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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Maybe you need some professional counseling... Let it go, man, just let it go.
  2. But, coach, it's hot out here... and my tummy hurts! Maybe Manuel Wright should be playing for the sensitive Dick Vermeil...
  3. Boy, I long for the days when you could tune in to Jack Buck and Hank Stram doing the radio broadcast, and turn off the sound of the TV buffoons (probably Howard Cosell and Dandy Don Meredith at the time). Sigh...
  4. Dolphins rookie Wright breaks down during practice Holy crap! Remember the article about how many supple-"mental" draft players have issues? Well, here we go...
  5. That stiff arm move by Willis on Antuan Edwards was one of those priceless moments. Especially because Edwards had clobbered Willis out of bounds into some camera equipment earlier in the game. Edwards got canned shortly after that game and went to the Rams. Bills then played the Rams. It's too bad Willis didn't stiff arm him again in that Rams game...
  6. A "first day" pick, and from a team who may well finish quite poorly, so it could be a high 3rd rounder. 3rd rounders can be quite useful - you just have to spend it wisely, which I can expect TD will do. So, a pretty good deal for the Bills IMO. Travis was not going to be "a good insurance policy" for the Bills in 2005, so Tennessee is a fine place for the young lad to be.
  7. Well, DESIRE and keeping his weight above 240 pounds, apparently!
  8. It amazes me how people can get on a pro QB for being cocky... Maybe you'd prefer a humble QB, perhaps a young guy with a "deer in the headlights" disposition? Hmmmm?
  9. The Houston Gamblers logo is one of the coolest logos ever, with the Texas inside the "G", IIRC. Of course, I always watched those Gamblers games with a bittersweet taste, always hoping Big Jim would be with the Bills someday!
  10. The glaring example of non-blitz pickup was during one of his brief 2004 appearances. It seemed like a trend whenever he played, but maybe it was a few glaring times. I think mostly he just did not give a damn anymore. Henry on ST?! I can imagine a "it's not my job" attitude on his part, but maybe they won't even ask him to do that task. I liked Travis (heck, I even named my car after him back in 2001), but his total mental collapse when faced with competition by someone obviously better was just too much to stomach. When Tom Donahoe said it (trading TH) was like giving birth, how many of us understood what he meant?
  11. Yes, the TSA rules seem like window dressing. There are plenty of dangerous items which are OK to bring aboard. Have you ever snapped a CD in two? It becomes one or two pretty sharp knives... But the rules of engagement have certainly changed since 9/11. If a hijack begins, several folks are likely to take action, likely kill the guy, look around for any bad guy team mates.
  12. I hope McNair can still dodge the pass rusher Travis was supposed to block. Sure, Travis could carry the ball, but there are several other RB duties at which he performed very poorly. I'm happy to see him go. I'm sure Ma Henry still thinks Travis is a better RB than Willis. Good luck to the "bowling ball with knives sticking out of it", as some tacklers described him a few years back.
  13. A guy who begged for an extension because he spent all his money unwisely. Traded to a team that WANTED him? Can you picture Shirley Temple here with that pouty look? "Oh I'm ever so mad at that mean Mr Donahoe! How can he treat me this way? Drafting a better player at MY position? I'm so mad!" Travis' expression on the sidelines said "I hate this team" more than any words could express. I'd prefer a player who will COMPETE HARDER, not get mad. I think the Bills mental toughness quotient went up a notch when Mr Henry got his wish to be traded.
  14. These clowns are flat-out frekin' lucky that anybody reads (and quotes as gospel) their POS web site... It probably is some loser living in his mom's basement.
  15. Holy crap! What is this - Jason Peters' cousin??? Sprinter speed (4.35) in a 350-pound package??? Here's your new TE! PS: I know, I know, the 4.35 is a rating, not a 40 time. But, at first glance...
  16. Steve, you ignorant slut! (Sorry, just had to throw in the old SNL bit) I am happy to see Travis go because he is a guy who could get his QB killed with his "it's not my job" style of blitz pickup. I was amazed last year, when Travis came in for a few plays, how shabbily his so-called blitz pickup was performed. He was a fine runner when the Bills ran that horrible Kevin Gilbride pass-happy garbage. Third and 2? You pass, of course! I think a 3rd rounder (from a fairly poor, maybe rebuilding team) is just fabulous compensation for Henry.
  17. One of the most vile recent commercials, IMO, is an AllTel ad where a woman is choking in a restaurant. When she recovers, she says she can't believe the deal on Alltel cell phones, etc. That's what she was choking about. Then another person starts choking. Pretty foul stuff, especially if you know anyone who has ever actually choked to death (or nearly so).
  18. I used to use Earthlink and had nearly zero spam - it was very rare. As soon as I got Cox, I started getting tons of spam (without using my address freely in public sites). It seemed like someone at Cox was selling the addresses. But we all have the option of sending that trash to the Federal Trade Commission at this address: spam@uce.gov (UCE is "unsolicited commercial email", spam's polite name) You can cc your ISP as well, the address varies a bit, like spam@your-isp.com or maybe abuse@your-isp.com It's good to have someplace to forward the crap emails...
  19. Hey, best wishes to our little Fishfan buddy. Get well soon. Enjoy the soft diet (that's all the ice cream you can eat, right?)
  20. For most countries, putting together a baseball or softball team would be much like the novelty of the Jamaican bobsled team. How many countries have baseball teams? Probably just the Central/South American countries to give their kids a chance to get out of the barrio and make some yankee dollars. Japan plays, too, maybe Korea? American puppet countries mostly. If baseball gets in the olympics, then horseshoes and ballroom dancing should get in, too. I heard some rumblings about ballroom being an olympic "sport". Don't know the status of that.
  21. What I find offensive is the treatment that some contemporary singers give to the anthem, embellishing it with all sorts of frills meant only to glorify the singer and her "style". Those clowns really piss me off. Now, Jimi, OTOH, served in the Army, and was a master of his instrument. I was at Woodstock when he played that, and it was like 9:00 Monday morning after the rain-delayed sunday show lasted all night. Jimi closed the show, but there were not very many people left. I was bummed that it was Jimi and the Band of Gypsies or whoever (Buddy Miles, et al). The Jimi Hendrix Experience had been an incredible band, but the later bands were just some black-power types taking advantage of Jimi.
  22. Hey, this is fun! http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=bledsoe blase bleeder be lost Sounds like "El Statue"...
  23. Kind of odd, you know, this Walton guy could have bought a 747 or an old F-15 or something to tool around in. Why fly a frickin' ultralight???
  24. Geez, Riddler, you mean you didn't use the snappy come back: "and your Patsies' QB's first 3 letters are only one letter "N" short of something that helps you take a dump?" What a fun and insightful guy...
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