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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. IIRC, didn't the Bears sign K Doug Brien after they cut Edinger?
  2. It's been 99 or so here at midday for a couple weeks now. But I walk 2 miles at lunch time, and it's not too bad. The pool was too friggin' hot, though. Water was 94, like a bathtub. We opened up the spigot to add more water, and it was like opening a hydrant in the big city. A cool blast of 75 degree water! Has Buffalo never officially reached 100? Is that possible?
  3. Holy crap! I've got a nail in the middle of my forehead, too! Oh yeah, now I remember a few years ago... He must be an interesting guy, don't ya think? More of a Pats fan than a TSW type though. Your 85% comment got a LOL, though. Gracias.
  4. Back in the 70s, I was on the concert committee at ECC-North. We booked John Valby for a couple of our free 11 to 1 oclock lunchtime concerts. Man, was that a friggin' riot! 'Aye yi yi yi, your mother swims after troop ships..."
  5. Another great book along those lines, oh OK, it's in the water, but these 2 guys set out to cross the USA via water. They start from NYC, go up the Hudson, the Erie Canal, and so on. A couple brief portages, but just an incredible journey. The book is "River Horse" by William Heat Moon.
  6. Augh! There's that darn logic rearing it's head again!
  7. Quizno fans might be interested in the Spongemonkeys, who did those very odd (What the hell ARE those things?!) Quizno commercials a while back... Spongemonkeys
  8. I have not heard the latest Anka stuff, but I really enjoy this kind of genre shift. Has anyone heard of Richard Cheese??? He has a lounge sound, but does Offspring (Come out and play), Mystikal (Shake your ass), Prodigy, and many more. Great stuff. Another genre shifter of note is Hayseed Dixie, an as$-kickin' bluegrass band that does AC-DC, Snoop Dogg, among others. Fabulous stuff.
  9. Those "new" uniforms seemed to arrive at the same time as old Gregg-o showed up, and reminded me a lot of the Titans uniforms. The Bronco unis were even a step uglier than the Bills/Titans duds.
  10. There was a great article a few weeks back, but the link no longer works, so here is the article: Stars do post-grad work at UM field 'Canes in the NFL work out with current players. By Carlos Frias Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Friday, May 06, 2005 CORAL GABLES — To participate in football's toughest off-season workouts, you have to remember one rule: Everyone is treated the same at "The U." Former Miami Hurricane players frequently find their way back to campus to train alongside current players, some of whom are future NFL stars. Egos, bank accounts and reputations are checked at the door. MVP awards, national championship trophies and Super Bowl rings aren't going to move that barbell. Effort is the only currency. "Never forget where you came from," Buffalo Bills running back Willis McGahee said. One morning this week, he was one of six former Hurricanes in town, getting ready for the NFL season. McGahee was joined by Jeremy Shockey and William Joseph (New York Giants), Santana Moss (Washington Redskins), Bubba Franks (Green Bay Packers) and Chris Myers, drafted last month by the Denver Broncos. "I like working out with people I started out with," McGahee said. "We just push each other." NFL executives and teammates often grumble when they hear of a former Hurricane skipping voluntary team workouts to train in Coral Gables. Shockey, the Giants' tight end, endured a mini-soap opera in New York last week when teammate Eli Manning publicly asked him to train with his current team instead of returning to his alma mater. When Shockey made a two-day appearance at Giants' camp, his performance and conditioning closed the controversy. "He came up here last week, and he was in the best shape I've ever seen him," Giants General Manager Ernie Accorsi said. "He's not down there laying on a chaise longue." That's why Shockey quickly returned to UM's Fellowship of the Spring. "People around the NFL, they just try to keep you healthy," Shockey said. "Here, they push you with the young kids. It's a lot more aggressive." James began tradition Edgerrin James is the godfather of this program. He was the first to train regularly with former UM teammates, and did it after rushing for more than 1,500 yards in 1999, his rookie season with Indianapolis. His decision to work out with the 'Canes rather than in chilly Indianapolis peeved the elder Manning brother, Colts quarterback Peyton. But James dismissed the criticism and continued with his alma mater. The next season, he rushed for more than 1,700 yards, and word of his training program spread. Now, during any off-season, as many as 15 pros return to work out. Regulars include Reggie Wayne (Indianapolis), Sean Taylor (Washington), Ed Reed (Baltimore) and Jonathan Vilma (New York Jets). Redskins running back Clinton Portis, with the Broncos in 2002-03, irked coach Mike Shanahan by choosing to work out in Coral Gables instead of Denver. Part of the appeal is that current UM players are not awed by the famous alumni. "They come here because they're not celebrities here; they're family," UM wide receiver Ryan Moore said. "They don't have to worry about people coming up to them, watching them. They just do their thing." Shockey, who was drafted in 2002, remembers Ray Lewis and Warren Sapp working out alongside his teammates. "The kids are used to it," Shockey said. "They're not gawking or staring. They're working hard." OK, there are some stares when an $80,000 ride pulls into the parking lot. McGahee backed in his sparkling-new 6-series BMW, black with chromed-out 20-inch rims. Its powerful speakers put out so much bass that nearby windows shook. More than one college kid scrunched his face into a painful look that said, "That ride is too hot." But if a freshman asks for an autograph during a workout, he'll learn a harsh lesson. "That's just not done," UM lineman Alex Pou said. "They'll get on you pretty good for that." UM strength and conditioning coach Andreu Swasey maintains the serious tone, chewing out the pros when necessary, as if they still were students. "Everybody likes the glamour life, wants to feel special," Swasey said, "but they want to belong, too." Finding 'a brotherhood' The pros arrive in early April, lifting weights and running agility drills with UM players, who push their pro counterparts. "I think it's harder than the NFL," McGahee said. "These guys are hungry; they're at the stage where they're trying to get to the next level." The Hurricanes, young and old, drill with typical UM swagger and just the right amount of trash talk. "If you slack a little bit, they're going to let you know about it," former UM quarterback Derrick Crudup said. A trip to South Florida wouldn't be complete without a visit to "South Beach." That's what the players call the sand pit at the edge of the practice field, where Swasey puts them through intense agility drills in the blazing sun. Shockey came back for more this spring because he felt he had lost some of his edge. When he rejoined his Giants teammates briefly, he impressed onlookers. "Make no mistake: I'd rather have him here for the simple reason of 'team,' where Eli could throw to him," the Giants' Accorsi said. "That being said ... there's no question in my mind he's working." The Giants know the UM work ethic firsthand. In recent years, they have had several UM players, including Micheal Barrow, Jesse Armstead, Joseph and Shockey. "There are a lot of great programs in this country, but I have said for years I've never seen anything quite like the brotherhood at the University of Miami," Accorsi said. "I have just a great respect for them." Miami has put 21 players into the first round of the NFL Draft in the past five years, and 43 in the past 20 years. "It's no secret that when our guys go to the NFL, they are well-prepared physically and mentally," Swasey said. Devin Hester, UM's electrifying return man and cornerback, already has the NFL look down, from his eye-popping moves to the 22-inch chrome rims on his older Ford SUV. Seeing former 'Canes flock home only makes him appreciate the brotherhood more. "You can really see it's a great tradition," Hester said. "It's like a family. Once you're here, you can't stay away."
  11. Here is a link which was sort of buried on the sfgate page. 49ers training film - DOH! You'll need to have QuickTime, and it comes in 8 segments but it's easy to view.
  12. You can follow the original link and watch the video in 8 segments. It isn't all that funny IMO, but it is highly embarassing for the 49ers, especially since they seem to be looking for a fresh start with new coach and new QB. It shows a horrible lack of judgment. Which is stranger still because the film talks about "doing what is right" and "standing up for your actions" and all that good stuff. Whoever conceived and/or approved this "training film" should be fired IMO.
  13. Aw, geez, don't leave us hangin', man! What about the other 73 Giants? What numbers will THEY be wearin'??? The suspense is tearin' me up! And now, back to our show...
  14. If you have been maintaining your weight loss without exercising (a pretty good trick!), it seems to me that you could add a few beers to your diet, but just add in enough exercise to make up for the beer's carbs/calories... Bend that elbow, one and two... feel the beer!
  15. Exactamundo, Dr D! There was a very good articla on this a couple weeks back. These ex-Hurricanes are not exactly goofing off. U of Miami alumni workouts
  16. Why does Doug Flutie keep coming to mind in all of this? Did he ever play for the BC Lions?
  17. So, he was taken to "leading hospital in the area"... Oh, that sounds authentic, eh? Like mail addressed to "occupant". The "funeral fund" has got to be a scam. Crook, indeed.
  18. Office Space is one of my very favorite movies, one that I can watch any time. I did not realize there were boobs in it, and like our brothers here have stated, it must be a hell of a good movie if you fail to remember breast scenes. "Yeaaaah, Peter, we gonna kind of need you to come in on Saturday... Yeaaaah, that'd be great." Classic stuff (especially if you have ever worked in such situations). I can see where parents might not get it, though. Or might take offense here and there.
  19. Good spot, Udonkey. Take a look at the site itself, it's a bloody soccer "football" club. Here's the Google description: "lost that loving feeling - the leading independent Nottingham ... Regular articles, humerous features, detailed information and comprehensive coverage from the leading independent Nottingham Forest Football Club website. www.ltlf.co.uk/ - 39k - Cached - Similar pages " This must be one of their so-called "humerous features". Just more soccer hooliganism, most likely... The alleged stipulation by the Cambodian govt that no camersa were allowed would be pretty tough to pull off these days, what with tiny spy cams, etc.
  20. Do you worry about stepping off the curb and getting hit by a bus? Why are you looking for the worst of things to happen? Relax, man, left life play itself out. Geez Louise, do you think Willis is a whining wiener like Terrell Owens? Give him a break.
  21. Yikes, Lindsey was one of the most beautiful young women in the biz. Now, she's just another bony anorexic blond? Grossed out, you bet!
  22. I moved to St Louis the same year the Rams arrived from LA. They sucked bad for a year or 2, then won the super bowl. So I have some interest in them, but never at the expense of the Bills - no question. I dislike Mike Martz, and love to see him do stupid things (like fire Bobby April) and get threatened by Turley. When I lived in St Louis (I used to post as "Dennis in MO"), I got Sunday Ticket and they were giving away an NFL jacket as a premium for joining. The application form actually asked for a "2nd choice team". I thought What The Fu&%$#! How can you have a 2nd favorite team, such that you would actually wear their jacket??? I must have put "Rams" figuring I could sell the damned Rams jacket if they sent me one. But they are a distant second. No contest.
  23. Speed can certainly make a difference, as long as the guys have the other necessary skills to go with it. Our speed guys appear to have those skills as well. Antonio Brown did not seem to have much except for his speed. I wonder what Antonio is doing for a living now...
  24. Just the notion of obtaining T.O. is a bad idea. No matter how good a WR he may be, I would not want that personality on the team. The guy will not abide by the terms of a contract he signed last year. No thanks.
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