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  1. Here's a clear example of what is wrong with our country. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/20/library-director-says-year-old-should-step-aside-to-let-others-win-reading/?test=latestnews The lady is quite a peach........ http://hudsonfalls.sals.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/librarian_hudsonfalls.jpg
  2. Chicago - Not known for the best cops...... Also, any big city is going to have a lot of cops who are burned out and useless. They have been slaves to the 911 system for too long. At the same time, there are plenty of good cops who will help you out in a minute and really care about doing the right thing.
  3. Go over and talk to parents and kids.... Make sure to make it clear that your next call is to the police. They might fess up, they might not, at least when its all over you'll have a police report for your insurance company and the neighbor hood kids will be on notice that you'll call the cops on them if it happens again. What are these kids parents like? If this was my parents when I was a kid my mom would have gotten the confession out of me and my friends in no time flat. If the parents are cooperative, have a little fun, split them up into different rooms and start the interviews. Tell each one that the other one said they did it. Believe me, you'll get to the bottom of it pretty quick.
  4. "I'll do it for a caravan..."
  5. He's promising a pony to every american if he is elected President. A PONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this is change I can believe in!!
  6. I was at the DNC and RNC. I was thorougly unimpressed with all the candidates, politicians and delegates,,,, until,,,, I saw this guy in action..... VERMIN SUPREME FOR PRESIDENT
  7. As much as I want to buy american, I can't see it happening unless I was buying a full size truck. We are shopping next year for a new ride, and we are almost exclusively looking at Toyota. 4Runner or Highlander is probably where we're at. I want an FJCruiser, but it would never work with 2 kids....... I am trying to convince the Mrs. that the 4Runner is way better than the Highlander.
  8. I never quite got "REM", never really liked their music. And the lead singer is a little too creepy in a subtle kind of way....
  9. Just read this in an article, for all those who say how innocent he was.... Link "He has had ample time to prove his innocence," said MacPhail's widow, Joan MacPhail-Harris. "And he is not innocent." The U.S. Supreme Court gave him an unusual opportunity to prove his innocence last year, but his attorneys failed to convince a judge he didn't do it. State and federal courts have repeatedly upheld his conviction. It was first time the Supreme Court had given such an opportunity for a death row inmate in at least 50 years. At that June 2010 hearing, two witnesses testified that they falsely incriminated Davis at his trial when they said Davis confessed to the killing. Two others told the judge the man with Davis that night later said he shot MacPhail. Prosecutors, though, argued that Davis' lawyers were simply rehashing old testimony that had already been rejected by a jury. And they said no trial court could ever consider the hearsay from the other witnesses who blamed the other man for the crime. U.S. District Judge William T. Moore Jr. sided with them. He said the evidence presented at the hearing wasn't nearly enough to prove Davis is innocent and validate his request for a new trial. He said while Davis' "new evidence casts some additional, minimal doubt on his conviction, it is largely smoke and mirrors." State and federal courts have repeatedly upheld his conviction.
  10. Stick a fork in him, cause he's done now.....
  11. "The justices (Supreme Court) transferred the case to a U.S. District Court in Georgia for a hearing and determination of his claims that new witnesses will clearly establish his innocence. A year later, the judge, William Moore, rejected Davis' claims of innocence." From the article I read. Guess the judge felt he was guilty. He did it, and now the time has come to pay the piper.
  12. That's not all he needs!
  13. I've given this a lot of thought,,,,, Red Dawn. Watched it hundreds of times since its original release, and it is still an awesome movie.
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