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Everything posted by BB27

  1. So now its the entire far right that is racist? Not just Rush? I think you might just be the bigot your accusing everyone elso of being.....
  2. I got a lot of problems with you people......
  3. Pretty cool pictures, I thought they were going to be super pictures you took with your cell phone. Mother nature is a wild thing,......
  4. Always a tough decision. Earlier this year one of our cats (we had two), began to get really thin. She (Dusty) was always a big eater, and as a result a large cat (she weighed 18 pounds at one point). She had many funny names, lunch box was a favorite, cruiser (she was black and white), and hand whore (she couldn't resist having her ears and head scratched). She lost about 5 pounds in one week while we were away, (I still feel bad about this). I took her to the Vet the day we got home, and they discovered that she had an extremely enlarged thyroid, and a severly infected tooth. We made arrangements to have the tooth removed, and got her on meds for the thyroid. She got better, and then tood a turn for the worst. Probably 3 good days, and then she got really sick. I took her back to the vet, and it was obvious to me what I had to do. I sat there with her when they did it, and rubbed her ears and head the way she always liked it. Really sad moment, but she was suffering so bad, that additional treatment would have done nothing but extend her suffering. I was able to take her home with me afterwards, and I buried her in my back yard under a big rock. So now she will always be with us. Hardest part was telling/explaining what happened to my 3 year old son. Now, when he is out back playing and he walks by the rock he waves and says "Hi Dusty" Do whatever you feel is right, and I would definately recommend being there if you decide that it is time to do it. Best of luck! And, very sorry that you have to make this decision.
  5. Not trying to split hairs here, but, so you really don't know if it works as advertised. You only know that you rode in a vehicle equipped with this equipment and it twice told you about an offender. You have no way to know if it missed other offenders. I know, I'm being a smart ass, but I had to say it......
  6. I wish it was snowing like that here. Just plain boring fall/winter so far.......
  7. Okay, I admit, there wouldn't be a key to turn to start it up, but how hard could it be? I mean it isn't like they need to go to work tomorrow..... So you pack for a few days, and leave other people outside of the tank nearby to rescue you if necessary. It would be time very well spent if it runs....... So dismiss the tank idea all together, why don't they go and claim the multitude of automatic weapons, ammo, and grenades that were all over outside the CDC? I mean maybe the tank idea is too much, but an m4 or M249 would be so much better than the crappy weapons they have already. I hope next season they go into what happened while rick was in the hospital. What caused the zombie epidemic (although I suspect a lot of this will get covered in the season finale at CDC). Also, there are a lot of questions about what really happened when rick was in the hospital and Shane decided to steal his wife. I have to say, even though I see some problems with the show, I really like it.........
  8. I don't disagree, but, possession of stolen classified material is a crime regardless of how you got it. You can't even try to make the argument that he didn't know that the materials were both classified, and stolen.
  9. Does it actually work? It's been a while since I was last in a patrol car, but all the technology that was promised never seemed to work the way they said it would.....
  10. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that downloading classified material is also a crime, and you could get in trouble (remote chance) for going to Wikileaks and downloading material that is still classified. Just saying.......
  11. Sounds great, only problem is I haven't seen anything like this anywhere in ACTUAL use...........
  12. Well, I just waded through this thread, and decided to post a response....... To the question of jurisdiction regarding the wikileaks documents being outside the USA, possession of stolen classified materials is a crime no matter where you might be, and as such is a prosecutable offense. Also, the release of these documents does grave harm to our national security, if you can't see it, or don't believe it, then I'm not going to explain it here. Later......
  13. Okay, last episode was alright, but I have to say this..... How many times are they going to drive directly by military vehicles and not stock up on automatic weapons, ammo, hand grenades, etc etc? How about jumping in the tank and seeing if it runs? Seems like common sense to me.......
  14. Totally untrue. Might use the license plate as the target for the laser, but that is it. It being reflective also has nothing to do with it. Radar bounces off the entire car......... They don't like covers on license plates because they obscure the license plate.
  15. Happy December everyone! How goes the battle in the last post wins thread? Any winner yet? What ever will we do when this thread is closed?
  16. Thats a shame....
  17. Head would have been cool. It was interesting how when they cut the walkers head off it was still alive until it was shot in the brain. Pretty interesting idea. Whole new meaning to the term talking heads.....
  18. Yeah, I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure....
  19. I believe that the reason he cut off his hand was because the walkers were breaking through the door, and he didn't have time to cut the handcuff with the dull hack saw. Ironically, when they went back to find him, the door was still locked, indicating that the walker never made it through, and that he cut his hand off for nothing. I thought the show was quite good.
  20. Does it work? Yup!
  21. Ah hell, I missed November 1st for my monthly post in this thread.... Well, it's not like I haven't been busy (Caitlin Leigh born Nov 2nd!!!) See you next month (if I remember). Did I win?
  22. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and congradulations. We are all home now, my son (3 yo) was very excited and couldn't wait to give his new sister a tour of the house. Now, I just need some sleep.......
  23. Caitlin Leigh arrived this morning at 8:35am 8lbs, 3 oz Mom and baby are doing well!!!! What a day!
  24. Tomorrow is going to be a very historic day. NOT for the reason you are thinking. I'll post an update as soon as I can! I'm open to guesses though...... Shouldn't be to hard to figure it out.
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