A .22? What this guy needs to do is get himself a .44 magnum, or even a .357 then the truck would never have a chance to hit him..... Just saying....
  19. Dude, sure you don't, but your crazy post about how the courts and govt. can't find you guilty if you don't consent to trial is just that, CRAZY. You probably don't pay your taxes based on your idea of how the courts/government are supposed to work. For the record, I'm in federal law enforcement, so I think I am well versed in the law. Also, radar has always been used to confirm the officers estimation of the speed of the car. If you run enough radar, you get really good at judging how fast someone is going. I used to be able to get within 1 or 2 mph just based on my visual observation, and back in the day wrote many tickets without radar and always won in court. But, go ahead, fight the tickets, just overtime for the cop!!!! I loved court days!!!
  20. Go hit the bong again dude........
  21. Love pineapples, apples, pears and grapes. HATE watermelon. Why do seedless watermelons have seeds in them? And how are we getting watermelons if we have no seeds? Something's fishy......
  22. What I want to know is why couldn't they get a photo of a Southwest Airlines plane for the story? Instead they put a photo of what looks like an American Airlines plane. I know, its a story about heads being found, and I'm concerned about the airplane picture.......
  23. Two words, DEATH PENALTY. Unfortunately she committed her crime in California where the death penalty is a joke. To bad she didn't do this in Texas then she would only have about 4 years to live.
  24. Ah, what the hell!
  25. Yeah, until you need one, then your probably at the front of the line demanding service. And what exactly is it you do for a living? Trust fund? Endless unemployment? SSDI?
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