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Posts posted by linksfiend

  1. Did anyone see Bob DiCesare's article yesterday where he wrote:

    "All the publicity given Michelle Wie has Pressel feeling slighted, and her animosity's bound to expand when she sees Wie's curiously demonstrative reaction to Birdie Kim's are-you-kidding-me birdie on the final hole"


    What did Wie do that would make someone's animosity grow?

  2. I bought one.  So did 4 of my friends.  So all 5 of us go to away games wearing OJ jerseys.  Its fun to watch the reactions of people.  Some people gasp and point (Miami), some scream out "Murderer", to which we respond, "You're right OJ used to murder the defense" (NE), some laugh and think it funny (Balt, NY Jets) and some cross the road and won't even look at us (Tenn).  Its worth it if you like people watching and seeing the reactions.


    Maybe you should pick up 5 new ones and inscribe them with:

    - Murderer

    - Parasite

    - Criminal

    - Guilty

    - Confess!

  3. - In the past, each team finishing from 17th-30th was eligible for the lottery.

    - This lottery was weighted so that 30th had the highest probability of winning, 29th the second highest, etc.

    - The lottery is a SINGLE draw - only one team wins

    - The winner moves up a maximum of four positions while everyone the winner leaps over slides back one position

    - That's it. Then the draft order is set.

  4. Let me start by saying I'm no fan of Quinn....

    but I think you misinterpreted the article.


    He never said they deserved a $400 mil/6-year deal. He was saying the league needs to concentrate on improving the game so the TV contract is worth $400 mil per year.

  5. Belgium is the disneyland of the beer world.



    I spent a few weeks outside Antwerp for work. The German in me hates to admit it, but Belgium has to be the best country for beer.


    The Trappist beers and Abbey beers were fabulous. My favorites were Leffe Brun, Duvel and Westmalle Tripple

  6. OK - I didn't get a chance to log on yesterday, but I have a few comments and questions.


    1. The voice-over in last nights episode says early on after the crash "you're one of 48 survivors". This was well after the immediate crash and chaos on the beach where the man was sucked through the engine and whoever else might have died on the beach. Then later Hurley says "I got the names of everyone - all 46 of us". This was before Ehtan made good on his threat and killed someone. So who died between the first night and when Hurley's census was taken?


    2. About this dinosaur-like creature - why doesn't it eat these people at all after capturing them? The pilot's corpse was pretty much fully intact up in the tree. You would think the creature would probaly eat them whole and all you might find are some bones, a watch and some buttons in its' dung a few weeks later.


    3**. Did anyone else notice the scene where they're showing Locke sitting alone on the beach when the voice-over says "And the people you meet... are not what they seem."

    That seems to be a little foreboding/foreshadowing/fore-something...

  7. Have you ever see this Sketch on SNL where Norm MacDonald is in a car wreck, Sly comes to his aid, and Norm rips on his movies. My favorite parts were the Over the Top jokes.




    Male Victim: Let me ask you something: What were you thinking when you made "Over The Top"?


    Stallone: What?!


    Male Victim: "Over The Top"! I mean, you had to arm wrestle a guy for the custody of your son, for God's sake!


    Stallone: Please save your energy..


    Male Victim: I mean, did you actually get that script and go around telling people, "Hey, this is a good one!"


    Stallone: Oh, come on, just drop it! Please.


    Male Victim: No, no, you're right. You know, it was an excellent movie, now that I think about it. After all, you know, it does combine the emotional drama of a custody child hearing with, uh.. ARM WRESTLING!!


    Stallone: [ angry ] That's enough!! [ ambulance sirens in background ]


    Male Victim: Whoa, hey! Hey, remember that movie "Kramer vs. Kramer"? Yeah, that was about child custody, too. Yeah, but it wasn't that good. I don't know, it was missing something, you know? Ah, what was it missing? I can't.. oh, wait! I know! Arm wrestling!

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