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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Not light, and won't go with Gyros and Sausage, but an amazing dish. Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip 8 oz cream cheese 1/2 cup blue cheese dressing (use chunky) 4 - 6 oz franks hot sauce. 1 cup shredded cheddar chesse 2 chicken breasts (cook these beforehand, and cut into small pieces (cubes)) Mix the cream cheese, blue cheese dressing, 1/2 the cheddar cheese, and hot sauce together (use a mixer for best results). Then mix in the chicken by hand. top with the remaining cheddar cheese. Bake in the oven for 25 - 30 minutes at 350. reheat on the grill/stovetop at the tailgate. This dish is awesome. I made it yesterday for the Sunday beating........... Eat with crackers, or small pieces of french bread (best). Celery is good too!
  2. Happy October everyone! Weather here in CT has definately turned to fall! DId I win yet? Is this thing still going? What?
  3. Yeah, I agree. Their situation was pretty unique, and it was interesting to see how similar they were yet they had just met. I would have much rather seen dad / daughter go, or the two singers.
  4. What about ball bearings? I hear it's all ball bearings these days......
  5. Come on,,,,, an m4 would easily fit in the overhead bin.......
  6. What was her name?
  7. Is this supported by actual facts? Or is this just some opinion?
  8. + 100 Thank you. I was going to post the exact same thing. Cop stops nurse for breaking the law (moving violation) and she feels it's appropriate to threaten him. I think the cop was right on. He actually could have probably arrested her. Douche bag nurse.
  9. They won't answer this. If he is so smart, why won't he release his grades. When Bush was running against Kerry, all the libs were saying how stupid Bush was, but they wouldn't report that Bush got better grades than Kerry. I love how they only want to talk about the greatness of Obama, never about any of his lesser qualities (plenty to talk about IMO).
  10. In my experience, images found in unallocated space, or hidden really well generally don't get charged. The govt. has to prove that you knew they were there (at least in US District Court). Usually a child pornography case is charged as reciept of child pornography, we have to show when you recieved them, where they were stored, and where they came from. I would wager the case you describe was not a federal court case. Our forensic guys are really good.
  11. Okay, lets talk about reality. Prior to R. Guiliani being mayor of NYC, the city was in financial ruin. The mayor (david dinkins (doofus)) essentially ran the city into the ground by having tax and spend policies that were out of control. Guess what party david doofus belonged to? Guiliani cleaned up welfare, reduced taxes, and made NYC into the city it is today. The crime prior to Guiliani was out of control, again directly related to the former mayor. So you can post some clip of Guiliani on the daily show* and say it is reality, but there is a bigger picture. You really should pull your head out of the sand and actually participate in society. I have a question for you conner, do you have a trust fund?
  12. Okay, a few things about child pornography. 1. Generally to charge someone with possession you have to find the pictures on the computer in regular saved files. (Not unallocated space) 2. Possession of child pornography is a crime because although they are just pictures, by paying for them, or collecting them you encourage other people to make children be victims. Unless you have you computer working on an unsecured network with no security features, no one is going to hide child pornography in your computer, (even your cat). If someone did hide it in your computer, a forensic analysis would hopefully reveal it. there were a few cases that happened like this, and it was figured out. Child pornography is a terrible terrible crime and the kids subjected to it never really recover. It is sick and disgusting and the perpetrators of this crime should be treated like any other child predator. I have worked (federal law enforcement) on a bunch of child porn cases, and they break my heart. That is all.
  13. The daily show, now there is an unbiased program...........
  14. Are you one of those road rage guys? Just curious.......
  15. Mugshots are rarely good photo's.
  16. Rudy Guiliani seems pretty damn smart. To name one politician. And it hurts me to say this, but Bill Clinton was smart enough not to mess with the economy (unlike the current boob).
  17. When did they do that?
  18. Surprise surprise:lol:
  19. I wouldn't characterize Obama as stupid or lazy. I would offer that he is just in so far over his head, that he can't help but make terrible decisions. I know a bunch of people who went to Harvard, and all of them worked hard to get their law degrees, but all of them also make it clear that you don't have to be smart once you're at Harvard. Pay the bill, do some work, and you will graduate. Recently I heard that something like 90% or more graduate cum laude. I think that says a lot about the institution. Also, I've been told that only certain people have to work really hard at Harvard, and I would stipulate that Obama was not one of those people. What has he really done in the world of the working class that makes everyone believe he is so qualified to run this country? I haven't seen any evidence that he has actually really worked a day in his life. Show me some real evidence, I beg you...........
  20. Had to take another shot at your reply. Answer the question! Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago. As much as you hate Bush, 4 years ago the Dems took control of congress, so, the question is entirely valid. ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW, THEN YOU WERE 4 YEARS AGO? Also, what does a substantial number of Obama staff and judicial nominees being held up in Congress have to do with our current situation? Again, 4 years ago the Dems took control of congress, and when Obama got in they were still in control. Sounds like your problem is with Obama, and the dems who failed to get their nominations through. I can think of a few that got through, much to the horror of the citizens of the country (Sect, of Treasury that doesn't pay his taxes to name one). So, I'll ask the question again. ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW, THEN YOU WERE 4 YEARS AGO. If you are, then vote for the establishment, if not, then take a long hard look when you go to the polls in November.
  21. What does this have to do with my original post?
  22. As the father of a 3 year old, and the husband of a 9 month pregnant wife, I watched, I have no problem with this. Her boobs look ok, they are a bit small, but I would like to see more of them:D (when my son isn't watching)....(wife isn't watching too).....
  23. I couldn't agree more. Here in CT, the senate race is between Linda McMahon (rich lady) and Dick Blumenthal (career politician). I'm voting for the rich lady, even though I don't really like her, she is not an incumbent.
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