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Everything posted by BB27

  1. The Wire is an obvious choice. And, if you like that, then rent Homicide! TV show that was actually quite good, and it was the basis for The Wire.
  2. I would move my family back to Buffalo in a second if I could get a transfer there. We have a small office there, but everyone is happy (in the Buffalo office) so I don't see it happending anytime soon. There is one guy who is going to retire in 4 or 5 years though. Pray for me!
  3. Pretty common scam. Not going to go into how they get your information, but it usually is from accessing the banks records, Not yours specifically. Your bank might have had a breach and doesn't know it, or doesn't want to admit it. They hit you for a small amount, because they hope you won't notice, and the scam can continue. They hit 1000's of accounts, so they get tons of money. Report it to the FBI, they might have 100's of these going on at the same time, and one agent is working on it. They might also tell you they don't care, depends on the office you get.
  4. Usually, its not what she does for you, but what she does to you that really matters.
  5. What's your address?
  6. Yeah, I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit, It's the only way to be sure......
  7. No, my wife could care less. She'd be more dissapointed that I wasted the money. I rarely go to strip clubs. Usually only go when it involves a stag party, or something similar. I'm not a big fan of strippers. Sure, they might look great, but there isn't that much else going on IMO.
  8. But the real question, is did he increase your SSI?
  9. I say you should put the money in the bank.
  10. So, you support the "spend our way out of debt" philosophy? I can't see how "experiencing the worst crisis in 80 years" can be solved by spending 5 trillion more dollars. I think you might actually be the dolt. Talk about supporting a talking point without thinking it through.
  11. First cut spending, and a lot of it. Why do you think they automatically have to be raised? Fiscal responsibility is the only way. Don't spend money you don't have. Don't use credit. Is it really that hard? Raising taxes right now will destroy any hope of ending the current economic crisis.
  12. I didn't support that one, which did nothing, and I don't support any of the other ones. Spending more money is not the answer. Less spending, less taxes is the only way to climb out of this mess.
  13. You're comparing a tax rebate with 5 trillion in additional debt? Wow.
  14. Commonly refered to as "the flying teeth."
  15. Agreed. Would have much rather watched the hot blondes for another episode. I didn't think that the docs (the vegan) was going to be able to eat the goats head though.
  16. Economics 101 You cannot spend your way out of a recession/depression. Imagine if we ran our personal finances this way. Eventually, all the country will be able to do is pay the minimum payment on the debt, with no money left over to pay the current bills, and the credit will be maxed out at the same time. Blame Bush all you want, Obama and the congress has made it 10x (this is being generous) worse with their spend spend spend policies.
  17. Too many votes to cast, and I know nothing about the candidates in some of the races, so I couldn't vote. And I didn't want to pick GOP across the board and be labeled a crazy repulican.
  18. Well, there are worse things....... you could have gone with conner.....
  19. This is your best response yet. Republicans = reduction in Conner's SSDI!!! Democrats = more SSDI for Conner!
  20. Both parties are kind of bad, but what really makes one worse than the other, is when one party has complete control, with no real checks and balances. Right now, everything is on the dems, they have been in total control for 2 years, so logically the problems lie at their feet. Wait 4 more years, if the presidency goes back the the republicans (I think anyone is better than Obama) and the republicans end up also controling the congress, then they will be the problem and the elections will swing back for the dems. You have to admit on some level though that since the dems got control of the congress (Bush was still president) things started getting worse, and then we essentially fell off a cliff with Obama in office pushing the agenda the majority of americans don't want (Obamacare and the Stim plans). Oh well, I also already voted. I'm anticipating a great November 2nd (and not for the reasons you might think!) Later
  21. Get these m-fing crocodiles off this m-fing plane! I think we could make it a movie. Samuel L Jackson in the starring role?
  22. Hows the SSDI working out for you?
  23. Movie: ALIENS just watched this for about the 100th time. Great movie. Book: The Black Hand finished reading this a little while ago, but it is still fresh in my mind. Mexican Mafia drop out. Makes you wonder about prison and what is really going on. Album: Can't think of one...... Hey, I deleted that. Don't know why it did that. It was an unfinished post and I got an error........... Damn Gremlins
  24. All the shovel ready projects were in the 51st - 57th states!
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