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Posts posted by linksfiend

  1. I got a chip in my front windshield Friday traveling down the 190. It's smaller than a dime - maybe the size of a chocolate chip.


    I'm thinking of going with the repair route rather than the replacement. Has anyone had that done before? Is it worth it? Or is it just going to spread anyhow?

  2. Anyway, I think I got yours:


    Zoe will date Chris...he is the only one who is Tall, Dark and Handsome.


    My thinking was this:


    Clues (d) and (e) are the starting points. One pair has to have the good quality and the other must have the bad, otherwise either no one can have either 0 or 3 good qualities. So Brian and Dan have to be FAIR and Alex and Chris TALL (if Brian and Dan are DARK, then Alex is SHORT which creates a problem because either Alex or Dan needs to be TALL and FAIR).


    Moving on, Brian has to be SHORT and HANDSOME because Chris is TALL. So Brian is SHORT, FAIR and HANDSOME (1 quality). Alex has to be FAIR because if Dan is TALL, then no one will have 0 qualities. Therefore, Dan has to be SHORT, FAIR and UGLY (0 qualities). This leaves Alex and Chris, and since Alex already has one bad quality (FAIR), Chris must be the winner.


    Alex = TALL, fair, HANDSOME

    Brian = short, fair, HANDSOME


    Dan = short, fair, ugly




    Correct. Good work. The keys are

    1. To recognize that condition (a) means that someone has 3 attributes, 2 attributes, 1 attribute or 0 attributes

    2. Look at the 4 scenarios presented by (d) and (e) and recognize that only one is viable


    Everything else flows from there.

  3. Since bart has been slacking, I found one online.


    Zoe has four suitors but only dates men who are tall, dark and handsome.

    (a.) Alex, Brian, Chris and Dan all have a different total number of these attributes

    (b.) Only Alex or Dan is tall and fair.

    (c.) Only Brian or Chris is short and handsome.

    (d.) Alex and Chris are either both tall or both short.

    (e.) Brian and Dan are either both dark or both fair.

    Who does Zoe date?

  4. To answer your question...




    Please answer mine:


    Is FIOS better than Time Warner? Whats the difference?? And how much does it cost (ballpark)? TY!


    My parents have FiOS. They have a bunch more channels in both HD and SD. Their DVR is a bit more cumbersome with less options. They don't currently offer Sabres games in HD (if that's a concern). They say they're negotiating with MSG. Who knows when that will happen. Here's the best deal I could find. However, I think you can find a lower price if you're willing to lock in for a year or two. http://www22.verizon.com/residential/bundl..._F3_E_DR_N_X002


    I used to have TW. I liked their DVR the best.


    Now I have Dish Network. It came with this gig house-sitting for a coworker. I was trying to get him to switch to FiOS but he's reluctant to change since his Slingbox is working fine now.


    Do they offer FiOS in the UAE?

  5. 1. I couldn't come up with or Subzero or Fidelio.

    2. I also got 24. The middle four characters will be three Ps and the leftover non-P (X) which forms 4 combinations





    The 3 non-Ps give you 6 different combos for the first and last letter:









  6. Thumbs down. Big time. I wanted to write "Buffalo News half @$es their way again" but this doesn't even amount to a half-@$ job. It's a terrible update. Much worse than the old site.


    I think they changed the site on Wed. I used to check out the home page, City & Region, Sports, and Business sections. Now I don't go past the home page so that should make me spend 75% less time on the site - if that was their goal.

  7. I think the most interesting thing out of that article is not the drop in signal strength, but the vast difference in actual signal strength among the phones. Looks like Droid X has the best performance.


    If you go to the source article and watch the video, those are some really stupid ways to hold and squeeze those phones to get a performance drop. Noone would ever talk on those models in that fashion.


    And is a 10 dBm drop that significant? It looks like they were losing 1 bar.


    Also, why don't they report the dBm drop for the iPhone? That's what I'd like to compare it to.

  8. Should #2 be ZBFQLXB?


    If so, I have it.


    My method:

    I figured cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude had to be in the list. The space pattern and J=D hint made #3 work. Everything went pretty smooth after that.

  9. That was kinda what I was thinking was the answer, but couldnt think of the way to word it in my google search. I see that it might work if I moved back to WV, but FLA appears to be out of the question.


    Hoping your idea comes true before too long Chandler because we have the capability it just appears someone hasn't clued the execs into how to make even more money.


    Do you have any friends in WNY with high speed internet? You can always go the Slingbox or Slingbox HD route. I have a buddy in Taiwan who I'm feeding with local channels via Slingbox.

  10. Stop. :lol:


    Pippen was a great #2....the best of all-time. He was a good #1. He was not a dynamic scorer and could not be the best player on a championship team. Wade, he is not.


    And Horace Grant?? Bosh will never be confused with KG or Duncan, but Grant?? A true #3 whose main role was to grab boards and give you 10-12 pts per game? You think you stick Horace Grant up in Toronto and he gets you 24 and 11?? Ha!


    The best comparison to MJ, Pippen and Grant is Kobe, Pau and Odom.


    OK - maybe I went too far the other way. But that's only because MJ went WAY overboard in comparing them to Bird and Magic.


    How about this one? They're more like Worthy and Kareem.

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