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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Politics aside, THE SPENDING HAS GOT TO STOP! If any of us ran our personal finances the way the current administration is running the countries, we would probably be in jail.
  2. I believe there is quite a bit of evidence that they were not all that neutral in WWII, they in fact did a lot to help the nazis.
  3. Already discussed to death here.
  4. Saw Bob Dylan back in 89' or 90' at the Fingerlakes. He really sucked.
  5. The big containers out west were the size of a small dumpster with shelves. They were made of steel and were attached to the ground. No way a bear was moving that thing. Although, a reallly determined brown bear might have a shot.
  6. Did you work for the Park Service or a concessionaire when you were in YOSE?
  7. 5 Albums.... A little variety if I can't ever change these, so, In no particular order of significance. Billy Joel - 12 Gardens Live Neil Diamond - Hot August Nights The Beatles - Abbey Road AC/DC - Back in Black Dropkick Murphy's - The Warriors Code
  8. Yeah, the bears around Mt. Marcy are really smart. I remember back in the late 80's / early 90's when I was hiking/camping/climbing in the high peaks area that you couldn't use a white rope to hang your food because they would find it immediately. A black rope would be left alone, but every white rope in the backcountry camping area near Lake Colden (flowed lands) would be gone in the morning. Eventually the bears figured out that people were using black rope too! Bear proof containers are the way to go! Out west in a lot of the backcountry campsites they have large bear proof storage containers that all the campers can use. Seems to work really well.
  9. Nope, Just your chin......
  10. Are we sure it wasn't "bring your kid to work day?"
  11. Used to do a lot of climbing, ice, rock and general mountaineering. Took a couple of nasty falls and am still here. As the saying goes, there are old climbers, and there are bold climbers, but there aren't any old, bold climbers.
  12. Who is justin bieber? and who cares?
  13. Happy July 1 everyone. I've decided to keep my posts in here down to 1 per month, so this is it. Did I win? First post in July??
  14. Stay away from the big banks, they are a royal pain in the ass and don't really want to loan money (they are more interested in investing) and we know where that got us. And they charge way to many fees / closing costs. Go with a smaller bank, or a credit union that is open to you through your employment. We bought our house 1 year ago, and the bank (small federal credit union - you have to be a federal employee to join) was quite friendly and easy to use. We had no problems and got the deal done in a little over 30 days.
  15. Any chance we could see a gigantic stay-puff marshmellow man roaming the streets of NYC?
  16. No, not at all (insert sarcasm here) .
  17. Point taken! I have edited my post to reflect that she spent her money on pot and wine.
  18. Oh, I know it can happen, but it is never as bad as they say. What happened in Quebec was amazing, but not close to the world wide destruction that they predict. Last I checked, Quebec was not forced back into the stone age by the event. You have to admit that on a certain level they love to predict the worse worse worse case scenario.
  19. Well, I'm not so sure it doesn't have something to do with it. . . . . the wine is probably part of it too. The fact that she spent her money on pot AND WINE, and not on her kids has a lot to do with it.
  20. They (scientists) predict this every few years, and warn about the dire consequences. Funny how we never see the dire consequences. The day will come and pass without a problem (or very minor problems that aren't worth mentioning). Ironically, if the worst does happen at least I won't have to come on here and eat crow since nothing electronic will work. Either that or Obama will hit the kill switch on the internet.
  21. Nice, real nice. Notice there was not mention of hard core drugs, just marijuana. And people on this board were telling my how great it would be to legalize it. This woman is not much different than a lot of the people I see daily. I always am heartbroken when I leave some $hithole house and the kids don't have a pot to piss in. I can't wait to get home and hug my little guy (2.5 year old son) and tell him how much I love him. Just depressing, poor little kid still wanted to hug mommy and say goodbye, even after how crappy she treated him. Worst part is the courts will probably give custody back to her.
  22. Probably tough to relax when you are terrified that the big bad govt. is trying to get you at every moment.
  23. 5 years ago I bought a 330ci BMW it was awesome. Then, I met my wife, sold the car, had kids, and am actually quite happy.
  24. This guy had a similar hobby.... David Hahn
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