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Everything posted by linksfiend

  1. So ein Tag, so wunderschön wie heute, So ein Tag, der dürfte nie vergehn.
  2. I've heard that. And enjoy it. As well as this recent Boss remake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4TaVJzkA-4
  3. That's quite a claim. What's your source? How is an electric car any worse than a conventional car's gasoline or glycol coolant?
  4. Results by confederation UEFA: 10x winners, 15x runner-ups CONMEBOL: 9x winners, 4x runner-ups 2014 Semi-finalists: Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands
  5. Monday morning quaterbacking is easy. When most bookmakers gave us the worst odds of advancing from Group H (Germany 80-85%, Portugal @75%, Ghana @25%, USA @15-20%), I commend Klinsmann and the USMNT. However, what I can't figure out, is why bookmakers still offer "draw" odds in the elimination rounds http://sports.ladbrokes.com/en-gb/Navigation?dispSortId=1&context=bycountryandleague&byocList=|s11274
  6. That was my opinion as well. Some contact was made with Robben's left foot as it was planted and transitioning to his right foot. However, rather than continuing on, Robben doesn't even attempt to plant his right foot. He just throws it out to the side in a clear dive. Regardless, adios Mejico
  7. The announcer just said: "The Netherlands had something inside them and they squeezed it out. In another come-from-behind win."
  8. Joe Vs The Volcano I haven't seen it in years but I always used to stop channel surfing and watch the rest of that movie whenever I came across it.
  9. Scheiße - yeah I did some bad math in my head - I thought we tied Ghana on GF at 2-1 when actually we would've been -1.
  10. I will still stick with total ticket revenue. I'm certain MLS attendance would drop precipitously if their average ticket price equaled the average ticket price of the NHL or NBA.
  11. Not completely correct. USA would advance on "total points" in the draw case (USA has 4, Ghana & Portugal would have 2 each) Even with the USA losing 1-0, USA still would've advance if Ghana won 1-0 (on "total goals for") or if Ghana won 2-1 (on "head-to-head"). We would've been out if Ghana won by two or more goals, or if Ghana won 3-2, 4-3, etc.
  12. Chellini throws an elbow at Suarez after Luis bit him. It looked like Suarez was trying to sell the ref on an elbowing call. Typical theatrics. That does suck. After years of contemplating about finally following a BPL team, I decided to start following Liverpool after Fenway bought them in 2010. I detest Suarez and was hoping they'd move him during this transfer window.
  13. I sure hope he transfers to Barca. I hate rooting for him on Liverpool. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2665760/Luis-Suarez-way-Barcelona-summer-according-Spanish-newspapers.html
  14. I guess when he was discussing Italian weaknesses he was referring to blade steak a la Chiellini http://www.thescore.ie/italy-uruguay-world-cup-suarez-1533935-Jun2014/
  15. Suarez is arguably the most frequent diver in the BPL (and I'm a Liverpool supporter). I hope Uruguay advances on a controversial dive by Luis.
  16. Whoa - things have become pretty hostile here since I last checked in. But I do feel the need to address this average attendance issue that has resurfaced. First, there is no way that MLS is #3 in attendance. I'd have to think both NFL and FBS football have higher average attendance, as well as MLB, Nascar, IRL and the PGA, Regardless, average attendance is a really poor way to measure the popularity of a sport. When you play in larger stadiums, have less than half the number of games, and have ticket prices that are maybe half to one-third the cost, would all lead to higher average attendance per game. A better indicator would be total ticket revenue for the season. It's a purer measure of what the market demand is for a sport. I doubt MLS is on the same tier as the NBA or NHL in total ticket revenue. Finally "Americans can't live without commercials " is completely backwards thinking. Americans only endure commercials because of the popularity of the main program. I have never heard anyone complain there were too few commercials - ever.
  17. Ditto. That opening game really disgusted me and severely dampened my enthusiasm for the World Cup. Keep selling yourself that banal excuse. There's not much difficulty in understanding an abysmal lack of integrity and sportsmanship.
  18. Are you talking about the dive that resulted in the penalty kick? I can understand how the ref made that call. There was definitely contact between the left legs of both players. Although I do agree it was a dive because the Spaniard could've easily kept his balance since his right leg was his weight bearing leg at that point. But a tough call to make at full speed. Also - it is an Italian ref - so he should be competent
  19. Coffee brown lines in the top one. Then, when you scroll down to the second smaller one, some brown lines and some blue lines
  20. Even golf >> fútbòl. Witness the way Mahan just called a two-stroke penalty on himself today and Fitzpatrick called a penalty on himself yesterday vs. that crap with Brazil yesterday. It's revolting.
  21. Life imitates art. That game epitomized why most Americans think soccer sucks.
  22. I love that we're facing Germany and Portugal in the Group stage. I enjoy seeing how we perform against the best teams in the world more than whether or not we advance from the group stage. However, with Germany (my other rooting interest as my ancestral/heritage team) being in our group, it does make it difficult to watch two full games on Group G match days.
  23. Does anyone know where the linked article below gets this quoted stat: "The Democrat pointed to the high number of local governments spread throughout New York — 10,500 in all or one government for every 395 residents — as a leading source for the high property taxes." http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/news/2014/01/06/cuomo-0-corporate-tax-rate-on.html?page=all I've heard that one gov't per 395 residents stat before - but those numbers don't add up considering there are 19.4 million residents in NYS. Is this number outside NYC and Long Island? Does anyone here know the details?
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCqb-pVZ71s
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