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Everything posted by BB27

  1. Obama has never held a real job in his life, what makes it so surprising that he is failing misserably at this one? I mean really, what prior job did he have that made him qualified to be the president? For all the talk about how much of an idiot Bush was. . . . . . . . The ultimate irony is that he (Obama) really thinks he is great. Don't worry, after the election he'll be quick to blame the voters for all the problems of the country. It will (in his mind) be our fault that his agenda didn't get completed and therefore the utopia won't/doesn't happen. What a perfect defense, "I would have fixed everything, you just didn't give me a chance." I just hope everyone is as energized and gets out to vote in 2012 so we can really end the Obama experiment.
  2. Hillarious! This statement alone confirms that you truly are a full fledged lefty moonbat!
  3. I'd say he is a realist. There is a big difference between living in constant fear, and living in the real world. As opposed to living in a fantasy world where everything is free........
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6YdNmK77k I just had to post this. Probably you have seen it or heard it, but I find it hilarious, and it explains conner quite a bit.
  5. conner = trust fund or SSDI
  6. Yeah, but he always knew where his cigars were........
  7. I didn't cut the tree down to get rid of the ants. I cut the tree down to get rid of the tree. Now (not as much now, it's getting cold at night) they are looking for a new place to make a nest and they are all over the place. I seriously think half a million ants came out of the tree and the ground when I cut it down.
  8. The real question is, after all that, did you still get cut? You did didn't you....
  9. Well, they are the real victims........
  10. Every year around November 1, there seems to be an abundance of pumkins needing to be taken to the range and shot............ You're just in time.
  11. Mosquitos - they serve no purpose. Carpenter Ants - I spend hours figuring out how they are getting into my house (I cut a tree down that had a nest in it, so I have been very busy)
  12. He makes a damn good point here.......... What say you Mr. Moonbat?
  13. I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure......
  14. Yeah, of course they are. I move to CT and then they open a store in Massachusetts. Oh well, I don't miss Massavtwoshits at all! Here is a breakdown of all the upcoming Wegmans!
  15. Before we can make a true scientific determination on this one, we are going to need to see some pics........
  16. Was she good looking? Because if she is a knock out, then it explains a lot.......
  17. That would depend on the jurisdiction...... Ever been to Massachusetts? They let child molesters out on $100 bail with GPS monitoring!!!
  18. And Obama told everyone he had campaigned in all 57 States...... This is no surprise, they (politicians) are all idiots....
  19. Lets see, because he's an idiot? This was inevitable though. Look at the history of Afganistan. They (tribes) have been fighting each other for centuries. They only seem to get along when they can unite against a common enemy (Russians in the 80's and unfortunately the US now.). I'm not defending Obama's broken policies and programs, just stating what I think is fact. We were going to have to get out of there sometime. What I do think was a dumb move by Obama was announcing that we were leaving in 2012, which just emboldens the Taliban and AlQueda. I guess leaving Afganistan is like leaving the Moon for the last Apollo mission. Eventually, we'll be back......
  20. You have way to much time on your hands. I am a bit jealous (not for the food testing experiment, just the extra time.....)
  21. Yeah, they go up 5 - 10%, these are going up 30 - 40% (directly attributed to the new law). This is really change I can believe in. What a joke.
  22. For some people, being ignorant is a good thing.......
  23. Good luck trying to get them (libs) to admit this though.
  24. Good to hear it. Smart move. Like all things, this too shall pass..........
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