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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. The Fox announcers talked about how JP patted the ball (once) just before he threw the INT, and how that gesture telegraphs the QB's actions to the defenders. Now, where would JP have learned a bad habit like that from, hmmmm? I have never noticed him do it, maybe it was just that once. I have never looked for it though. Has anyone noticed JP pat the ball?
  2. I wish the players would just STFU until they actually achieve something. 238 yards rushing (last time I heard) by the Falcons. The Bills D sure talks a good game. ST sucked again today. Well, underachieved at least. ST can't be counted on when the other 2 phases let the team down.
  3. Wow, Bill, did you sit down at the piano when you heard the Travis news? You have some real bitterness. Maybe something in a bluesy vein would work also. I am also happy that Travis wears another team's uniform.
  4. I have to agree with you there, SB12. Pretty foolish stuff, just because the guy has a STD. Sophomoric, I suppose, would be the correct term. Mrs Grundy, are you out there somewhere?
  5. Football is the ONLY sport for me, thank you.
  6. The Texans dropped a couple of JP passes as well. The Bucs had a couple of opportunities for INTs, but dropped them. Weird...
  7. If the defense had been able to STOP either the Bucs run or pass, they would not have been on the field so long! If you keep allowing new 1st downs, you will be out there all day!
  8. You may have just coined a new name for our pre-season whipping boy, Friggin' Josh! He was the only WR that came through for the Bills today! (Shades of Friggin' Lonnie...)
  9. Have to agree, PTR. Willis looked quite unimpressive, like where is the friggin' BLOCKING? Dammit! JP was not "benched" as punishment, but more to see what was going on with Bucs Defense. It seemed to help, because he came back in and did much better.
  10. Reed was the lone bright spot today. Go figure. Losman came on pretty well after Holcomb played one series. But it was too late by then.
  11. The defense must have been reading their press clippings about how fabulous they are. They really sucked today. Can't stop the run, not even close. And Tampa has 2 young OGs, so it's not a powerhouse OL by any stretch. Missed tackles, geez, it looked like a bunch of Coy Wires out there today. Crowell seemed useless as Fletcher's backup. Special teams sucked today, too. No big returns, crappy punting. A total team loss. Very disappointing. They came close (except for final 5 min) to gaining less yardage that last week's pathetic Texans.
  12. That was a great story! Didn't some Bills fans have "51" Bills jerseys with "Spikes" on the back? Those are some forward-thinking fans!
  13. You have my deep sympathy as well. I have a cat who means an awful lot to me. He has been freaked out for a couple weeks since a fat 4-foot rattlesnake visited our yard!
  14. Among "easy to tackle" players, it always seemed like RB Shawn Bryson was one of the easiest. Weird, too, because he was a 230-pound RB/FB type. Nice man, very fast, but went down so easily with contact. Still with the Lions, though.
  15. You guys should see the hilarious ad for a Tucson Ford dealer. The dealer is yelling out "Free Cardinals tickets! Free Cardinals tickets!" Denny Green comes up and says, "why are you giving tickets away, when the Cards are pushin' for the playoffs?!" Pretty damned funny, just the thought of it...
  16. Amen, brother. I wish they would can that Hank Williams crap. I hope maybe they were auditioning that other hick with his song. Probably not though. And speaking of inappropriate music, how about that crappy Jessica Simpson God Bless America or whatever the hell she was trying to sing yesterday. THAT is their friggin 9/11 tribute???
  17. All we fans could really judge by was the way Bledsoe looked when something happened, by the expression (or lack of same!) on his face. Drew never appeared as if he gave a damn when stuff went wrong. You can call that attitude "level-headed" or "even-keeled" or whatever, but in an emotional game like football, the QB needs to have some fire in his belly. I love what JP brings to this Bills team.
  18. Carr also said that he had not been this overwhelmed as a QB since the 3rd grade! Ouch!
  19. Molson Canadian lager for me, thanks. Labatt's Blue is another posssibility. Cheers!
  20. Yeah Ohio U! Next week, I think he visits Lincoln, Nebraska, so "rotsa ruck, Wanny!"
  21. The tiny bit of the game I watched featured K Collins overthrowing their fast WR Alvis Whitted a couple times. Geez, Kerry, the guy would have to run a 3.8 40 or be 8 feet tall to catch those things...
  22. Congrats, NJ! My wife and I got married in Buffalo, but honeymooned in the Bahamas 16 years ago. We had a visit from Hurricane Hugo, too! Had to stay huddled in our room! Woo-hoo!
  23. I figure it was Drew Bledsoe being mocked, so it's not so hard to take. Picked off by the king. Maybe they should have one where the king sacks Drew because DB can't move out of his highness' way...
  24. That sucks, Jeff, but at least they gave you some time to find a new gig. Very often, the reaper just visits with a box, a security guard and a half-hour notice. I got laid off once where a new manager said: "...and it's my job to tell you that you no longer have a job" (or snotty words to that effect).
  25. This reminds me of Marc Cohen's "Walking In Memphis". To paraphrase: Tell me are you a Raiders fan, I said "Ma'am, I am to-night!" Pretty much a long shot, though, I'm afraid. Mr Wonderful and his merry band of players will keep all the latter-dat Pats fans licking the Patsies shoes...
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