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Dennis in NC

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Posts posted by Dennis in NC

  1. I tried those "chasers" pills that you take before you drink to avoid hangovers. Needless to say, they didnt work on a blood alcohol level 3x the human limit. 


    So I cooked 'em up and smoked them. No hangover!


    Hey Dingo! Is that Drew in your avatar? Is there a bigger picture of that image available somewhere???



  2. "There is a dark cloud right now, but I know the sun is going to shine on me eventually."


    From the headlines, I was afraid Travis was going to break into song!


    Like he's been watching the Annie video at Hadley's house... "the sun'll come up, tomorrow..."

  3. I love what I have read about Ezekial too!


    There seem to be few guys like him who play with real passion, real fire and intensity.


    I think it was his former NU coach who mentioned him in the same sentence as Butkus and Nietschke! Throwback baby! Grrrrr!

  4. Idon't believe there is either!


    TH wants a big long term deal to be a starting back. There is no way he gets that with 2 consecutive marginal years in a row. TH needs to play BALLS OUT football when the opportunity is presented this year or he will never be the #1 guy anywhere (barring injury).


    Me thinks even TH is smart enough to realize this and know that him holding out on the season will = him holding his hand out under a bridge or in a food line at a mission somewhere.


    And he might try asking his coach: "Excuse me, coach, but in your estimation, are there any facets of my game in which I could show improvement, such that I may became a COMPLETE runnning back? I believe that such improvement would benefit me greatly, such that I may secure a financial future for myself and my loved ones."

  5. This guy is a very interesting prospect. It seems like his negatives are all coachable.


    DE George Gause


    For not drafting much defense, the Bills have picked up a few excellent UDFAs in Gause, LB Ezekiel (can't wait to see him play!), and Jim Leonhard, who sounds like a ballhawk safety and ace punt returner.


    Folks can complain about the Bills draft, but don't forget these UDFAs!

  6. Another point here is that Mularkey & Co. seem unafraid to let rookies and other young guys play! So, even though Everett may be considered "raw", he will likely be given every opportunity to learn and soon contribute.


    Likewise with Roscoe, who at least has like 3 yrs as a starter (or as a contributor).


    I think it's a very exciting pair of new offensive weapons.

  7. Bills,


    Man I hope your pathetic excuse for a team goes 0-16 this year. I want every team to not only beat them but pulverize them beyond oblivion. I never felt this way about the Bills until they tried to justify not trading for LJ straight up and their pathetic draft that they just had.


    Bills fans are just a bunch of crying little whiney b1tches. I have never seen such pathetic fans as the Bills. I guess that is what happens to you though when everyone else in the AFC East has actually won a SUPER BOWL!


    Stinging words from a 13-year-old!


    He's mad because the Bills did not bite on Green trying to dump Shelton on us?


    BTW, Billsfan1, were you trolling there on the Cardinals board, stirring things up? Or did this teen fan just come up with his hatred of the Bills - oh, and their pathetic fans and their pathetic draft - all on his own?

  8. I think Travis shot himself in the foot a long time ago by deciding not to put much effort into blitz pickup, etc.


    It seems like his attitude (I can only guess, of course) is like "It's not my job. Let the fu*&in fullback pick up the blitz..."



    And BTW doesn't Hadley look a bit like Jim Rome?

  9. London Fletcher mold with a serial killer mentality and majors in CRIMINAL JUSTICE and got homesick so he gave up a scholarship at a 1-A school because he was homesick.


    The boy is CONFUSED!


    I can see that homesickness happening for an 18-yr-old. I would imagine he has grown up since then.


    I like the other posters' thoughts on motivating our kicker!

  10. Good luck, man.


    It seems sort of like teaching 9th grade around here, especially when the draft comes up and the guy these kids have a picture of in their locker is completely ignored (or not even traded up for!) by those people that occupy One Bills Drive.


    The principal, Mr Donahoe, really sucks, man.

  11. Donahoe plays it more like Chess than Poker (this is from someone who was once rated a Master in chess and beat a grandmaster once and made his living playing poker in college).  He thinks on multiple levels, he does feignts where he threatens a piece to make opponent react, he is willing to sacrafise pawns (Hemry) and rooks (Bledsoe) to obtain a win and he does not try to go with one strategy but a bundle of them keep the strategy close to the vest.


    Bravo, sir! A masterful explanation. Many thanks.


    The original poster is one of the new completely negative voices here at the wall. Not much fun to read, since everything's a bummer for him. I try to avoid his stuff, but sometimes I slip.

  12. clearly you really ddin't have a point.  what are you talking about anyways?

    i guess hes a special player but in more ways than the obvious one??????????


    Hey, so the Tipster is excited and he's typing too fast!


    You didn't get the point somehow? Some of our recent players display some versatility, the ability to play several positions.


    And... we have a coaching staff is that is not afraid to use them in multiple ways!


    Verstehen sie das point?

  13. I've got to say, there are some very solid players still around in the 4th.  Guys like Ben Wilkerson, Jason Brown and a guy who I really like, Antonio Perkins from Oklahoma.  Not to mention Michael Munoz, who could be an excellent pick-up as our 4th rounder.


    Its funny, I purposely stayed away from The Wall for Draft Day, thinking that people would be pretty happy with the picks.  How wrong I was.


    Pretty happy?


    Some of the "teen punks" are ready to jump off the friggin' Skyway.


    I know this is a place where the uninformed can have a voice, but some of these guys come so unhinged that it gets pathetic.


    And there certainly are some interesting guys left in the 4th (and beyond), especially some OL suitable for an OL coach that likes late pick type players.

  14. yep... willis is OJ all over again... so just like OJ, the Bills draft his buddies ... like al cowlings, chandler..... and the bills record will be reminiscent of taht era as well.  Oh well... no playoffs again.


    DeeRay, you are one completely negative individual.

    Someone makes a humorous comment about Willis running the show, and you dig up some negative analogy from 30 years ago.


    Jeez Louise, you gotta be shittin' me, man. Are you ready to leap out a window if your favorites are not selected tomorrow?


    Get a life, man. Take some happy pills! Have a drink. Get laid.


    Whatever is missing in your life needs to be filled in...

  15. I have faith that TD and the crew knows what the hell they are doing. With all the bitchin' about Roscoe, I thought folks would be very happy with Everett.


    Funny, but ESPN listed Everett as a WR when they talked about the pick.


    Roscoe's size is of some concern, but sometimes guys overcome that with great football instincts.


    Stop worrying - the Bills are in good hands.

  16. In all likelyhood, LJS would have been on the field starting for the Bills this year filling a much needed gap.  But NO, TD had to be a hardass and demand a swap of 2nd rdrs also.  I would have taken a playing body for a non-playing body any day of the week.


    No. In all likelyhood, LJS would be the 6th OL for the Bills, if you look back to the recent info on him. He is not an effective LT, and it is not wise to pay a backup RT $3 million bucks a year!


    So, "at least we would have a body" is a ridiculous notion when that body is an overpaid underachiever.

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