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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Pentagon police are a necessary evil, who else is going to police that monster of a building and campus. Just like campus police on colleges and universities they are needed. Park Police are a great outfit in DC (remember the Air Florida crash?. Helicopter that pulled the people out of the river was USPP.
  2. Sure, class A, B, and C as well as infractions. DOD police, Park Rangers, US Army Corps of Engineers all issue traffic tickets, etc for minor offenses. Someone has to hear them. Always funny when we are having an initial appearance for some serious felony, and some guy has been busted by the park rangers for pot possession is sitting waiting for his turn.
  3. The driveway issue is a grey one at best. Is your entire driveway private? The first 10 feet are really owned by the town/municipality. Is your yard and driveway fenced? Can I be on the sidewalk and touch your car which is parked in your driveway? Lots of questions to be answered. Generally I would not go onto your property to place a GPS device, but there are exceptions.
  4. Not in federal court. You do not have the right to a jury trial for misdemeanor offenses where you won't be sentenced to time in jail. It could cost you $5000 in fines, but if they aren't going to put you in jail, then you cannot have a jury trial.
  5. We use them all the time, I'm a fed. No warrant for GPS tracker that is just placed on your vehicle (battery powered), warrant if I need to access your car to install it, or I want to hardwire it to your vehicle (limitless power supply). Awesome tool in investigations. If you don't know anybody in LE who uses one, you probably don't know anyone in LE. If you don't want LE putting a tracker on your vehicle without a warrant then don't park or leave your vehicle anywhere PUBLIC. Simple as that. I still would need a warrant to hardwire it to your car.
  6. Thats a great idea, but, he might end up with great pictures of his car, a homeless dude, and all the other criters that run by. My idea was better (get a live trap so he can keep it as a pet).
  7. Get one of these, and then you can try to keep it as a pet.........
  8. I gotta say it, but I love Delta and American. Continental too. They are the last of the airlines here in the US that still fly big planes. There is nothing like riding in 767 or 777. All the little puddle jumper airplanes piss me off.
  9. Cut all the trees around you down, then back burn the area. Did down to mineral soil and deploy your fireshelter. Make sure you get into the black! More info and examples That is all. Glad I could be of assistance.
  10. How about a good old fashioned feral dog? You never know, it could be a jackal that some idiot thought would make a nice pet and then when it got a little to wild, let it go out the backdoor forever. You never know.....
  11. works great for me Thanks for the link!
  12. No they don't, but they, like the rest of the country figure someone will eventually bail them out.
  13. Although there is plenty of pork and tax hidden in the crap currently getting rammed through congress, lets be quite frank and clear that this isn't the first time it's been done. Politicians of both parties have been doing this for years.
  14. Do you really think they didn't get our approval? Come on, we may not have come out publicly and said we approved this, but we knew about it, and turned a blind eye so that it could happen. Israel cannot bomb Iran without our knowing about it, and our willingness to let it happen.
  15. I could care less about the Mosque. He is handling Iran correctly??? You have got to be kidding me. They are about to go NUCLEAR!!! Within a year, maybe two, they will have nuclear weapons!!!!!! Oh, sure, go get another UN security council sanction (look how well those have worked in the past). You will clearly believe anything that Obama does as the right thing no matter how bad the decision (or in his case the non-decision) is. Hows ObamaCare working out for you?
  16. They buy almost all their military equipment from us. They do need us and won't act without us. I wish they would bomb Iran, but I just don't see them putting themselves out there all alone (they would be alone if they did it). No way Obama approves an attack on Iran.
  17. Stupid or not, I think he hit the nail on the head and got it about right.
  18. 1. Unfortunately for us, our current president is busy apologizing to Japan for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so the US has to deal with inaction. 2. The Israelis will not do anything without our backing. They know they would need us if a real war broke out in the middle east and they, like us, are dealing with #1!
  19. Was at a moveon rally the other day and a bunch of tea party people showed up to counter. There was this one woman from moveon that was really confrontational and got right in the tea party peoples faces. Kind of funny in that she kept yelling at this one guy and whenever he tried to speak she would yell at him, "i'm not going to talk to you if you yell." It was hillarious. The tea party guys all looked blue collar, (probably out of work right now), and the moveon people looked retired; trust fund aura was all over them. It was fun to watch to say the least.
  20. Isn't that what the best man is for? I mean I though that we all wore tux's because that way if the groom wasn't there, we could all take one step to the left and carryon with the ceremony..... Am I wrong????
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