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Everything posted by BB27

  1. I know who said it. What I'm saying, is that its a good sounding board for who to vote for this coming november, even more now. Ironically, Ronald Reagan said that qoute during the presidential debate against Jimmy Carter. It reallly summed up how people were feeling about the economy, and about our country. Kind of like now!
  2. I was surfing around the web last night, and came upon this famous qoute from a former president. I think it is the question I will ask myself when I go to the polls this November and cast my vote for one candidate or the other. Can you answer this question? And what is the true answer. Don't blame Bush, the dems had control of the congress 4 years ago, so they are as much to blame for the current problems facing our country. Here's the qoute: "Ask yourself, 'Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was?” Anyone know who said this?
  3. Healthcare worse than critics thought Wow. What say you now supporters of this crap of a bill....
  4. Well, great to hear it's over. I guess I better vote Dem in the upcoming elections......
  5. Your example about car insurance (you've never lived in Massachusetts ! ! ! ! )
  6. Maybe the govt should have camps where they send people who "don't take better care of themselves," ............. Oh yeah, did I mention that we are a free country? Who sets the standard? Skinny guy? Fat guy? How about athletes? Maybe if you can't run a mile in under 9 minutes? Can you see where this is going?
  7. LMFAO - I was thinking about Quincy the entire time I was reading the thread and was coming up with a smart reply but you totally beat me to it.....
  8. I think this year is essentially an entire year of pre-season football for us. Gailey and staff will play just about everyone in an attempt to figure out who really needs to be here next year. It's going to be a long and painful season where we could easily go 0 - 16 IMO. There is no way the patsies get beat by us after they just got pummelled by the jests. Sunday is going to be an ugly day for us Bills fans.
  9. Oh yeah, I actually do think they will do something this week.... beat last weeks piss poor performance with a better one!!!!! I don't see us winning or even making an attempt this weekend. The only thing we can hope for is that the Pats knock Edwards out of the game........permanently......
  10. I watched this game on the internet (for free), and I have only one point, We really suck. We have no redeeming qualities. It's embarrassing. We could easily go 0 - 16 this year if we keep playing like this. Okay, 4 points, but they are basically all the same.......
  11. Packers player (jenkins?) : Hey Trent, wave goodbye to your season, and your career. See yaa, its been fun.
  12. FERS (federal employee retirement system) is much less than 80%. I'm a FERS employee, and I'll be lucky to get 50% with 30 years of service. They may have a special retirement just for congress, I don't know. The old CSRS (civil service retirement system) was the one that you could get 80%. Some people in congress are probably old csrs employees so they get to retire in the old system. Anyone who came on in the mid 80's or later is in FERS. A friend of mine just retired (He is CSRS) and he takes home $100 less a month than he did when he was working (bastard!). I wish I was CSRS!
  13. You threw a brick through the passenger side window didn't you?
  14. Thank you, finally someone with a sense of humor...
  15. Again, it is another joke. You're not to bright are you?
  16. Some lockpicks, Oh sorry, wrong thread.
  17. The only person busting my chops is you. You took my comment the wrong way and it wasn't aimed at any of your posts And, I never said I would arrest someone regardless of intent, you did (I've said this a few times now) I said I would give him the benefit of the doubt . Get a life.
  18. Dear Trent Edwards, Please stop sucking. Thank You,
  19. I never said I would lock someone up regardless of intent, you did. You may have been talking about the fact that it is not illegal in MOST states (your words) unless there is intent. I was trying to make the point that it MIGHT BE ILLEGAL SIMPLY TO POSSESS LOCKPICKING TOOLS, and that the cop would not care why you possessed them. Can I say this any clearer? I love how you quoted only some of my answers, not the ones where I explained it. You work at the Boston Globe? New York Times? Probably read them....
  20. If it was/ is illegal to possess the lockpicks regardless of the reason for possessing them, there is no benefit of the doubt, IT IS ILLEGAL. I don't have time for this......
  21. Personally, I don't think it's fun anymore to watch the Bills anywhere. We just plain stink. Unless I'm watching DVD's of the Jim Kelly years. I would love to be able to watch every game from when Kelly came onboard until he retired. Would be great to live those years again. Actually, I think I should start doing that every Sunday. When talking football at work on Monday I can talk about the game I saw...........This actually is a really good idea.......
  22. I believe the laughing face makes it clearly a joke.......... and I think you have taken it out of context. I don't want my comments to be taken as a critique of your initial post where you clearly find lockpicking interesting, or to imply that in someway you might be a crook who would use lockpicks to further your criminal enterprise,,,,,, I was trying to tell people that although interesting, and perhaps kind of fun to use, lockpicks COULD BE ILLEGAL TO POSSESS even if you are not using them to burglarize/steal. I hope I have sufficiently explained myself . . . . . . . .
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