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Everything posted by BB27

  1. The point I was trying to make, before descending into a lengthy discussion about it, was that it MAY BE ILLEGAL TO POSSESS LOCK PICKING TOOLS regardless of your reason for doing so. IF the law in your jurisdiction says, "illegal to possess lock picking tools unless operating as a recognized/licensed locksmith or while employed as a law enforcement officer in the performance of official duties" or something like that, you could be arrested for possessing them regardless as to whether or not you were going to the lock picking competition. Just saying......
  2. Yeah, getting arrested, sitting in jail, having to put up bail, etc, etc, has nothing to do with it..... You know you don't see the judge right away? It could be a couple of days...... I'm just trying to do a nice thing here and warn people that you could get in trouble for having lockpicks on your person....
  3. Yeah, tell that to the cop who stops you, I'm sure he'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I know I would.
  4. Intent is not hard to prove, unless you're working as a locksmith (or in Law Enforcement). Most manufacturers of lockpicks will not send them to you unless you can prove that you are one of the above (locksmith or LE).
  5. You may be 100% correct, but I don't have access to the data that supports your opinion. I agree that a lot of dog bite stories get press and they involve pit bulls, but I don't know that a pit bull is put to sleep for biting someone and the Cocker isn't. I just think the pit bull stories get press, also, that pit bulls are more ofter trained for fighting (cockers surely are not) and therefore we hear more about them. I've raided a lot of drug houses over the years, and inevitably the guys have a mean dog in the house, 9 times out of 10 it's a pit bull. The dogs don't want to be vicious, but it is all they know, and there isn't much you can do for them. I have never kicked down a door and found a cocker waiting in the kitchen guarding the drugs!
  6. FYI, possession of lockpicks in some states/jurisdictions is a crime.....
  7. Ironically I won't be that "upset" after we get killed in GB this weekend, I kind of like GB, and we get killed every weekend so I'm getting kind of used to it.
  8. Next time a cop comes to your house because of a problem you need help with, be sure to address him as "pig." We really like that. Oh yeah, did I mention that you're an idiot?
  9. I am not defending Vick, or anyone who trains a dog to fight and abuses it, but I would argue that a pit bull bite does a lot more damage than that of a Cocker. Just my point of view though....
  10. We had one a couple of weekends ago. Made about $300 bucks selling crap we'd never use again. Unfortunately, we've already spent the $300! Good luck, hopefully you make some cash....
  11. Having climbed all over the USA, I have to say that was insane. Freaked me out watching him climbing free up that last ladder to the top of the antenna. I used to free climb ice climbs all the time and it never gave me a problem, but I think climbing that tower might make me lose it. Imagine the crater if you fell from the top. There wouldn't be much left.....
  12. Couldn't resist..... KRAMER: I'll tell you what to do, I'll tell you what to do. You go to Tor Eckman. Tor, Tor, he'll fix you right up. He's a herbalist, a healer, George. He's not just gonna fix the tonsils and the adenoids, he is gonna change the whole way you function - body and mind. JERRY: Eckman? I thought he was doing time? KRAMER: No, no, he's out. He got out. See, the medical establishment, see, they tried to frame him. It's all politics. But he's a rebel. JERRY: A rebel? No. Johnny Yuma was a rebel. Eckman is a nut. George, you want to take care of your tonsils, you do it in a hospital. With a doctor. KRAMER: He's holistic, George. He's holistic. GEORGE: Holistic.. that sounds right.
  13. I want the last 2 minutes of my life back.......
  14. This would make a great commercial! Picture two fans of opposing teams sitting next to each other silently during the play, then when the commercial time out happens, they start beating the crap out of each other, and then the game starts again. Camera pans to them and they have black eyes, bloody noses, etc but are sitting quietly again. Hillarious
  15. I prefer to think of him as dumber than a box of rocks myself.
  16. I've resisted till now, you sir, are an idiot. Drink the kool aid and be happy!
  17. Congrats Nick! It is a ton of fun having kids! We're having another in early November!! (What were we thinking.......)
  18. Sorry, but this will probably piss some people off, Aerosmith. I completely hate these losers.
  19. Damn, missed September 1 for my monthly post. Anyways, HAPPY FREAKIN SEPTEMBER EVERYONE! Did I win? See you next month!
  20. I would be just as happy if they just got rid of all the palestinians. Lets be real clear, they aren't exactly friendly to the US of A.
  21. Exactly, the point I was trying to make is that idiot #1 (GWB) wasted a lot of money on the war in Iraq, then along comes the new guy, idiot #2, (Obama) and instead of learning from idiot #1 about not wasting our money he decides that he wants to waste even more money (stimulus). I guess that makes him an even bigger idiot. I really would like to see what Obama's grades were in economics and business classes at Harvard......
  22. Exactly, but Obama has wasted even more than that on the "stimulus" plan that he and his congress passed.
  23. Here it is, since it is foxnews, it must be another right wing conspiracy..... linky
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