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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Where is there any evidence anywhere that this individual was tortured. Nice way to talk around the question. So, where is your evidence. Hows the SSDI working out for you? Oh I'm sorry, how is the trust fund?
  2. I read the article twice, where does it say that he was tortured? It does say that he killed and injured members of our military, and that he was supposedly brainwashed by AlQueda, but no where does it say he was tortured. Do you have proof of your statement? You do a great diservice to our nations men and women serving in the military when you shoot your mouth off with lies. You are definately an anti-american idiot. You should move to france. Or better yet, Iran, where they will accept you with open arms I'm sure.
  3. You really need to stop watching MSNBC. A group wants less taxes, and smaller government and that makes them hateful? What tea party are you referencing?
  4. Awesome, wish I had thought of this comeback.
  5. Nothing like 757 service into Jackson Hole. Best is when you are there in the summer, and they have to turn the AC off in order to have enough thrust to get up over the mountains on climb out. Best is when you look out the windows on the approach and you can see nothing but granite!
  6. God, I haven't gone skiing in years..... But, if I was going, I would only go to one place, Jackson Hole Best skiing I have ever done. Better than Aspen, Steamboat Springs, and Utah skiing. I've been to a lot of places (15 years ago!) and jackson hole was the best. Scenery is just amazing too. And the town rocks as a place to hang out and have fun.
  7. Please don't lump all government workers into the waste. Some government employees work really hard to "just get by." We don't all get free airtransport and handouts. I pay entirely too much in taxes, and struggle every month to support my wife and kids.
  8. I thought referring to her as a "witch" was a compliment.
  9. Please explain how my statement that the witch is wasting taxpayers money is "having an axe to grind"?
  10. Premiums going up up up! How can this be? I remember Obama telling everyone that costs would go down. I don't understand.
  11. Yeah, higher taxes is definately the answer:blink: And a truce implies that the other side will abide by it.........not gonna happen. We will honor a truce until they attack us again, they will just use the truce as an opportunity to train and plan for the next attack.
  12. Wow! You actually support this kind of waste? With all the programs that are going to have to be cut, you would rather she waste our money in this manner, flying her family members around?
  13. Spend Spend Spend How is this right? I can't believe how much we paid for this witch to fly around the country. This should be a crime. And I don't care if she was a republican or a democrat. With the debt this country is in now ( linky ) this is just wrong wrong wrong.
  14. Therapist and a lawyer. If she is looking for something else while you are married (or found something else), fight in court not to give her a dime when you split. Don't get screwed twice..... She betrayed you!
  15. Agreed. I don't have a college degree, and I do just fine on hard work and experience. Also, my stepfather is a self made millionaire, and he never went to college (not one course). To this day he thinks it's (college) the biggest scam and waste of money out there. Sometimes I have to agree with him.
  16. Identity theft? Why would you be requesting other peoples birth certificates?
  17. I've been saying this for years. Why they (old man wilson) don't renovate the stadium and take out 10k seats is crazy. There would be a sellout every week no questions asked if this was done..... GO BILLS!
  18. I guess it is a little dissapointing to see Bills fans dumping the team and deciding that they need a new "favorite." I will however be forever a Bills fan. I love them regardless of thier record, and I have way to many great memories of this team to stop pulling for them. I do have a few other teams that I pull for every weekend. The packers (small market team that made it work), and the Colts. I will never forgive ralph wilson for letting polian go. I also like the Colts because the patsies fans hate them. I would NEVER cheer for either of these teams if they were playing the Bills though. About 10 years ago, I was living in Boston, and was getting back into hockey. I've lived all over, and before the days of NHL Center Ice, and good internet that allowed you to watch games and check scores easily I just lost interest in hockey. A friend took me to a Bruins game! I remembered how much I liked hockey, and we started going to a bunch of games. I was really becoming a fan of the Bruins. I went to the pro shop one day and actually thought about buying a jersey! Then my buddy scored two tickets to a Sabres/Bruins game. I think he was hoping to complete some kind of experiment in which I would cheer for the Bruins against my old hometown team..... At one point in the game, the swords scored, and I unintentionally jumped up and screamed for the sabres. Haven't been to bruins game since (been to a bunch of sabres games in Boston though!) I will never abandon my team! If the Bills do happen to get sold off to the highest bidder some day soon (ralph can't live forever), I probably will just stop watching football that often. I just don't think it will be that important to me. Unless of course an expansion team lands in Buffalo, then I'll be headed west on I -90 back to Buffalo! Oh yeah, GO BILLS!
  19. This website is the way to do it. I had to get one about 8 years ago for a passport, and I used this same website. They send you a certified stamped copy (I got 3 so I wouldn't have to do this again.). Definately an easy way, and you DO NOT have to travel back to NY to get a copy of your birth certificate. Where you going that you need a passport? Someplace fun I hope (jealous here).
  20. Blumenthal is a career politician and is an idiot. McMahon is a rich lady with money to spend. I don't particularly like either of them, but at least she's done something other than be a politician.
  21. Its not like he was on his way to a lockpicking convention.... I'm sure the cops will give him the benefit of the doubt....
  22. I had no idea. Will post it there when I get a chance.....
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