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Everything posted by linksfiend

  1. Yep - Tiger and Stricker are definitey the goats this time. They went a combined 0.5-4.5. A whole bunch of matches went to 18 this year, but here's two difference makers for you. If Stricker makes that 6'-putt on 18 on Saturday then if Tiger makes the 6-footer on 18 on Sunday, there are the two half-points we needed to change the score to 14.5-13.5 for us.
  2. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/football/ncaa/09/12/notre-dame-acc/index.html#ixzz26I7AB2OS
  3. With USA, Guatemala & Jamaica all at 7 points, Group A is going to come down to the last game (Oct 16) no matter what happens on Oct 12.
  4. Can you get adult beverages there? I'm thinking of checking out Chris Trapper if I can go have a few beers and listen to some music. Has anyone been there and bought drinks before?
  5. I have a mechanic friend who owns a repair shop and all he's owned in the last 10 years are Jeep Cherokees. He readily admits they aren't the most reliable vehicles but says he likes them because they're easy to work on and replacement parts are comparatively cheap.
  6. Yeah I was supposed to see them and Rage at Darien Lake in 2000. Never sent my tickets in for a refund neither.
  7. On Sale Today: Billy Bragg & Wilco - Mermaid Avenue: The Complete Sessions http://www.popmarket.com/details/26809125
  8. Starting off the day at a PreWard parade party. Making some Irish Coffee Milkshakes. Head down the Old First Ward for the Old Neigborhood Parade. Then stumble around the old bars for awhile
  9. 4 of 5. Missed the last one on Ron Paul.
  10. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/03/08/MNTL1NI2B6.DTL&type=tech
  11. I noticed that too. Both liquor and wine seemed to be noticeably less in CA - which seems counterintuitive to the high-tax paradigm for CA.
  12. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/hungryformore/2010/08/acerbic-manhattan-food-writer-gives-buffalo-some-love-.html http://blogs.buffalonews.com/hungryformore/2012/03/bistro-europas-love-of-lard-celebrated-on-gourmet-magazines-site.html
  13. Forget it tgregg, it's "Chinatown"
  14. che strozzarsi meazza
  15. I was implying the Jefferson Memorial itself is still the main attraction. The cherry blossoms are nice, but the Memorial itself was always my favorite. (Note: I haven't been there since the WWII or MLK memorials opened)
  16. Because they find Willard Scott more interesting than Jimmy Fallon????
  17. The Jefferson Memorial was always my favorite. If the Cherry Trees are blossoming - that's merely a bonus.
  18. There's also a second location on Southwestern Blvd in OP near BSG (Buffalo Sports Garden). Just went there for lunch on Wed to discover they closed it for two weeks for "winter break" Had to settle for Duff's where OP Rd and Union Rd merge. http://www.kentuckygregs.com/about_us
  19. Just queued up a bunch of old Replacements tracks on Spotify last week. It had been many years since I listened to my old Replacements albums/tapes.
  20. Might've been Mark Croce instead of Mark Goldman
  21. Mad Dog 20/20???
  22. The website below was quite handy when I was looking for Oktoberfest/Marzen beer in a can for an Oktoberfest party I threw. The facility I rented only allowed canned beer. http://www.craftcans.com/db.php?cat=style Otherwise, I don't drink canned beer too much - other than your mass-produced lager on the golf course. You guys might also find this interesting https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dc6shhjn_253fn3bfgcf&interval=1&autoStart=true
  23. I was gonna reply the same way. Until I scrolled down and read your post.
  24. I have a vague recollection of Dinosaur wanting to move into the Lafeyette Tap Room however many years ago. This was when the LTR moved from their old/current home over to Pearl St - where Century Grill is now - before moving back several years later. I vaguely remember Mark Goldman blocking it somehow becuase this was when D'Arcy McGee's chamged to a barbecue place before switching back to D'Arcy McGees again.
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